that very much messed up the shields on Gowron's ship I'd have two propsals:
"Super-Heavy Dual Cannon" that deals more damage and does not lose damage with distance as drastically as other cannon weapons do but has a slower rate of fire and its own sound effect...essentially what we saw in the shows.
And a special torpedo console.
Either one that fires a special anti-shield torpedo or one that upgrades the next torpedo attack to also deal damage to shields in addition to its regular damage (kinda like the Nadion Detontor Console). Given it's now pretty much a given than Tachyon weapons do damage to shields, how about a Tachyon-Injection for our torpedoes?;)
Sounds good, actually. The larger BOPs in TNG had a slower rate of fire.
Personally I would want a destroyer/cruiser hybrid. I currently run a Cardassian Galor and its the best ship I have. IMO better than any Klingon ship currently available... I would prefer a Klingon ship with about the same stats, BOFF layout, but more visual customization. Hell, even if its never been seen on TV before make it a new ship. Heck the game takes place AFTER the dominion war... trying to tell me the Klingon's would not have developed a new ship or at least started testing one? Call it experimental but just give us something.
Seeing how the Jem'hadar worked, it would make sense to be a smaller ship. Not necessarily a escort but just a pure destroyer or destroyer/carrier. Even the fleet destroyers we have now are a joke IMO... I have a tor'kaht but was unimpressed with it too and found the low inertia was a real killer.
I wish I never spent the Zen on the Guramba, a fleet Kar'Fi may get my attention IF it comes
I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
So, I just noticed... we do have a K'Vort mentioned in-game. It's listed as a Bird-of-Prey, and is described in the following doff assignment:
Undertake a Command Training Simulation
Very Rare
-A member of your crew has asked for the honor of undertaking a challenging simulation. In this simulation, they must destroy the Kobayashi Maru while it is protected by the USS Enterprise E. The pilot controls a K'Vort-class Bird-of-Prey with the assistance of several other of your crew members.
I'd be happy to get both the ship and a playable version of the command simulation for the KDF
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
similar to the Elachi heavy crescent cannon but as a dual?
I....I don't know actually. I never actually looked them up.
I'll try explain in terms that...well I can understand without looking them up.
If regular DHCs are like Photon Torpedoes, the guns I propose would be like Quantums: more DPV but with a longer recharge cycle. So for sustained firepower the regular DHCs would probably be better, but when your ship is not likely to stay on target for very long those super heavy could be a better alternative.
would a Tachyon-Injection console which could add the effect to any torpedo or a special Tachyon-Infused torpedo weapon similar perhaps to the Concetrated-Tachyon mines from the Ferengi set be better?
I actually never tried those mines out (I'm not too much into Lobi and Lockbox stuff) but from what I've read the effects of the mines would be similar to what I propose.
I actually con't say which one would be better. A console that "fires" a torpedo would also benefit ships without a torpedo launcher. A console that (for example) uses the base damage of the torpedo it changes could be more useful depending on whether it changes a Photon or a Plasma torpedo for example. In such a case a Photon would do X kinetic damage, after the Tachyon infusion it would do X anti-shield damage while a Plasma Torp does more kinetic damage and thus the changed torpedo also does more damage against shields. I think both ideas have equal merit.
Actually would lean towards a console myseft maybe but you could combine the special torpedo with the Photon detonation console for a nice AoE effect also.
I don't think that's gonne work. I recently read about a guy who tried to use the Nadeon Detonator along with Spread for a Nadeon Detonation spread of doom, but one ability overwrites the other. So we could only use one at a time bot both at once.
any thoughts for an engineering ability special, kinda like the 3pc bonus I'd written up as it would give us a counter vs roms damage wise at the price of having to use all 3pcs which means more sales, which means I can maybe get a Lethean ship one day.
Good question. According to they Haynes Owner's Workshop manual all BoPs are built with with the same redundancies as the Klingon body. Maybe we can do soemthing with that.
hardly anyone uses dual cannons if dual heavy cannons are availible, same issue with torpedoes.
tractor beam is a boff power would you really buy ship to get a "tractor beam" console with a 3min CD?
the ship has a cloak unless kdf get romulan like boff traits I don't think people would buy it for a simple reduction.
The ship is in essence a light battle cruiser the size of the mogai destroyer not a bop raider. time to think outside the box, due to the power creep introduced with the romulan faction.
