Id love them to do something with the map, the current one is ugly and unwieldy; id like to be able to zoom in see more details - and on the sector space map, wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to scroll around the window like some badly sized image to find the "exit", points to the next sector block? The map hasn't…
/signed, Flickering nebula's still there after all this time (had a mate sign up the other week, only to quit because of it) - its even present in the episodes.
You also ignored my first suggestion, farm dilithium and then convert that to Zen, then buy any C-Store ship you want that has a Zen price. the Tier5 ship you get for free is more than capable of doing this, you just have to accept that it will take a while. Bare in mind cryptic do not in ANY way paywall content from you,…
You could look at working towards buying a PWE store/Cstore ship using dilithium that is converted to Zen? Will take you some time mate, but you can exchange dilithium for Zen. IF you play regularly, you could probably get one sorted in a month or so i would think. That said, Re Fleets - one way to stop getting spammed…
the Tier4 ships are capable of end game content, in fact the tier5's tend to make endgame to easy - that tier 4 ship you chose should be just fine for whatever you want to do content wise and enable you to earn a tier5 thru grinding if you dont want to pay to be honest.
Whilst you are kinda right, and i was definitely taking a leap, it is not a huge leap for cryptic/atari (at the time), to go to CBS with a proposal, and that will almost certainly have had some financial diligence figures in it "here is our model, here is how we intend to pay the licensing fee's" etc, that is what i am…
I think that CBS will extend the agreement on the grounds they make a bit more cash from it. Its fairly obvious that the deal that was originally negotiated was not based on cryptic selling ships, and other items (and having a cash economy), i mean ships in this game can set someone back around twice a monthly…
for what its worth, looks like my problems start a few hops outside the PW/Cryptic network, only a few traces so by no means conclusive (and frankly, icmp is a guide rather than a decent troubleshooting tool). C:\Users\Dudey>tracert -d Tracing route to…
Getting exactly the same, pulling games down at decent speed on steam; other games fine etc. (have a fibre connection and its seeming generally ok today), its possible its a peering issues of some sort i guess (IE not really my fault, not really PW's) but right now STO is the only thing thats the problem. :(