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spaceflea Arc User



  • I really don't get you people.. Each single day the exact same posts keep springing up.. Every sane gamer, before falling to a certain game's hype, will do a background check on a certain company making it, especially so in a F2P environment, in order to know if your money will be well spent or not. It takes whole two…
  • You can want or not all day long, it doesn't matter, same for the rest of posters here. This decision is made by business execs on the top of the food chain, you know ones not giving a **** about your opinion, games quality etc. All they care about is financial/fiscal year list and how it will affect their bonuses. Same…
  • Cryptic NEVER had any customer support, dating back from CO. There is a reason why they are ranked with lowest grades on multiple business evaluation sites, warning customers of non existant support for their games, deception, possible fraud. Why do you think they have so few players in their f2p games? If they had zero…
  • All I can say.. Don't bother. You knew what you were getting into the moment you became Cryptic's/PWE's customer, considering Cryptic is among the lowest ranked companies in USA on business charts, given the worst grade in customer relations for over 3 years now, with warnings about customer misinformation, deception and…
  • Oh joy.. you'd figure people would have learned their lesson after being deceived/lied to for more then 3 years.. I'll give you a hint.. You are in a wrong MMO if you want to see stuff 'happen' (aka things not linked to your credit cards). Might want to check Neverwinter, aka the new cash cow.
  • Dear lord people.. even after more then three years of the exact same behavior from this company, you still haven't learned a thing? You still come here and write novels about endless bugs, broken stuff and what not expecting attention? C'mon, get real. If nothing changed in more then three years, what makes you think now…
  • Here is the reaction from PWE execs if they were to ever read your post: 'trolololol'. Buffing something most people already purchased won't fill their pockets. Instead, when enough players complain here, they'll create a new tri-pack for your hard earned cash and tell ya "feeeeeeed me".
  • Couldn't have said it better myself. This is exactly what STO is, nothing more, nothing less, it turned into that about 2-3 months after the game went live and every review destroyed it. With only a skeleton crew manning the game, there simply is no way of having multiple department/faction heads sitting down together and…
  • Both sides in this argument have a point, both come here stating it because they love Star Trek, not just the game, but the whole concept it represents. Therefore, there are NO sides here, just a good amount of dedicated players wanting to save this game while in different moods, some are angry, some pessimistic and so on.…
  • I don't know why I wrote my previouse post at all, I gave up on this game long ago. I guess I just wanted to set OP's mind to rest, since I felt like that all the time few years back. In any case, I am not high. The exact same promises we, or should I say you, were getting since the game launched, hell even in beta they…
  • Yesterday, I reinstalled the game after more then 3 years, more from boredom and being a trek fan then anything else. I was perfectly aware of what I was getting into, afterall just one quick peak at these forums says enough. Only thing is, I understood what Cryptic told us a few years back, not to keep our hopes up, and…