Ask yourself what would I want in a light battle cruiser if I could design it, and what would entice ppl to buy that ship over what they already have.
The K'vort strike a cord with kdf players as it has the styling of a bird of prey while not quite being one, personally I think that kdf players chose the faction since they could fly a bird of prey.
LOL, the K'Vort is 3 times the size of the K'Tinga. A Light cruiser that dwarfs a heavy cruiser should NOT turn faster than a heavy cruiser.
...It also shouldn't be more heavily armed than a heavy cruiser either. You fanboiz just kill me.
Bang your dead
so you would prefer a slower turning heavy cruiser with 5 forward weapons, aka a Bortas revamp?
curious where the stats are from though as mass for the K'tinga is missing.
The Andorian escort is also more heavily armed than a heavy cruiser if you prefer to just count the forward weapons. The Avenger battlecruiser also sports the same 5/3 layout proposed and is smaller than the normal heavy cruiser also.
If you have a suggested layout for your preferred version please share as we are simply gathering ideas of what we personally would like to see in this ship to hopefully give the ship makers an idea of what kdf players are looking for in a new ship.
I....I don't know actually. I never actually looked them up.
I'll try explain in terms that...well I can understand without looking them up.
If regular DHCs are like Photon Torpedoes, the guns I propose would be like Quantums: more DPV but with a longer recharge cycle. So for sustained firepower the regular DHCs would probably be better, but when your ship is not likely to stay on target for very long those super heavy could be a better alternative.
I actually never tried those mines out (I'm not too much into Lobi and Lockbox stuff) but from what I've read the effects of the mines would be similar to what I propose.
I actually con't say which one would be better. A console that "fires" a torpedo would also benefit ships without a torpedo launcher. A console that (for example) uses the base damage of the torpedo it changes could be more useful depending on whether it changes a Photon or a Plasma torpedo for example. In such a case a Photon would do X kinetic damage, after the Tachyon infusion it would do X anti-shield damage while a Plasma Torp does more kinetic damage and thus the changed torpedo also does more damage against shields. I think both ideas have equal merit.
I don't think that's gonne work. I recently read about a guy who tried to use the Nadeon Detonator along with Spread for a Nadeon Detonation spread of doom, but one ability overwrites the other. So we could only use one at a time bot both at once.
Good question. According to they Haynes Owner's Workshop manual all BoPs are built with with the same redundancies as the Klingon body. Maybe we can do soemthing with that.
irrc dhc have a 2/3 firing cycle, they could do a 1/3 cycle a scale the damage accordingly to provide a slower firing high damage cannon I imagine.
Yes you can not combine the photon console with conventional boff torp powers, but the console grants a similar effect to photonic shock wave in blast radius utilizing the base torpedoes damage so a plasma torp creates a plasma shock wave effect potentially adding the plasma DoT to any effected ship.
Hmmm, could be like a console version of the Red matter capacitor granting a restore systems effect for x number of seconds perhaps.
...It also shouldn't be more heavily armed than a heavy cruiser either. You fanboiz just kill me.
Oh dear GOD, why oh why did you have to grab the false stats from the DS9 Technical Manual? They are KNOWN to be wrong.
The K't'inga has always bee 214 meters and the K'vort has always been 350 meters.
The DS9TM is so full of wrong stats it's not even funny.
Even without other sources clearly stating different stats, a cursory look at the shows clearly brings home that those cant be right.
If the Klingon Battlecruisers were bigger, they would not be smaller in this pic:
I know the idea of some kind of megaBoP came up based on their appearance in "The Defector" because two of them appeared behind a pair of Warbirds.
BUT it has been proven those were no bigger than 400 meters either.
Oh dear GOD, why oh why did you have to grab the false stats from the DS9 Technical Manual? They are KNOWN to be wrong.
The K't'inga has always bee 214 meters and the K'vort has always been 350 meters.
The DS9TM is so full of wrong stats it's not even funny.
Even without other sources clearly stating different stats, a cursory look at the shows clearly brings home that those cant be right.
If the Klingon Battlecruisers were bigger, they would not be smaller in this pic:
I know the idea of some kind of megaBoP came up based on their appearance in "The Defector" because two of them appeared behind a pair of Warbirds.
