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ramarama Arc User



  • This is quite sad. There is little to zero reason to play the new space adventure zone, the selling point of Season 8! Cryptic, you could have easily went the opposite route on this! Dili and marks too easy to get? Lower the "percent to completion" that each found mission and Volt ship gave. Done. The daily takes longer to…
  • Couldn't they have just decreased the amount of credit each task gave toward the mission's completion, thus, making the missions take longer? We are talking about the daily missions for each of the sphere's zones, right?
  • Really? That's what it meant? No dailies in the Sphere? That...doesn't make any sense. They were good missions. Were people really complaining about the commendation that much? Man...now I have little to no reason to run anything in the sphere...
  • Yeah, I was temped to get a Romulan ship, but my Rommie isn't leveled enough to fly anything worth buying. Same for my KDF character. I've been focusing on Fed and will do so until...I get bored XD I'm now leaning toward the Andorian pack since their consoles and set ability looks awesome. Thanks for the input on the…
  • Do your dailies...all of them. You'll hit cap and then some. I just do the sphere zone dailies and then come out just one mission short of the daily cap. Run over to Defera, rescue some NPCs, kill some others and call it a day.
  • I'll try it out. Couldn't hurt any. With that extended RSP and near constant capped shield power, more weapon power would be nice. Also, should I replace the dual beam bank with...something? Another array? A torp perhaps?
  • It's going to be a while before I can afford much of anything now. That RSP DoFF cost me quite a bit. However, I do see what ya mean. Luckily, I already have Omega rep to T3, or just about there. As for the grind, yeah, I plan on capping all of my reps, for all of my characters, eventually. That's where the "forever" part…
  • http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=wipgalaxyx_0 Notes: Still need to buy another engineering console to replace one of the armor consoles. Need to shop around for a new warp core if one benefits phasers Thinking of replacing EPtE with EPtA since I don't seem to need the engine power much Need to upgrade Technicians.…
  • So, I ended up sticking with the Galaxy X... I swear...that third nacelle...and the Venture's skin...I just can't part with it. I purchased the Fleet Elite Shield, set up my BOs for an Aux2Bat build and ventured forth. It was...alright. Shields are definitely tougher, but the Aux2Bat stuff felt off and no nearly as…
  • Excellent advice all around. Thank you. I'm only about...rank three in all of the reputations so it will take some work getting there. Luckily, my fleet almost has rank five unlocked. It'll take a while but we'll get there. I'm glad I saved all of those respecs from when I was a subscriber.
  • The Venture Class...applied it's parts to the Galaxy X and never looked back.
  • I wonder....are the ship models small...or are the player models just that huge?!
  • I did find it odd that I just got in when logging in earlier today. I was pretty excited since I haven't played in a very long time. I jumped into my favorite ship, the Galaxy X, and leaped into the fray. Sadly, that fray did not last. After completing an odd tutorial of sorts, I had finished all I could do in The Sphere.…
  • The Dilithium reward has been removed from the Chart the B'Tran Cluster, Vice Admiral - Daily, mission. Out of all the patch notes, this was the one that struck me as... odd. I don't play STO much but when I do get a chance, I tend to grind some Dilithium or such. Why was this removed? Honestly, it feels random and removes…
  • Sorry to make another post so quickly but I just read a bit of stuff on the wiki and came back here a tad confused and a little disturbed. So, you earn Fleet Marks via missions but can only earn Fleet Credits via donations? Fleet Marks are only used to convert to Fleet Credits via donations? Fleet Ships and various other…
  • I'm a pretty casual player. Got my three character to 50, grinded out a Galaxy X via Dilithium, got my away teams all geared in purples to my liking with nice skill sets that work well with each other... Maybe I'm not too casual, but all in all, I don't like this system. I have yet to see any open donation button. Every…