Yeah this mission was a lot of fun. I ran it on elite, and as hard as it was, it had a really chaotic dogfight/furball feel to it. Now if only we could invert...:P
I think because the warbirds get the singularity powers (quantum absorption, Warp Shadow and singularity jump) is the reason that they took that defense bonus off. Those power giving a surprising amount of defense.
The DD is a great ship, and if I was an Eng I probably would have used it. As a Tac officer sticking with the Mogai seems to be the best course of action, for me at any rate. I will say the DD is a great tank. I 'd take the DD over a fed cruiser, lvl to lvl, any day.
All in all, its a great expansion. The Romulan mission set is very engaging and, as annoying as the final wave of the Defense of New Romulus was, I was sad when I completed the chain. The warbirds are by far my favorite ships and they seem to follow the "Romulan" way of thinking and playing. Keep up the good work. I look…
I did it in a Mogai, full cannon build. Took me 6 respawns on elite. I ended up suiciding into into the open shield facing on the command ship while it was firing that stupid death beam. They need to buff your ally ships, or get rid of them entirely. They aren't really any help anyways. Oh, and modify the constant "focus…
I did it in the Mogai after wiping repeatedly in the DD. Full cannon build. I had to respawn 6 times on elite. This one could use a buff to your allies as they drop way to fast to be useful. Just sneak in alpha the command ship and cloak out.