BUT it has been proven those were no bigger than 400 meters either.
Read it, he reconstructed the scene and it's IMPOSSIBLE to do so with a 700 meter Bird of Doom.
Why ? Because it's so much fun to point and laugh at the mess 'canon' has made of that poor little ship, and I didn't get those specs from the DS9:TM, I got it off wiki but this argument has been going on for ages since those clowns at ILM got together with B&B's directors when TNG was on the air, and Paramount for for being just as careless in ST3. http://www dot
Why we wouldn't want something more authentic in STO than this abortion of canon I'll never know, but the fanboiz are steering this faction now so it might be time for this old warrior to step aside, while they push to make the faction the joke Cryptic seems think we are.
Why ? Because it's so much fun to point and laugh at the mess 'canon' has made of that poor little ship, and I didn't get those specs from the DS9:TM, I got it off wiki but this argument has been going on for ages since those clowns at ILM got together with B&B's directors when TNG was on the air, and Paramount for for being just as careless in ST3.
Why we wouldn't want something more authentic in STO than this abortion of canon I'll never know, but the fanboiz are steering this faction now so it might be time for this old warrior to step aside, while they push to make the faction the joke Cryptic seems think we are.
So what would you like to see added to the kdf?
As for anyone steering the faction I think the helmsman is on an extended coffee break, the faction hasn't been going anywhere for a long time unfortunately.
As for anyone steering the faction I think the helmsman is on an extended coffee break, the faction hasn't been going anywhere for a long time unfortunately.
Ya ninja'd me before I could delete the post.
>shrug, I dunno anymore, I'm so over canon and I'd likely be happier if Cryptic would make something new instead of putting in something so controversial, but maybe they should put it in just so I don't have to see the same 'gimme the K'Vort' threads over and over and over and over and over and over again. This stupid ship has more legs than the T5 Enterprise refit requests.
Why ? Because it's so much fun to point and laugh at the mess 'canon' has made of that poor little ship, and I didn't get those specs from the DS9:TM, I got it off wiki but this argument has been going on for ages since those clowns at ILM got together with B&B's directors when TNG was on the air, and Paramount for for being just as careless in ST3.
Why we wouldn't want something more authentic in STO than this abortion of canon I'll never know, but the fanboiz are steering this faction now so it might be time for this old warrior to step aside, while they push to make the faction the joke Cryptic seems think we are.
Guess where the wiki got the stats from...or better have another look at that wiki and it'll tell you.:) Sorry but I have some harsh real facts for you. Hope you won't take this the wrong way.
Such scaling things happen, not just here but in other franchises too. And they can really frustrate the fans.
Sometimes they're intentional like in Star Trek with the K'vort which they made because they needed something more menacing than the good'ol K't'inga but the Vor'cha model was not yet available.
It also happened in the Babylon 5 universe with the Drakh. In their first appearance they had a gigantic...I call it a mobile outpost but let's call it a ship (usually called "The Tender" by the fans) that was around the 15 kilometer mark. The same model was later used in the TV movie "A Call to Arms" and the spin-off "Crusade" as a regular cruiser, so it was the same as with the K'vort only in the other direction in terms of size.
Sometimes people simply mess it up and such scaling things happen due to human error. Best example is the Super Star Destroyer or Executor. Try different books and games and you'll find 8, 12.5, 16 and 19.5 kilometers as its length. In addition it has either, 9, 11 or 13 engines.
This is the same in more than one franchise, ours is not special in that regard. So no matter where you go, you'll run into this mess.
I could go in if I wanted to.
So real militaries have done the same thing, will you call them "fanboiz" too?;)
I also know what you mean with that link regarding the BoP and the whaler (I know the picture, but please don't hotlink to that site I does not work, the guy in charge of that page has disabled hotlinking so anyone else opening an image link will just get an error message) but think about it: the BoP was designed for a length of 110 meters and its wider than long with wings in the horizontal. So that whaler is around 40 meters...that's actually a sensible size so why are you so upset at that picture?
Ya ninja'd me before I could delete the post.
>shrug, I dunno anymore, I'm so over canon and I'd likely be happier if Cryptic would make something new instead of putting in something so controversial, but maybe they should put it in just so I don't have to see the same 'gimme the K'Vort' threads over and over and over and over and over and over again. This stupid ship has more legs than the T5 Enterprise refit requests.
