I saw someone post this build in another Galor thread, http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=12617451&postcount=961 Aux2Batt looks like the best way to go.
When it comes to things from Star Trek 09 like Nero's tattoo, red matter and even Romulus going boom. All these things where in the Star Trek countdown comic which cryptic has the licence to.
I joined the channel ask to dock and as soon as I beamed aboad I got told if I didn't remove my MACO armour to leave :-( I only have he armour in my uniform slots. Had to leave... so no RP for me :-(
I used to use the public service channel all the time, I gave invites and requested invites. it was a great channel but the admin a mods ruined it. Just before public service went private I joined the NoP channel and found that it was pretty much the same but with one very big difference... No control freak admin and mods.
This is my plan for the Fleet T'Varo, but i could always do with some help refining that plan lol... Tac - TT1, THY2, CRF2, APO3 Tac - BO1 Eng - EP2W1, Aux2Batt1, DEM Eng - EP2S1, Aux2Batt1 Sci - PH1, HE2 DOFFs - 3xPurpel Tech, 1xPurple Quartermaster(battery), 1xBFI Deflector - Adaped/KHG Mk XII Impulse - Romulan Prototype…
I can't see the KDF getting an original boff set up so I was thinking... What if the K'Vort was the KDF equivalent of the Steamrunner, with less hull and shield but with a battle cloak and better turn rate.