Adding to this list to expand on ship or set abilities consoles don't show up or work in radial menu: 1. T1 romulan warbird console from c store doesn't work 2. graviton pulse console 3. breen set abilities 4. Jem Hadar set abilities
Can confirm this happened to my character as well. Hit 20, went to the chancellor but no quest update, no token, no redirect to shipyard. Went to shipyard and had no token to get a ship. Ended up getting a vandal destroyer anyway bc plasma leach is win, but this would make 20 to 30 a big pain otherwise!
When? Was this weeks ago or this week? There is a dev post in this thread about it and the resoluyion. As far as I know support are the ones to help with this.
I'm playing on console now after 6 years on pc because my friends that played on pc have moved on to different games. Not to mention having everything on pc got really boring. So I elected to start over and play with my console friends in a game that I don't have the established bank to get my new characters whatever they…
Just got the response from support. They closed my ticket, no action. I directly asked them if they stood by fraudulent transactions on the exchange. The response was "we can't compensate you or reimburse you for this". So apparently Cryptic is ok with scams!
Pretty much that is the scam skullbits. The jerk player got the t6 fix used that box and sold the bugged one like a t6 ship. A player saves up and buys it, opens it, and gets a t5. They are out millions and no t6. When they make a ticket for support, support is responding with "everything is perfect lalalala!" By that…
I'm hoping the patch will do a check on a player's ship inventory and if it sees a t5 jem hadar ship or galor with no matching t6 version, the t6 version is granted. I hope this happens because players are selling the bugged t6 boxes on exchange for 50+ million and they are granting t5 ships. Supports stance is this is ok…
Yeah both were unbound. Both have the label of a T6 ship. But if you get one off exchange, you are out 10s of millions of EC. When you reach out for assistance, the support team takes special pleasure in telling you about the bug but won't resolve the issue.
T5 jem hadar boxes do not exist on console. The only jem'hadar ships available are all labeled t6. This is definitely a problem cryptic needs to own up to and fast.
Lesson to everyone on console, don't buy T6 ships from exchange! There is no telling what you will get and support will not help you. You can't get around them. Zero faith left in this company.
Proof support doesn't have a clue whats up with their own game: "Hello, This ticket was escalated to me for further review and I apologize for any frustration caused by this issue. I've looked over various activity logs and can confirm the following took place: Character "Brun" received two "Special Requisition Pack -…
This jus takes the cake... i don't care what happens to my account now. This is just I don't know what the word is... just read this response: "Hello, This ticket was escalated to me for further review and I apologize for any frustration caused by this issue. I've looked over various activity logs and can confirm the…
It was the dreadnought t6. If you watch the video full screen, the window that pops after opening the box would have additional text stating it was the t6. The stats would be different too. From my interchange with support, it is evident someone sold a bugged box on the exchange for 50 mil. Support isn't doing anything…
When you unbox it will tell you that it is a jem'hadar dreadnought carrier. The other packs open as jem'hadar dreadnought carrier(t6). I can grab a screenshot, but the point is customer support tells me the box was bugged and gave a t5 as it should have. They themselves confirmed it was bugged, yet do nothing to fix the…
I have had about 5 or 6 exchanges with support so far on this and keep getting the run around. The person handling the case can't see the difference between the heavy escort and dread. I have asked for the reversal, but they won't do that. They are sticking to I should have known better. It is enraging and frustrating. My…
Agreed, Dave. It is something Cryptic has to fix one way or another. How would one get this through to support to actually get a resolution if they can't understand this? Link to the event in question. Occurred 9/23 00:41 am CST. This was several hours after the remediation to my account for the Keldon and Heavy escorts I had. Support still maintains that I don't get the t6 dread as it isnt a lobi ship purchase. Can't claim a person scammed me because it is…
Thanks Dave for clearing up the OP part. At this point, I just want the whole deal to be reversed. Either the money back or the T6. This whole thing is killing any enjoyment out of STO for me.
I purchased the t6 dread for 50 mil off exchange. Support confirms the box was bugged. It gave me a t5. Uploading vid to youtube will provide link when its up. Edit in youtube link of issue. This occurred 9/23 00:41 CST:
There are no t5 ship boxes of the dreadnought on ps4. This happened AFTER they gave out replacements. Still a scam by support. I have video unboxing it as well if you want to go there.
The response from support tells a different story from the developers. "Hello, Thank you for the update. The stated developer resolution was set to be done for ships purchased for Lobi. As of that fact, your character was sent the corrected T6 boxes, whish we are seeing one opened and the extra posted and removed from the…
You tell me this is not fraud. This is a direct quote from support : " Thank you for the update. The stated developer resolution was set to be done for ships purchased for Lobi. As of that fact, your character was sent the corrected T6 boxes, whish we are seeing one opened and the extra posted and removed from the…