I'm hoping we can get some ships added to the faction along with the uniforms and mekleth/Nausicaan ground energy lance to help revitalise interest in kdf to players. Sometimes I get frustrated with lack of kdf development, probably why I have 40 chars just to try new things, I just remind myself that sooner or later the dev team will come to their senses and realize that 18% of players is still a significant revenue stream that they have not tapped into yet.
I also know what you mean with that link regarding the BoP and the whaler (I know the picture, but please don't hotlink to that site I does not work, the guy in charge of that page has disabled hotlinking so anyone else opening an image link will just get an error message) but think about it: the BoP was designed for a length of 110 meters and its wider than long with wings in the horizontal. So that whaler is around 40 meters...that's actually a sensible size so why are you so upset at that picture?
Aside from the scale of the exact same ship not 15 minutes later in that film sinking in Frisco bay- about 1/4 the size than the one hovering over the Whaling ship.
"But one scene of "Star Trek IV" paradoxically does the exact contrary of keeping the BoP small. The Klingon ship is huge beyond reason when we see it hover straight above the whaling ship, arguably for the "dramatic impact". If the BoP were only 60m wide (at 50m length), the boat would measure hardly 7m! The boat must be at least 40m owing to its structure, so the BoP is exceedingly scaled up here. Just for fun, we would obtain a width of no less than 330m." - from the same site that blocks hotlinks.
...So per canon that 330m 'super BoP' has a crew of a dozen (per Spock). Thats almost the size of an aircraft carrier (1000 ft), and it has a crew of 12. Isn't 'canon' fun ?
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
Is it me or is everyone arguing the Alt U and Prime U K'Vort stats?
The Prime version is supposed to be relatively the size of a typical BoP
The Alternate is the one the size and turn rate of the D'Deardix.... (Yestereday's Enterprise)
I think we're starved for new ships to play with and are seeking the same battlecruiser weapons layout as the new Avenger with a familiar bop look to it.
I wrote something up on page 4 or 5 irrc to gather further ideas.
I think we're starved for new ships to play with and are seeking the same battlecruiser weapons layout as the new Avenger with a familiar bop look to it.
I wrote something up on page 4 or 5 irrc to gather further ideas.
Well if that's the case the Alt U K'vort wouldn't fit your bill... Like I said the thing turned like the D'Deradix considering Picard said the Galaxy class could outmaneuver it...
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
Well if that's the case the Alt U K'vort wouldn't fit your bill... Like I said the thing turned like the D'Deradix considering Picard said the Galaxy class could outmaneuver it...
lol, yes but few things on the show make it into sto unchanged like my d'drex able to make tight circles under a2damp and romulan cloak
lol, yes but few things on the show make it into sto unchanged like my d'drex able to make tight circles under a2damp and romulan cloak
That's because the cloak adds a turn buff... I doubt the KDF will be given this new ship with a Battlecloak on it(because the Fed one has the potential for the non-combat cloak only)... even if it were to be a souped up Alt U BoP.
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
Apparently, according to cryptics metrics as they say kdf doesn't but slow turning ships in enough quantity aka the bortasqu'. so what is you preference for a new kdf ship?
PS. maybe the cruiser comm arrays will make my Bortasqu' turn better
Aside from the scale of the exact same ship not 15 minutes later in that film sinking in Frisco bay- about 1/4 the size than the one hovering over the Whaling ship.
"But one scene of "Star Trek IV" paradoxically does the exact contrary of keeping the BoP small. The Klingon ship is huge beyond reason when we see it hover straight above the whaling ship, arguably for the "dramatic impact". If the BoP were only 60m wide (at 50m length), the boat would measure hardly 7m! The boat must be at least 40m owing to its structure, so the BoP is exceedingly scaled up here. Just for fun, we would obtain a width of no less than 330m." - from the same site that blocks hotlinks.
...So per canon that 330m 'super BoP' has a crew of a dozen (per Spock). Thats almost the size of an aircraft carrier (1000 ft), and it has a crew of 12. Isn't 'canon' fun ?
It's actually little more than an example of what happens when people don't look at the footage properly.
