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  • I tried training a tribble to eat Klingons, but it took too long for it to finish up. The ship started to smell real bad. So I would like a Tardigrade to join my crew, I seen they love to eat Klingons. It may be the ideal candidate for the job! It will be fed enough Klingons daily with some Hur'q for snacks.
  • I have 2 Romulan/Federation toons, one around lvl 52 and the other lvl 60. I however do not use them much because I hate cannon builds with weak ships. I just can't seem to work with the Romulan ships for some reason. Unfortunately you can not use the Fed or KDF T6 ships either.
  • Having bugs fixed while you don't play the game yourself because of the long hours of testing you don't really end up having the motivation in just a bug fix. As I mentioned, I did the bug hunt thing for 11 years. I am not a kiddie that spouts out some nonsonse. I actually know what i'm talking about, haha ;)
  • Not even a unique ship or something as a 'thank you for your help' kinda thing? That's a bit harsh aint it. Don't get me wrong, I did volunteer for Linden Lab and worked for them as volunteer for about 11 years (bug hunting, translations, new content ideas and many more things), but even they gave at least now and then…
  • I had no problems at all with my Windows 7, but after installing Windows 10... All kinds of trouble. STO does not seem to be the only game that is having issues with this combination (Radeon R9 200 series + Windows 10). For some reason the other games do work with little efford, but STO... Nope... It's so very annoying…
  • Yes i did, but that does not say I blamed the password to have problems ;) I did not get the connection problems message AFTER changing my password. Before that it refused to log me in without showing a message. ;)
  • Sorry, but i never said the password was the problem :)
  • Asked a few fleet members on voice chat, they say they are logged in for hours already. New message on the splash screen (wasn't there before): "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out"
  • Same problem for me "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out" I made a new password but that also did not allow me to login. May it be possible that it is from the maintenance earlier? Was pretty laggy after that.
  • To be honest, I don't think much of it. Lots of companies that say something similar tend to forget about it and give you the finger instead. I just hope it won't happen in this case.
  • Got a new reply, from what I consider it to be a real promotional give away, think this may help out everyone with this problem: "Thank you for all the information you provided. We are currently investigating reports of players not being able to claim the Section 31 uniform even after successfully redeeming the code from…
  • In that case, they will likely do the same with me. But it will just proof me not to buy anything else ever again from them. Not intend them to cheat me out of something that was clearly mention as 'unlocked' and them not actually giving it. It proofs just that their actions are not so customer friendly. Also a shame to…
  • Still talking? Hmm... 2 messages so far and feeling like they send me from one side to the other without getting any further. Did send the info they wanted and ill see what happens. Also added all the packs that I got from the z-store purchased with real money, to show I am not trying to pull one over them. Don't intent to…
  • Just received a new message from the: "Please send us a screenshot of the Section 31 uniform from the C-Store window. Make sure to include the price and description of the uniform on the screenshot." In other words, they still do not believe me <.< Oh well, never was easy for me in the first place (custumer services from…
  • Got the same problem, sended in a ticket to ARC customer service. Once the ticket got answered, I had to PROOF that I had the code, posted 2 screenshots even with it, but to this moment, no reply on my last message. I find it rather offensive that they give out a redeem code and YOU as player have to proof that you…
  • yeah got the same problem, I just hope they will extend the event with a day (or so) so we can at least still get that missing lobi. I don't think they will though.
  • It's probably assimilated tribbles which are investing the servers ;) But yeah, the server team is probably not too happy now lol
  • "Star Trek Online is currently offline. We are aware of this issue and currently working on bringing it back online as soon as possible" This is mentioned on the login screen now. So who ever is still online, may get kicked off soon as well untill its fixed.
  • I do not seem to get any messages myself, but this seriously cutts down on my game time <.<
  • The game kicked me out, tried to log back in several times but it failed. I also tried to do a full restartof ARC, but that does not seem to matter either. My password is not accepted for some reason, it even cleared it every time I get the login screen up. I am not the only one in my fleet either it seems. More seem to be…
  • As requested by the official STO Twitter account, here a screenshot of my ISP tracer: ISP tracer Twitter link (keeping it to a link for obvious reasons) Edit: My location is The Netherlands
  • Odd, that stostatus website is located in the USA, yet it still shows servers are offline. Now I do not know how this website gets their information, but it is at least 'odd' that only the EU seems to have problems while this site being non-EU also shows there is something going on. Anyone know the details on this perhaps?
  • Well doing a tracert in CMD, it is NOT in my country where the problem is. but beyond that. CMD screenshot It seems to hang itself AFTER this ISP location: ISP near Bern All routes differ however, each route takes a different route set and each differs. So, apolagies to Cryptic. But I have a feeling my frustrations about…
  • Still, official or not. Think about it this way: You can connect to other games who have servers in the same region as the STO servers, yet STO is the only one not able to connect. (I do not play other games by them so couldnt say anything about that) So the claim of regional ISP's causing this is just utter bs. There is…
  • Servers are down and now regional ISP's getting blamed for it, stostatus shows clearly that all servers are down again. I traced the several ISP's that are known to be either directly related to STO and all can be traced and going strong. So there is a block somewhere for some reason.
  • On twitter there is a claim by @trekonlinegame this being a "regional ISP issue unrelated to our servers". Which is plain lying since we can all get online just not on the game servers or in my case not even get in the launcher. ALL servers needed are pretty much down, so not sure what is going on, but it is NOT regional…