Massively's STO Columnist Terilynn Shull recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the team. In this week's Captain's Log entry, she writes about her interview with Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera.
New home of the Romulan Republic.
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
This was nice, I guess. But I feel that it seems like the Devs react and talk the most only to the prominent media people that cover STO. And the major people that cover STO are not game mechanically inclined.
Dan Stahl's interviews have often had ship questions, and he defers to Al Rivera. But whenever the major media interviews Rivera, they always seem to not ask Rivera the hard ship questions. Like, New Ships are getting more powerful all the time (The Scimitar makes the Galaxy even more obsolete than it already was [yes, I realize no character has access to both ships, but if there was a choice, nobody would choose the Galaxy]).
Older ships need to be brought up to new standards. Crappy stats and Crappy Boff layouts need to be revised. Ideally, Stats should be decoupled from the looks of the ship, be we know that's never going to happen.
"Response to LoR has been incredible" obviously means that the team is thrilled that STO survived the infusion of new material so infused with bugs.
I do get the distinct impression that STO is being left to wait around for Neverwinter updates and the STO team hopes that each Neverwinter update contains something they can port into STO. It's cheap and incredibly lazy, but they can still rake in the fantasy fulfillment cash that's keeping this game afloat.
I can't get more disillusioned about this game than I am right now.
I would love to see what Cryptic would do regarding crafting and what reward the people who have crafted stuff will get. Oh look a crafting reputation and your reward is 50 crafting reputation points keep griding to get to tier V crafting to get a MXII Aegis set which is obsolete compared to the other sets
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
To bring up an old sore..... you gotta love how Massively keeps getting exclusives after twisting the words of a dev in a non official forum... I cannot stand them after they did this.
From that point on we've never enjoyed the company of the devs on the forums like we used to. I will never forget the awkward blackout where no dev posted for a long time.
All we usually get now are sanitized dev blogs on a schedule. Shame on us for hinging on their every word and treating it as gospel, then freaking out when something changes or doesn't quite pan out as a dev mentioned. Shame on Massively for ruining anything that was left.
join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
To bring up an old sore..... you gotta love how Massively keeps getting exclusives after twisting the words of a dev in a non official forum... I cannot stand them after they did this.
From that point on we've never enjoyed the company of the devs on the forums like we used to. I will never forget the awkward blackout where no dev posted for a long time.
All we usually get now are sanitized dev blogs on a schedule. Shame on us for hinging on their every word and treating it as gospel, then freaking out when something changes or doesn't quite pan out as a dev mentioned. Shame on Massively for ruining anything that was left.
Indeed. The Devs aren't chatty any more after that.
I'm not really sure what some folks are expecting...
Do you really think that Cryptic is going to do anything but go with positive news reporting??
Their first concern is making money... obviously.
If that happens to coincide with the game becoming better..., great.
If not, then They are going to go with what ever makes the most of said money, and we as the players will either have to learn to live with it or move on.
The days of the Devs' being open and honest with us ended shortly after PWE took over...
Anybody who has been around since the beginning can see this for themselves and those of you who are new to the game will eventually understand this also.
The selling of Star Trek has always been about the biggest bang for the IP owners buck with the least possible amount of effort...
(just like most things in todays world)
As long as we (Star Trek Fans) are willing to give them our cash for "whatever" They deliver, Cryptic/PWE is going to go the same route as just about every other Trek Vendor.
(with very few exceptions)
We can pizz and moan all we want about how things have changed, but the only real way to effect these changes, is by deciding to NOT support them with our money...
Unfortunately, in the long run, that will only harm us, as most likely it would result in the game closing down.
BTW: I found the pictures included..., more interesting than the article itself.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The days of the Devs' being open and honest with us ended shortly after PWE took over...
UIm, they ended the day STO started Open Beta in 2009. Period. (And I'm not trying to go after the Dev Team per se -- but in the end, this IS ALL a business, and the primary goal of any company is profit <-- that allows the doors to remain open, salaries to be paid, etc.
If you truly believe the Dev's attitude is different from the days Cryptic first launched STO (and was owned by Atari -- or hell, back when they were working on CoH); then you have a big pair of rose colored glasses, or no understanding of marketing or business.
The marketing end has improved since PWE took over. (Whether you like the style of marketing is irrelevant'; but honestly Cryptic left completely to it's own devices did a sub standard job of marketing it's products.)
But in the end, these days, Cryptic Devs are no more or less 'upfront/honest' then they have been since Cryptic employees have been interacting with the public since their CoH days.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
STO had seen an increase in players because of the implementation of the fleet and reputation systems
Excuse me while I go laugh my TRIBBLE off...
You beat me to it.
Whatever hope I had for the future of this game just shot right out of the window, at least now I know.
To Dan Stahl and his little gang, you might be able to kid yourselves with this BS you now spew on a daily basis, and sure you might be able to fool a percentage of your customers for a time, but sooner or later you'll be seen for what you truly are.
UIm, they ended the day STO started Open Beta in 2009. Period. (And I'm not trying to go after the Dev Team per se -- but in the end, this IS ALL a business, and the primary goal of any company is profit <-- that allows the doors to remain open, salaries to be paid, etc.
If you truly believe the Dev's attitude is different from the days Cryptic first launched STO (and was owned by Atari -- or hell, back when they were working on CoH); then you have a big pair of rose colored glasses, or no understanding of marketing or business.