The shot on EAS shows the whaler before it has even remotely turned and since ships are usually thinner than long the ship appears to be very short compared to the BoP. When you look at THIS one:
the ship is not yet fully turned around but is already 1/4th to 1/3rd as long as the BoP is wide, meaning the 40m whaler gives us a width of 120m when the ship is turned around a bit more.
It's actually little more than an example of what happens when people don't look at the footage properly.
The shot on EAS shows the whaler before it has even remotely turned and since ships are usually thinner than long the ship appears to be very short compared to the BoP. When you look at THIS one:
the ship is not yet fully turned around but is already 1/4th to 1/3rd as long as the BoP is wide, meaning the 40m whaler gives us a width of 120m when the ship is turned around a bit more.
Isn't looking at footage with more care fun?:P
OK, I'm looking, but I'm not seeing 120m width, looks to me like 5-6 boat lengths wide @ 40m (boat length) = 200m to 240m wide, thats almost 600 feet wide !
...and a crew of 12.
The whaler has a crew of more than 6 I'll bet- ever watch whale wars ?
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
There was a reason given but i'm not sure how it could be valid. Basically he said "there is already the b'rel and he wont give us an oversized version of it". He went on to say something about turnrate as if anyone would expect the turnrate to stay the same.
Sadly the pop guys are such fanboys that they didnt point out that it has been seen on the tng rom episode so we dont know what his answer would have been.
It didnt felt like a reason more like "just no forget it".
Funny thing was he said we get the fleet guramba when we get the fleet gal x. Not sure why they are related maybe cause of the lance would be my guess
Sounds good, actually. The larger BOPs in TNG had a slower rate of fire.
Agreed, I like those boff set ups.
I also agree with the other poster about the stats on all 3 being too different.
which of the 3 varients is more inline with what a K'vort should be for the turn, shield mod, hull, etc?
or something different all together?
Seeing how the Jem'hadar worked, it would make sense to be a smaller ship. Not necessarily a escort but just a pure destroyer or destroyer/carrier. Even the fleet destroyers we have now are a joke IMO... I have a tor'kaht but was unimpressed with it too and found the low inertia was a real killer.
I wish I never spent the Zen on the Guramba, a fleet Kar'Fi may get my attention IF it comes
Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
Undertake a Command Training Simulation
Very Rare
-A member of your crew has asked for the honor of undertaking a challenging simulation. In this simulation, they must destroy the Kobayashi Maru while it is protected by the USS Enterprise E. The pilot controls a K'Vort-class Bird-of-Prey with the assistance of several other of your crew members.
I'd be happy to get both the ship and a playable version of the command simulation for the KDF
Hey, thanks.:)
I....I don't know actually. I never actually looked them up.
I'll try explain in terms that...well I can understand without looking them up.
If regular DHCs are like Photon Torpedoes, the guns I propose would be like Quantums: more DPV but with a longer recharge cycle. So for sustained firepower the regular DHCs would probably be better, but when your ship is not likely to stay on target for very long those super heavy could be a better alternative.
I actually never tried those mines out (I'm not too much into Lobi and Lockbox stuff) but from what I've read the effects of the mines would be similar to what I propose.
I actually con't say which one would be better. A console that "fires" a torpedo would also benefit ships without a torpedo launcher. A console that (for example) uses the base damage of the torpedo it changes could be more useful depending on whether it changes a Photon or a Plasma torpedo for example. In such a case a Photon would do X kinetic damage, after the Tachyon infusion it would do X anti-shield damage while a Plasma Torp does more kinetic damage and thus the changed torpedo also does more damage against shields. I think both ideas have equal merit.
I don't think that's gonne work. I recently read about a guy who tried to use the Nadeon Detonator along with Spread for a Nadeon Detonation spread of doom, but one ability overwrites the other. So we could only use one at a time bot both at once.
Good question. According to they Haynes Owner's Workshop manual all BoPs are built with with the same redundancies as the Klingon body. Maybe we can do soemthing with that.
LOL, the K'Vort is 3 times the size of the K'Tinga. A Light cruiser that dwarfs a heavy cruiser should NOT turn faster than a heavy cruiser.
Length: 678m
Width: 780m
Height: 423m
Crew: 500+
Mass: 1890000mt
Length: 349.54 meters
Width: 251.76 meters
Height: 98.41 meters
Crew: 800
...It also shouldn't be more heavily armed than a heavy cruiser either. You fanboiz just kill me.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Bang your dead
so you would prefer a slower turning heavy cruiser with 5 forward weapons, aka a Bortas revamp?
curious where the stats are from though as mass for the K'tinga is missing.
