I agree with OP, in every F2P there are aaaalways a group of people offended by the inherit stores and transactions. This game is probably the least P2W of any F2P I know of. Sure I have a c-store ship but only cause it's cool and yes I did spend real money. But it is my second c-store ship, the first being one I saved up…
Not sure about the Andorian naysayers but my Charal melts faces. That extra fore slot is great. They are a bit squishy but I get the extra heals with Charal being the eng version (I'm a tac capt though) so I can def hold my own and only die when not paying attention
I have to say I'm not one to trash talk game companies - I've come to accept their shady practices. But after reading this thread, I'm pretty amazed that a) there will be no payback in any form of currency and b) nothing has been done yet so people are still buying this stuff with no knowledge it's getting 'fixed'
Honestly just do all the free zen offers you can and some surveys and I guarantee at least enough for a ship within a couple days. Even once all the good offers are gone, I still get one master key per day by doing a couple surveys. Make sure you are going to earn zen page from American IP address cause the Canadian free…
I second the cannon+turrent > beam array statement. Soon as I got the Excel-R and went from beam boat to the dbb/turret build I can see a huge diff in my game, pvp, pve, stf, whatever I also like that I can do the good deeps and still heal like a cruiser should
I'm tac :-P But CRF is only for Cannons, DBB + FAW can be a mean front attack There is a CD on that entire BOFF when I use those? I guess that's not a big deal cause TT would already be running
Just so I can hijack my own thread, Why are people recommending admiral cruisers over vice admiral cruisers? Can a http://www.stowiki.org/Advanced_Heavy_Cruiser_Retrofit really keep up with an Ody?
So I guess my underlying question is: Wouldn't a captain of any type do equal DPS in the same ship if they are the same level, discounting skill and experience.... In regards to ship, I've been doing Earn free zen stuff for sometime and have more than I need for a ship, though not enough for Ody pack