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saladinbob Arc User



  • Thanks, I'll report it, see what they say. Probably sod off but you never know :wink:
  • Missed? Sorry, I don't understand. I upgraded it, in the collection window (at the end of the process) it said 'Ultra Rare ???' or something like that. The effects wouldn't display, they were replaced by question marks and the DPS dropped by three. When I collected the item it was still 'Very Rare' with all existing traits…
  • Oh one point. I know the right window is a potential upgrade but that is not what it said. The Ultra Rare was in the 'collect' window, i.e. it had been successful but wasn't delivered. That being said, the Ultra Rare variant actually had less DPS than the current Very Rare variant which really doesn't make a lot of sense.…
  • Brill, thank you.
  • I appreciate the advice being given here but can we please get away from the notion that I want to use Transphasic? I want to know what the general consensus is on the pros and cons of each. I simply mentioned Transphasic because I'd read about them but I'm in no way beholden to using them.
  • What's the advantage of upgrading Ship weapons? Neither Mk XII nor Mk XIII have any higher stats over the mark below. Is there a cap on the damage done by Ship weapons once you reach a certain mark number?
  • I understand that but you're dropping 41.2% DPS which is a significant trade off. Wouldn't Transphasic be best suited for a pure Torpedo boat load out where you can't going to get the shields down? I fly a Command Cruiser which means I have fighters to compliment its already impressive firepower, which in turn means I'm…
  • Ah cool, that's what I found difficult, the lining up of the mines for the ship to hit. This sounds like it does the hard work for you. So in terms of damage, what's the best damage type?
  • They're mines aren't they? I tried Mines a very long time ago and found them utterly useless. I'll give them a try. So what damage type is the best? Photon, Quantum, Plasma, Tricobolt, Transphasic?
  • Well currently I run Quantum Torps which gives me respectable damage and, from what I've found so far, the second best DPS (after Photons). Where would I get Breen Transphasic from? They're not on the exchange.
  • There's this little thing called 'originality'. Cryptic ought to try it now and again. If we took your attitude we'd never have visited anywhere in all subsequent series that we hadn't visited in TOS and it would be doubtful Star Trek would be as popular if that had happened as it is today. If the Alpha/Beta Quadrants had…
  • Maybe you thought they were bad but clearly some of us enjoyed them. I liked them as a change of pace from blowing stuff up. Star Fleet's primary mission is exploration, and now we have a Star Trek game without any exploration in it. They should get revamped and put back in.
  • Slight differences in non-related areas but pretty much.
  • As far as I'm aware I don't have keybinds for the camera? Unless the game defaults to some and I'm not aware? What you describe you do is exactly what I want to do, insofar as Camera panning, but the settings aren't allowing me to do that.
  • That's what's got me mad. I've turned that on. These are my camera settings: AOE Target assist - off Select Auto target on attack - on Free Camera - on Always face forward - off Disable Auto attack - on Despite this every time I target something, the camera swings around to face it and since targeting in a ground…
  • Thanks, that's a start but I am still clueless on the whole duty officer assignment/missions thingymebob which is why I'm asking if there is a guide on how to use them, what benefits I get from using them, and what I need in order to use them. Same applies to the reputation. My sum total of knowledge in this game is how to…
  • Guys, please. Guide? Preferably one that doesn't do a Voyager and is all technobabble TRIBBLE.
  • I'm definitely losing my marbles. The third button down on the side is my small ship (shuttle). I vaguely remember a section for departmental missions but I can't seem to find it. Now it seems to be a reputation menu but I don't know what that is either.
  • God damn it, my sanity won't be there if I have to keep reading up on things. So, got a guide on how to do diplomacy? Because my idea of diplomacy is usually at the end of a phaser :wink: In fact, I need a guide on all things Duty Officers because I tend to just keep clicking buttons until the thing goes off my screen…
  • Alright, cheers. It's been a long time since I first played those missions.
  • In that case it might get a little confusing so let me try explain as vaguely as I can so as not to spoil anything. Enterprise's first three seasons featured Daniels and the Temporal Cold war. Future Proof ties this game into several episodes of Enterprise that featured this war, as well as one, perhaps two episodes of The…
  • The envoy isn't Daniels. The face thing is a tie in for how he's eventually found dead in Enterprise. Play the full missions and you'll know who the envoy is.
  • I'd sooner they focus on story content rather than trying to squeeze every last credit out of my wallet, thank you very much.
  • I agree about factions being more of an origin story these days. With the story, for me the writers fell into exactly the same trap as the writers of TNG's Best of Both Worlds by creating an adversary so ridiculously overpowered it created problems for them moving forward, and in this game's case, resulting in the only…
  • The less I see of that timeline the better. I'd sooner this game focus on continuing the TNG universe, not the reboot action movies.
  • we got admiralty instead. [/quote] What's that supposed to mean?
  • What happened to that? I remember reading about that becoming an option before I took a break about a year ago and since coming back, haven't seen any option to send my spare ships on missions.
  • Really? I liked the missions but the expansion was nothing other than a money grabbing exercise by Arc Games. Half a dozen 23rd Century missions then straight over to the Federation faction mission tree, whilst the 25th Century got three extra missions, none of which progress the story in any meaningful way. did not…
  • Great. So how do I know if the C-Store Ship I'm flying is in that category? It's not listed in the fleet ship requisitions. Also, what are Fleet Marks and how do I get them?
  • In fact, let me expand on the question. What's the difference between Fleet stuff and non-fleet stuff?