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Personal opinion on Legacy of Romulus

silvertriggersilvertrigger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Lets start with the good, because there is more of it then the bad.

You guys raised the bar on voice acting and plot line. The story and characters are far more alive then anything else seen before in STO, which makes the romulun campaign hard to put down, and hard to let go of bridge officers you have come to know unlike the federation and klingon campaigns!

Your missions are far more cinematic and well played out. With epic events and huge props and effects it can be mind blowing the first time through, my only regret is that I can't play the first mission again as it was one of my favorites.

Your shuttle mission was fantastic! A welcome addition and a great breakthrough in apply what you boys and girls have learned to do with the tools at hand, giving us the most epic shuttle mission yet, with hope for even greater things to come!

Your environments are far more epic and detailed. With great effort put into making it feel as alive and real as you could, and I for one am happy to see that effort, over all this time, has shown in this, all you have learned put to use with fantastic effect!

The Romulan ship interiors are far better then the federation ones. Which I believe are far to large, open, and devoid of detail, the smaller hallways and shorter ceilings of the Romulan ships feels more like TNG, TOS, etc, then the federation and klingon interiors.

Sadly it's time for the bad....
With the expansion came a lot of bugs that should never have made it past the testing phases, but somehow still did, it brings to light a question. How. How did these large unmissable bugs make it into the final release? Was there to much to do and not enough time? or did they only crop up after full release?

Regardless there here and quite annoying, but I have faith you will roll out the larger ones in quick order, and the smaller ones over a long period of patches that comes after every major expansion.

Overall I loved what you have done and find no faults with the gameplay, missions, story, etc, itself, so thank you and please do go back and redo all the federation stuff as stated in the recent interview, that would be grand!
Post edited by silvertrigger on


  • azyurionazyurion Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lets start with the good, because there is more of it then the bad.

    Agreed! Overall, I'm loving my LoR experience. As you've noted the acting, back story and visuals have been above average and compelling.

    However, like most LoR players, I'm experiencing some frustration at the sheer number of bugs and bad mission design. After all, wasn't there a super secret, uber, select, closed beta, testing phase before the open beta weekend event? The majority of this issues should have been addressed prior to release. In any case, its a sure bet that patches will keep flowing and LoR will eventually work as intended.
  • spectrfangspectrfang Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All in all, its a great expansion. The Romulan mission set is very engaging and, as annoying as the final wave of the Defense of New Romulus was, I was sad when I completed the chain. The warbirds are by far my favorite ships and they seem to follow the "Romulan" way of thinking and playing.

    Keep up the good work. I look forward to what is to come.
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First time I went to the Nimbus zone, I loved it! Though it kinda reminded me of Tattoine in SW:KOTOR lol

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The closed Beta was a mistake, there wasn't enough full scale testing time taken but it was trial and error and now they know for next time.

    I was pissed as all hell when the Romulan Specific mission content was over. The new content is so beyond the older content that while you're doing that first half it REALLY feels like a whole new game. I'd really love to see them take the next season update and overhaul all the older content so it's on par with the new.

    Nimbus III actually feels alive, like it's a real city with real people and everyday survival. I'd love to see a couple of the instances for it be converted for end-game as a social hub map where you can go back to the club, fight in the arena or bet on fights, and maybe just expand on the city a bit more to add a second hand ship parts store. It still needs more vendors and a bank and exchange consoles.

    The only real disappointment with the LOR content is that there are no Romulan Fleet bases, this is by far the biggest mistake they've made, and hopefully one that will be corrected extremely soon. Even if it is only an Interior/Exterior map costume for FED/KDF bases, that's still good enough.
  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well I'm impressed as well. While there are a few nitpicks here and there, overall the missions are great (fix defense of new romulus) and the ships are nowhere near as gimmicky as I feared they would be. I especially like that a mission gets you a full level now, at least before lvl 40. I hated playing fed before since you had to go looking for xp outside of episode missions after about lvl 15 or so. That really broke the flow of the story arc IMO.

    The mistake was stopping the closed beta at lvl 20-21. Things like the perpetually repairing allies in defense of new romulus would have been spotted by any beta tester.
  • vaithhvaithh Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Had a great time, some of the best missions / Cinematic setups of the entire game. Reminds me of the early Matrix Online gameplay, with the integrated videos, voice acting and other features of the mission.

    Really makes playing the new faction a bit more fun.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I found out about LoR about 3-4 weeks ago and i was actually really psyched for it. I had almost forgotten about it when the day before release someone mentioned it on the SWTOR forums so i made preparations to download it etc.

    Once i was in i liked the little changes they made, and all the little details they added. New background music, help hints, and of course a new storyline. BUT just like most people i started to find Tovan a little intrusive. The more i pay attention to his actions the more i hated the way he was designed and written in. The second thing was the fleet action missions or the ones where you have a friendly NPC to help you out. The massive shuttle battle on that one planets surface with the walkers and then of course Devils Choice. I feel like too much emphasis was put on these friendly NPCs helping you win a battle. I managed to beat both of those without spending a lot of time on them but they were still frustrating. Right now i'm at Starbase Sierra 39 and the storyline leading up to that point kinda made me lose interest. A lot of the stuff was good, but i think they overdid a few things too.
  • marksamuelsonmarksamuelson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think they did a pretty good job getting the bugs worked out. I kept a log the first time through the open beta and as I went back to confirm the bugs a second time around they were already fixed. There are still a few that I've seen, but I don't think it is as bad as you're making it sound, but that is just my opinion though. There is so much that I love about the new content that it is hard for me to complain about the minor issues I've observed.:cool:
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lets start with the good, because there is more of it then the bad.

    You guys raised the bar on voice acting and plot line. The story and characters are far more alive then anything else seen before in STO, which makes the romulun campaign hard to put down, and hard to let go of bridge officers you have come to know unlike the federation and klingon campaigns!

    Okay for the most part I will agree, the story and following thereof was very much more lively than Fed/KDF. And very hard to put down. One the other hand. . .

    I was very disappointed that there was no reunited cut scene/other with Tavok and Rhinna the sister? If I spelled that right. Also the Reman female bridge officer you get, what about her father? allot is still missing from this story line they created. There's really no ending, happy, sad or otherwise. There definitely needs to be some sort of ending with these story line characters you receive ( At least story wise) and play a continuation of the thereafter.
    That would in a sense make them easier to let go if you wanted to switch out your Bridge Officers. .
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