The Andorian escort is also more heavily armed than a heavy cruiser if you prefer to just count the forward weapons. The Avenger battlecruiser also sports the same 5/3 layout proposed and is smaller than the normal heavy cruiser also.
If you have a suggested layout for your preferred version please share as we are simply gathering ideas of what we personally would like to see in this ship to hopefully give the ship makers an idea of what kdf players are looking for in a new ship.
irrc dhc have a 2/3 firing cycle, they could do a 1/3 cycle a scale the damage accordingly to provide a slower firing high damage cannon I imagine.
Yes you can not combine the photon console with conventional boff torp powers, but the console grants a similar effect to photonic shock wave in blast radius utilizing the base torpedoes damage so a plasma torp creates a plasma shock wave effect potentially adding the plasma DoT to any effected ship.
Hmmm, could be like a console version of the Red matter capacitor granting a restore systems effect for x number of seconds perhaps.
Oh dear GOD, why oh why did you have to grab the false stats from the DS9 Technical Manual? They are KNOWN to be wrong.
The K't'inga has always bee 214 meters and the K'vort has always been 350 meters.
The DS9TM is so full of wrong stats it's not even funny.
Even without other sources clearly stating different stats, a cursory look at the shows clearly brings home that those cant be right.
If the Klingon Battlecruisers were bigger, they would not be smaller in this pic:
and the K'vort...this if from "Reunion"
at 678 meters they would DWARF the Vor'cha.
I know the idea of some kind of megaBoP came up based on their appearance in "The Defector" because two of them appeared behind a pair of Warbirds.
BUT it has been proven those were no bigger than 400 meters either.
Read it, he reconstructed the scene and it's IMPOSSIBLE to do so with a 700 meter Bird of Doom.
Why ? Because it's so much fun to point and laugh at the mess 'canon' has made of that poor little ship, and I didn't get those specs from the DS9:TM, I got it off wiki but this argument has been going on for ages since those clowns at ILM got together with B&B's directors when TNG was on the air, and Paramount for for being just as careless in ST3.
http://www dot
Why we wouldn't want something more authentic in STO than this abortion of canon I'll never know, but the fanboiz are steering this faction now so it might be time for this old warrior to step aside, while they push to make the faction the joke Cryptic seems think we are.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
So what would you like to see added to the kdf?
As for anyone steering the faction I think the helmsman is on an extended coffee break, the faction hasn't been going anywhere for a long time unfortunately.
Ya ninja'd me before I could delete the post.
>shrug, I dunno anymore, I'm so over canon and I'd likely be happier if Cryptic would make something new instead of putting in something so controversial, but maybe they should put it in just so I don't have to see the same 'gimme the K'Vort' threads over and over and over and over and over and over again. This stupid ship has more legs than the T5 Enterprise refit requests.
Maybe a D5 from Enterprise ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Guess where the wiki got the stats from...or better have another look at that wiki and it'll tell you.:) Sorry but I have some harsh real facts for you. Hope you won't take this the wrong way.
Such scaling things happen, not just here but in other franchises too. And they can really frustrate the fans.
Sometimes they're intentional like in Star Trek with the K'vort which they made because they needed something more menacing than the good'ol K't'inga but the Vor'cha model was not yet available.
It also happened in the Babylon 5 universe with the Drakh. In their first appearance they had a gigantic...I call it a mobile outpost but let's call it a ship (usually called "The Tender" by the fans) that was around the 15 kilometer mark. The same model was later used in the TV movie "A Call to Arms" and the spin-off "Crusade" as a regular cruiser, so it was the same as with the K'vort only in the other direction in terms of size.
Sometimes people simply mess it up and such scaling things happen due to human error. Best example is the Super Star Destroyer or Executor. Try different books and games and you'll find 8, 12.5, 16 and 19.5 kilometers as its length. In addition it has either, 9, 11 or 13 engines.
This is the same in more than one franchise, ours is not special in that regard. So no matter where you go, you'll run into this mess.
And now the real fun part: it happens in real life as well.
Have a look at one of the later Panzer IV models like the F2 or G version, which weighted around 25 tons.
