And if you go Silver with >10M, you get to keep the remainder, but won't be able to earn any more until the total accured is <10M, or you resub or go Lifetime. Edit: another beat me to it :P
If I can't get rid of him by the end of Nimbus, I'll just pave him over - change his name, his face, use spare BOffs to train him in new skills, etc. Maybe I'll make him Sparks McGee. Is there a cowboy hat option in the tailor yet?
Nonsense. It doesn't work like that for C-Store ships. With C-Store ships, the Fleet module cost is reduced by three. And I think that would be an amicable compromise to having fleet versions of the vet ships.
No, it's not. The probes don't even fire torpedoes. Also, when you can explain how a whole frigate could fit inside a hangar bay, let me know. Birds of Prey are at least small enough to be plausible, especially with the fold-up wings, but a Miranda?
Like on the other side of the island... yep, let me know what meds your character has to take to get rid of the voices, and I'll report to sickbay too.
What if a person who's contributed a lot to a fleet leaves a fleet (accidentally or otherwise) and comes back? Would the board start them out at zero, or keep track of their past efforts? This was actually a big problem in CoH, especially if one accidentally left a supergroup and came back. Their contributions would reset,…
I couldn't agree more. For the Risa event, Flying High is on a 20 hour timer, but the bird DOff missions are 24 hours. It's really unnecessarily penalizing players.
This detritus is hardly worth my reading either. Mud-slinging ad hominem, etc. If it's the best argument you can come up with, I might as well just filter it out. Good day sir.
It's why I created Obsidius' First Rule of the Forums, although I should amend the rule to include things like tweets from a dev's personal Twitter account, etc. This sort of ire is cliche. If you really have that much antipathy for "Dan Stahl and his little gang," you could probably better use your time elsewhere.…
Emote spam only has a "range" of 50 ft, but this can fall within the boundaries of the dabo table and ornithologist. Besides, if one actually participates in the dance contest, it is all but impossible to actually have a chat/ PM conversation without filtering it out of the chat window if it's not already disabled. Putting…
You can have it, it's ugly as sin. I'd take the second one as a shuttle though. Also, the bridge image is labeled as Suliban Bridge. But I think that's already available in a lock box, so no surprises there.
My thoughts exactly. Currently, Gateway is just potential, but not really much more than wallpaper at the moment. Edit: although the new(er) feature to contribute to Fleet projects out-of-game is certainly interesting...
Android, Apple, doesn't matter. Mobile devices don't have the GPU horsepower to render STO. And porting a keyboard-based interface to a touch screen? Wouldn't be stellar, IMPO, just thinking about the basics of how the game works. Now having some sort of DOff game that ties into my STO characters? That would be compelling.
I'm going to have to add this to the rules or something. Basically, "maintenance windows don't revolve around you." It's a US hosted game, and most people in the US are at work right now. Also, the guys doing the maintenance would have to be paid overtime to do it during weird hours, like 2am CST. Deal with it. If nothing…
Have to agree, perhaps for people who already have the dance accolade. Make it worth our time to site around for 10-11 minutes boringly toggling through dance emotes. In other words, make it worth the tedium.
So has anyone in this thread tried the Scimitar yet? Have they compared it or PVPd against the Odessey, Bortas'qu, Vesta, etc.? If not, I'd like to point out that it's just a bunch of conjecture. about the abilities of the Scimitar, and trading off three console slots for a lot of special features while potentially…
Or it could be a hook for a future Featured Episode that questions the morals of using such weapons. I think it provides some opportunities for storytelling, whether they be "official" missions or Foundry missions.
As with any C-Store ship, you can purchase them at any time, but will only be able to use them when the character meets or exceeds the ship's minimum level. So you can buy the Scimitar today, but won't be able to use it until your Romulan characters are Subadmirals.