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Defense of New Romulus question

joshjpeter2joshjpeter2 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Currently, I just finished "The Last Stand" mission, and what I've been hearing about the last mission of this arc is troubling. I'm a Lvl 34 tac right now, and I'm wondering if I should wait to play this mission until I level up to subadmiral and get a new ship (I'm considering the Ha'Feh as that seems the closest to an escort.) I'd just like an opinion on this.
Post edited by joshjpeter2 on


  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It doesn't really hurt to try. Some people get the encounter and think it's no big deal. The ground mission leading into it is also pretty nifty and worth doing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you come back after trying thinking it's a bit of hyperbole on the criticism.
  • mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Pfft. I'm waiting until they fix it. Mind you, I'm taking my time with the new content, so it'll be a while until I reach that point. I played Defense of New Romulus on Tribble, and apparently it hasn't changed at all since then.

    You can probably beat it with your current stuff, if you have the right approach, and a lot of patience and luck. Getting geared up would help a bit. Or get a team.

    The mission is too immersion breaking for me as it is. The allies get wiped out very quickly, leaving you to fight a monstrous fleet essentially by yourself. All you have to do is destroy the command ship, but it's buried in a sea of enemies, including a couple dreadnaughts and a few battleships and lots and lots of other nastiness. Facing that situation, I'd save my crew and head out to join a Fed/KDF fleet someplace, and hope that New Romulus has a good evacuation plan.
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It took me an hour plus. It became shot a bit, then respawn, shoot, respawn. I took out the smaller ships that were spamming support craft and worked my way up from there. It did suck when they all spawn camped me.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Peronally I have purposefully not done two of the missions due to the time and bugginess factor involved. The atmospheric mission takes forever to do so I skipped that and devils choice is the one I believe folks are complaining about with the friendlies dieing too quick.

    Doing Turnaround with the gas effect doesnt really effect you that much so is perfectly doable without respirators as well.

    When I have a lot of spare time though I will get back to those missions even if it is as a VA.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • valarauko43valarauko43 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think you should do the mission before it gets "nerfed". I did it at about the OP's level in the D'Deridex (the free one) and I only needed to respawn twice. The thing is to remember that the big "D" is not an escort. Use 3 BA, 1 torp. fore and 2 BA, 1 torp. aft. That aft torpedo, on autofire, will make enemies that "jump" behind you wish they had stayed where they were. Use hit and run tactics. Cloak early, cloak often. It took nearly two hours but when I was a new player (a year ago) I spent that much time fighting fewer enemies as a fed (IRW Rea and mogai anybody?). I have no idea who defeated "the command ship" because I saw more than one. I spent a good twenty minutes fighting one of them, then spent another twenty minutes fighting a dreadnaught. The rest of my time was spent fighting support craft,escorts and frigates. I dragged (they chased me) enemies all the way back to near the starting point and by the time I made it back to where I should have been the fight was over. It was epic and imho one of the best missions in the whole game on any side. The feds and klingons don't get to have this much fun. The closest thing to this mission on the klingon side is the Fek'Ihr Kar'fi and its support craft. Just remember an aft torpedo, no cannons, and don't try to kill the mob all at once. Own it, and have fun before they take it away.
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I didn't really have a BIG problem with it, but I did spawn a few times.
    I mostly just kited them out so that I could fight a few at a time and not have the whole group shooting me at once. I found it easier to steer the kited group towards Fed and KDF fleets that healed during fighting. This is the same tactic we used to use back in the old days when the STFs were long.
    I did it in the T3 Mogia since I didn't like flying the DD.

    I have gone back at each rank since then to get singularity cores at each rank. It gets easier over time.

    Hope this helps.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did it in the T3 Mogia since I didn't like flying the DD.