And then compare it to the Tiger I, which weighted some 57 tons.
Unless you look at the wheels you need to know precisely what to look for to the difference at a distance.
Same is true for ships: the Iowa
and the Alaska
were essentially ships of the same design and looked pretty much the same.
Another example would have been the planned Japanese B-65 battlecruiser, which was a smaller version of the Yamato.
I could go in if I wanted to.
So real militaries have done the same thing, will you call them "fanboiz" too?;)
I also know what you mean with that link regarding the BoP and the whaler (I know the picture, but please don't hotlink to that site I does not work, the guy in charge of that page has disabled hotlinking so anyone else opening an image link will just get an error message) but think about it: the BoP was designed for a length of 110 meters and its wider than long with wings in the horizontal. So that whaler is around 40 meters...that's actually a sensible size so why are you so upset at that picture?
That is an interesting ship design, Shpoks was trying to stir up intrest for it here
I'm hoping we can get some ships added to the faction along with the uniforms and mekleth/Nausicaan ground energy lance to help revitalise interest in kdf to players. Sometimes I get frustrated with lack of kdf development, probably why I have 40 chars just to try new things, I just remind myself that sooner or later the dev team will come to their senses and realize that 18% of players is still a significant revenue stream that they have not tapped into yet.
Aside from the scale of the exact same ship not 15 minutes later in that film sinking in Frisco bay- about 1/4 the size than the one hovering over the Whaling ship.
"But one scene of "Star Trek IV" paradoxically does the exact contrary of keeping the BoP small. The Klingon ship is huge beyond reason when we see it hover straight above the whaling ship, arguably for the "dramatic impact". If the BoP were only 60m wide (at 50m length), the boat would measure hardly 7m! The boat must be at least 40m owing to its structure, so the BoP is exceedingly scaled up here. Just for fun, we would obtain a width of no less than 330m." - from the same site that blocks hotlinks.
...So per canon that 330m 'super BoP' has a crew of a dozen (per Spock). Thats almost the size of an aircraft carrier (1000 ft), and it has a crew of 12. Isn't 'canon' fun ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
even if they are only 5-20+ ft thick that is an immense cubic volume.
The Prime version is supposed to be relatively the size of a typical BoP
The Alternate is the one the size and turn rate of the D'Deardix.... (Yestereday's Enterprise)
I think we're starved for new ships to play with and are seeking the same battlecruiser weapons layout as the new Avenger with a familiar bop look to it.
I wrote something up on page 4 or 5 irrc to gather further ideas.
Well if that's the case the Alt U K'vort wouldn't fit your bill... Like I said the thing turned like the D'Deradix considering Picard said the Galaxy class could outmaneuver it...
lol, yes but few things on the show make it into sto unchanged like my d'drex able to make tight circles under a2damp and romulan cloak
That's because the cloak adds a turn buff... I doubt the KDF will be given this new ship with a Battlecloak on it(because the Fed one has the potential for the non-combat cloak only)... even if it were to be a souped up Alt U BoP.
PS. maybe the cruiser comm arrays will make my Bortasqu' turn better
It's actually little more than an example of what happens when people don't look at the footage properly.
The shot on EAS shows the whaler before it has even remotely turned and since ships are usually thinner than long the ship appears to be very short compared to the BoP. When you look at THIS one:
the ship is not yet fully turned around but is already 1/4th to 1/3rd as long as the BoP is wide, meaning the 40m whaler gives us a width of 120m when the ship is turned around a bit more.
Isn't looking at footage with more care fun?:P
OK, I'm looking, but I'm not seeing 120m width, looks to me like 5-6 boat lengths wide @ 40m (boat length) = 200m to 240m wide, thats almost 600 feet wide !
...and a crew of 12.
The whaler has a crew of more than 6 I'll bet- ever watch whale wars ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
So sad
So perhaps it's wise not to give them ideas to cry over and demand ?
Okay, why? I assume he provided a reason when he shot down the idea...
Sadly the pop guys are such fanboys that they didnt point out that it has been seen on the tng rom episode so we dont know what his answer would have been.
It didnt felt like a reason more like "just no forget it".
Funny thing was he said we get the fleet guramba when we get the fleet gal x. Not sure why they are related maybe cause of the lance would be my guess