before you got to have a new email for pc cant use same ps4 email on pc but im reading same as you that you can not closing yet looking for a couple more
Ok atleast I'm getting after two weeks of trying I know someone that happened to him to and sto fixed it promoted him there selfs from what he said I'm hoping They'll do that for me
I can promote all characters one at a time but tina character in question it error everytime and yes I used someone else to promote her and it errors its a bug plain and simple I'd wish to make her my second in case it bugs and demote my leader but I can't even make her one level under me help
Yes my leader is provision admiral i demoted myself somehow trying promote tina the character in question but i was full leader when happened and i haven't tried again and wont for 11 more days when i become full leader again just trying to get some information on the error to promote See if its bug or not new to the fleet…
> @disqord#9557 said: > I think OP doesn't mean that power is being transferred in full impulse, but that the 5/5/100/5 from full impulse ignores however much power their ship might have had before. Effectively: Full impulse simply removes power from the ship, rather than transferring it. gone
> @kiralyn said: > indyshark wrote: » > > That's exactly what I found. If you hatch one, don't level it up past pup > > > > > Alas, I still have Elders lying around in my bank since last year. not sure
> @vegeta50024 said: > smooshy smooshy#7462 > > wrote: » > > Seriously now. They were advertised as "coming soon" in October. Is there a problem with them? Do you have them on PC? > > > > > They are on PC. hum
> @ltminns said: > Propably stuff in a Discovery Lockbox around the time of the Anniversary. I would not hold my breath for any Discovery stuff being the Anniversary ship. Too much monitization would be lost. yep
> @zedbrightlander1 said: > I ask, because as I level a new Captain, I sometimes end up with one just by using the gear that drops, but I have never created one on purpose with a T6 ship. So, now, I'm curious: Is there's a favorite low budget build for a Rainbow Boat? nope
> @somtaawkhar said: > From what I understand, things like species are part of the game code used to keep track of your character and all their stuff, so it can't really be allowed to be changed for much in the same reason you can't just change your species in Guild Wars 2. sucks
> @sophlogimo said: > It doesn't matter how bad your build is. > It doesn't matter how bad you think you play. > It doesn't matter if there are some "I never want to fail, I'll rather not play than fail!" naysayers in your team. > > Queue up on Elite. The only way those queues get filled is if people queue up. Publicly.…