    Have to give you props for doing it in the Mogai. It's so much easier with the D'deridex since you get access to the Singularity Jump to hop out of the cones of doom.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    d'dreidex is probably the easiest one to do it in, load up on hull eaters, plasma. fill eng slots with heals (recommend epts1x2, rsp1x2, auxto struct2. and last slot whatever, i used aceton beam 2) and run when necessary. HE1 and 2 for the sci, tt 1 and 2 for tac

    along with the singularity abilities makes a very tough deri to kill.

    i worked the edges until the last wave, then pulled the command ship out of the pack and killed it while allies kept the rest occupied. no deaths. i did run away a lot, heal up, come back in, was a long mission. at least until i got the command ship alone, after that is was just a matter of wearing it down. by itself it's not so uber:D
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • spectrfangspectrfang Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did it in the Mogai after wiping repeatedly in the DD. Full cannon build. I had to respawn 6 times on elite. This one could use a buff to your allies as they drop way to fast to be useful. Just sneak in alpha the command ship and cloak out.
  • talonkuro1talonkuro1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was in the double D and the mission was a beast. The first and second waves were ok, the third was rough. But to quote someone else in another thread on this mission. It's 'sneaksneakBOOM' and that's for any Rom ships. It got easier once I took out one of the battleships and dreadnaughts. Then I could work on slowly burning down the command ship. And yes, dying and exploding at point blank range is a very viable tactic. So unless you are really good at DPS or tanking, expect to die a lot in the final wave. But it is doable.
  • azyurionazyurion Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Currently, I just finished "The Last Stand" mission, and what I've been hearing about the last mission of this arc is troubling. I'm a Lvl 34 tac right now, and I'm wondering if I should wait to play this mission until I level up to subadmiral and get a new ship (I'm considering the Ha'Feh as that seems the closest to an escort.) I'd just like an opinion on this.

    Defense of New Romulus is one of the worst examples of mission creation I've ever encountered in any game. One wonders exactly what the team and their crack, specially selected group of "LoR Closed Beta" testers were doing, because they definitely were not testing and reporting back on the epic fail of this particular mission.

    Besides the absolutely ridiculous powers of every elachi ship, big or small, in relation to the player, there are serious issues with the collision detection and physics (you'll love wayching your allies get stuck to you or others in the formation as they move...or when your eject plasma run gets stopped dead as your box gets "stuck" on an enemy box and your run is wasted) Oh and there is the unbreakable, focused elachi aggro on the player (even stealth and distance won't break it). Finally, there is the simply -bleeping- spawn differential between the player's npc cohort and the elachi (the allied respawn is about 1 to 2 random ships which enter within the elachi formation and are eaten in succession...over and over).

    In my multiple runs through this awful mission, I have literally watched the final elachi group of redonkulously op'd dreadnaughts and command carrier eat the entire group of npc allies while I was waiting to respawn. Of course the player respawning is a blessing for the npc allies as every elachi ship will begin focusing on the player, either shooting, or intercepting to shoot.

    As you can see, I did not enjoy that mission and I would at the least advise you to level up first, or wait for these geniuses to fix the mission. I'm about ready to end this ranting advice post, but let me say that these poorly tested and configured New Romulus arc missions convinced me to boycott premium purchases until they are resolved.

    Good luck with your epic arc run.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    azyurion wrote: »
    Defense of New Romulus is one of the worst examples of mission creation I've ever encountered in any game. One wonders exactly what the team and their crack, specially selected group of "LoR Closed Beta" testers were doing, because they definitely were not testing and reporting back on the epic fail of this particular mission.

    Besides the absolutely ridiculous powers of every elachi ship, big or small, in relation to the player, there are serious issues with the collision detection and physics (you'll love wayching your allies get stuck to you or others in the formation as they move...or when your eject plasma run gets stopped dead as your box gets "stuck" on an enemy box and your run is wasted) Oh and there is the unbreakable, focused elachi aggro on the player (even stealth and distance won't break it). Finally, there is the simply -bleeping- spawn differential between the player's npc cohort and the elachi (the allied respawn is about 1 to 2 random ships which enter within the elachi formation and are eaten in succession...over and over).

    In my multiple runs through this awful mission, I have literally watched the final elachi group of redonkulously op'd dreadnaughts and command carrier eat the entire group of npc allies while I was waiting to respawn. Of course the player respawning is a blessing for the npc allies as every elachi ship will begin focusing on the player, either shooting, or intercepting to shoot.

    As you can see, I did not enjoy that mission and I would at the least advise you to level up first, or wait for these geniuses to fix the mission. I'm about ready to end this ranting advice post, but let me say that these poorly tested and configured New Romulus arc missions convinced me to boycott premium purchases until they are resolved.

    Good luck with your epic arc run.
    I was there, and yes, there was a lengthy discussion about this. And no... the devs DID listen to feedback. A LOT of bugs got fixed in beta and never made it live.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    it needs to be brought up we (beta testers) did nto even get access to these missions and the rest of the content untill a week before open beta

    that was 3 weeks to play through the content and try and find bugs a lot where found and a lot where fixed. sadly they just had a set date for LoR to launch it really need another week or to of testing before going live
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    it needs to be brought up we (beta testers) did nto even get access to these missions and the rest of the content untill a week before open beta

    that was 3 weeks to play through the content and try and find bugs a lot where found and a lot where fixed. sadly they just had a set date for LoR to launch it really need another week or to of testing before going live
    I think it was 2 actually... Not completely sure though. But yeah... This mission only got raged about for a short time before LoR went live.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This mission is junk. Clearly below virtually every single grinder that Cryptic went out of their way to nuke out of the foundry (remember folks, reading blocks of text for 45 minutes is gameplay, playing the game is not). Like, I don't even know how a sane person could argue "Defense of New Romulus" is better than those, by even the widest stretch of defining a good mission.

    Not that those were good either but at least they functioned as designed. This is like a grinder work in progress that someone published by accident.

    Sure, it's beatable. If you want to retreat and sit on your butt every couple of minutes and spend twice as long beating this as any reasonable length mission in the game should be.

    That doesn't make it designed properly just because it can be beaten. Anyone that doesn't see that is kind of slow, or is just missing the point on purpose.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think it was 2 actually... Not completely sure though. But yeah... This mission only got raged about for a short time before LoR went live.

    could of been 2 weeks i'll be honest my judgement of time is not that great
  • abyssinainabyssinain Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It doesn't help seeing that the elachi are simply the most annoying enemy in the game, here are their abilities Ive counted up.

    1. Weird shutdown torps that also reduce your shield's effectiveness
    2. Their own version of viral matrix which is very effective at ****ing all of your systems.
    3. Boarding party III
    4. An uber cannon on even tiny escorts than can hit for up to 10k damage normally, or if you're unlucky can slam you with crits upwards of 40k damage.
    5. A version of subspace jump that they can use, it seems, every 15 seconds or so.
    6. Bigger ones can spit out a metric **** ton of fighters all with torps of their own.
    7. Can see straight through singularity jumps, warp shadows, cloak (sometimes), and will engage at distance.
    8. Torpedo High Yield (III i think)
    9. Odd crescent cannons whose energy type is unclear

    On the ground:

    1. They can spawn incredibly annoying robots from aoe damage bots to flamethrower bots to stasis turrets that teleport/freeze you.
    2. Move around constantly
    3. Commanders can spam subspace rifts like crazy which basically blind you, hold you, and chip away at your health.

    No single enemy type has this much cheese in its arsenal at the same time.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the crescents do disruptor damage i think is what the combat log said it's been a wile
  • wavekwavek Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This most recent time I did that mission I had to respawn several times. Eventually there was nobody left except the commander ship and a few frigates. Even my allies where gone (not sure where they went, but nowhere to be found) and the fight took forever.

    That mission, and one of the rooms in the Elachi space station are just too overwhelming as they stand now. Way too many enemies to fight at once.
  • trekkie80trekkie80 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm done trying this quest. I'm just going to skip and move on for all of my toons. It's a pathetic attempt at being "challenging" by just throwing in ships with overpowered abilities that they can constantly fire off at you.

    Either they're smart and fix it so it's not stupidly OP with special abilities constantly going off or they just don't care and leave it alone.

    Whoever designed need to never design another mission again. ever.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought it was a lot of fun personally. But it was a bit over the top.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    abyssinain wrote: »
    On the ground:

    1. They can spawn incredibly annoying robots from aoe damage bots to flamethrower bots to stasis turrets that teleport/freeze you.
    2. Move around constantly
    3. Commanders can spam subspace rifts like crazy which basically blind you, hold you, and chip away at your health.

    No single enemy type has this much cheese in its arsenal at the same time.
    The arc pulse turrets are a major pain, especially in hallways... God help you if one of them is pointed at you when you're stuck in the stasis thing...

    The subspace rifts really bothered me, until I figured out they were immobile and then I simply walked around them.

    The Elachi engineers REALLY love to flank you and put turrets behind you while you're fighting their friends. I usually shoot them in the face for trying it...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ddaemonddaemon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trekkie80 wrote: »
    I'm done trying this quest. I'm just going to skip and move on for all of my toons. It's a pathetic attempt at being "challenging" by just throwing in ships with overpowered abilities that they can constantly fire off at you.

    Either they're smart and fix it so it's not stupidly OP with special abilities constantly going off or they just don't care and leave it alone.

    Whoever designed need to never design another mission again. ever.

    It seems to be OP only if you use romulan ship.
    Tried it on D'Deridex, understood that it will last forever and abandoned attempt....
    A day later i tried to use klingon Kamarag (yes, previous rank) and did it without dying a single time. D'Deridex is just to slow and has too much power issues (either too low shield/engine power or not enough weapon power to breach flagships shields) for this mission.
    Seriously, you need some maneuverability here, not only to escape AOE, but also to gain tactical advantage (evade large groups of enemy ships etc). Also you need some DPS to deal with flagship fast enough.

    D'Deridex is totally unsuitable ship for this mission, and there is nothing wrong with the mission itself.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ddaemon wrote: »
    It seems to be OP only if you use romulan ship.
    Tried it on D'Deridex, understood that it will last forever and abandoned attempt....
    A day later i tried to use klingon Kamarag (yes, previous rank) and did it without dying a single time. D'Deridex is just to slow and has too much power issues (either too low shield/engine power or not enough weapon power to breach flagships shields) for this mission.
    Seriously, you need some maneuverability here, not only to escape AOE, but also to gain tactical advantage (evade large groups of enemy ships etc). Also you need some DPS to deal with flagship fast enough.

    D'Deridex is totally unsuitable ship for this mission, and there is nothing wrong with the mission itself.
    This amuses me because I beat the mission in a D'D. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ddaemonddaemon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sure you can do it. Anything is possible :) Its just much harder and slower, and IMO "not very interesting".
    Also i dont like D'D because its just too slow, may be the slowest ship in game. I am ok with cruisers, but D'D is just too much...

    p.s. And yes, all i am trying to say is "if you have difficulties with this mission - try faster ship, may be it will be much easier"
  • kneeliftkneelift Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did it on my Mogai, standard build. Didn't die at all. Took about 45 minutes. You guys just suck, plain and simple. Its all about tactics and sticking and moving. L2P.
  • fs130fs130 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This mission can be beat with smart tactics and full use of the abilities that you have. If you're flying a DD, load it out with beam weapons and at least one torp. Broadside your chosen target, which should be the command ship at all times. Stay out of furballs. If you get caught in one, do a warp jump which will leave a nice blackhole for the Elachi to play with while you cloak and heal. Repeat until done.

    You need some hull heals, and shield heals, you might die once or twice. It's a hard mission which is a good thing. It's called a challenge. Enjoy it and learn from it.

    Stop fighting Romulan ships like Federation ships.
  • atrobotatrobot Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Remember folks, this normal difficulty, mid level mission that is a MASSIVE difficulty spike compared to the progression missions either side of it is perfectly fine because it's possible to beat it.

    Also, the allied reinforcements, which the context of the mission presents as a savior force that you are holding out for the arrival of, getting obliterated in seconds and constantly locked in repair-loop is totally working as intended.

    Give me a break, are you people just being purposely obtuse, or do you really not understand the most basic principles of a difficulty curve and encounter design?
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,434 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I know the difference between "possible" and "impossible". Hyperbole serves no one well.
  • rooksechorooksecho Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I really feel like this mission taught me how I should be playing my Romulan ship. I did it at the minimum level I could, as well, in my Mogai. At first, it was a bit overwhelming, and I do feel like there should be some more allied ships warping in, even if they're entirely ineffectual. All in all, I enjoyed it, but it was a bit contrived. For the largest part of it, there is just no dialogue or story, and three waves of a handful of ships is a lot to leave a role player without any interaction. I feel like a lot of the complaints would be satiated if more players felt like they were being propelled into a slightly different challenge throughout the battle.
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