The marketing end has improved since PWE took over. (Whether you like the style of marketing is irrelevant'; but honestly Cryptic left completely to it's own devices did a sub standard job of marketing it's products.)
But in the end, these days, Cryptic Devs are no more or less 'upfront/honest' then they have been since Cryptic employees have been interacting with the public since their CoH days.
Well, up till PWE took over, it seemed the Dev's comments in the forums were more numerous and open to me anyway.
Perhaps I was wearing that particular shade of glasses, but one can't deny that things around here certainly changed at that point...
Whether it has been for the better or worse, is up to each individual I guess.
I have found myself spending less time in the forums lately as most of what I read around here has become even more negative than seemed in the past.
(which I partially tribute to a lack of Dev presence, but of course that is also just my opinion.)
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Whatever hope I had for the future of this game just shot right out of the window, at least now I know.
To Dan Stahl and his little gang, you might be able to kid yourselves with this BS you now spew on a daily basis, and sure you might be able to fool a percentage of your customers for a time, but sooner or later you'll be seen for what you truly are.
I don't doubt that Their numbers have been increasing, I'm just not sure Their 'retention' is all that great.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
To bring up an old sore..... you gotta love how Massively keeps getting exclusives after twisting the words of a dev in a non official forum... I cannot stand them after they did this.
From that point on we've never enjoyed the company of the devs on the forums like we used to. I will never forget the awkward blackout where no dev posted for a long time.
All we usually get now are sanitized dev blogs on a schedule. Shame on us for hinging on their every word and treating it as gospel, then freaking out when something changes or doesn't quite pan out as a dev mentioned. Shame on Massively for ruining anything that was left.
It's why I created Obsidius' First Rule of the Forums, although I should amend the rule to include things like tweets from a dev's personal Twitter account, etc.
Whatever hope I had for the future of this game just shot right out of the window, at least now I know.
To Dan Stahl and his little gang, you might be able to kid yourselves with this BS you now spew on a daily basis, and sure you might be able to fool a percentage of your customers for a time, but sooner or later you'll be seen for what you truly are.
This sort of ire is cliche. If you really have that much antipathy for "Dan Stahl and his little gang," you could probably better use your time elsewhere. Schadenfreude can only amuse a person for so long, amusing that time actually comes.
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
Well, up till PWE took over, it seemed the Dev's comments in the forums were more numerous and open to me anyway.
Perhaps I was wearing that particular shade of glasses, but one can't deny that things around here certainly changed at that point...
Whether it has been for the better or worse, is up to each individual I guess.
It's (for example) true that certain Devs (and DStahl in particular) do not post more about the far off, long range plans for STO as they used to -- BUT, remember, that style of posting lead to them being labeled as 'liars', 'dishonest', etc. if a long term plan was abandoned, changed significantly, or delayed; and many players from that time said up front -- "Hey, why don't you wait until you're 99% certain what you post will come to pass?" -- and in the end, that's the path they've taken since; which honestly overall probably leads to less stress for DStahl; and less nerd rage on the Forums with regard to 'broken promises' (Yes, those type of posts continue; but not to the degree when we were getting the monthly Engineering Reports , when a group saw that their favorite upcoming listed feature was not moving up the list; or worse, disappeared altogether.
I kind of miss those days myself, (and for all those saying "They just need to post a disclaimer..." -- they DID, but the ragers had selective memory when that point was brought up -- so in the end, such disclaimers do nothing to lessen the angry response of someone who's really wanted STO feature addition gets shelved/axed for whatever reason, be it a good/understandable or a bad reason.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I don't doubt that Their numbers have been increasing, I'm just not sure Their 'retention' is all that great.
The epicly hilarious part is that those very same words describe the resource sinks that keep getting piled on players. I know it's more than likely not what Gecko meant, but the simple fact that words coming out of his mouth echo the complaints of a not insignificant number of players, and then him turning around and saying that those very things are good for the game is just so beyond absurd you can't help but laugh at it.
I don't doubt that Their numbers have been increasing, I'm just not sure Their 'retention' is all that great.
I'm sure they count those accounts that haven't been logged into in months as active, just like the mule accounts that have to be created to work around their mail mess.
It's (for example) true that certain Devs (and DStahl in particular) do not post more about the far off, long range plans for STO as they used to -- BUT, remember, that style of posting lead to them being labeled as 'liars', 'dishonest', etc. if a long term plan was abandoned, changed significantly, or delayed; and many players from that time said up front -- "Hey, why don't you wait until you're 99% certain what you post will come to pass?" -- and in the end, that's the path they've taken since; which honestly overall probably leads to less stress for DStahl; and less nerd rage on the Forums with regard to 'broken promises' (Yes, those type of posts continue; but not to the degree when we were getting the monthly Engineering Reports , when a group saw that their favorite upcoming listed feature was not moving up the list; or worse, disappeared altogether.
I kind of miss those days myself, (and for all those saying "They just need to post a disclaimer..." -- they DID, but the ragers had selective memory when that point was brought up -- so in the end, such disclaimers do nothing to lessen the angry response of someone who's really wanted STO feature addition gets shelved/axed for whatever reason, be it a good/understandable or a bad reason.)
I wish I had time to locate His last one...
(have to go to work shortly)
It would be interesting to see how many of the things listed, actually got impelmented in one way or another.
I wonder if any of the 'ragers' would be any happier???
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I'm sure they count those accounts that haven't been logged into in months as active, just like the mule accounts that have to be created to work around their mail mess.
To bring up an old sore..... you gotta love how Massively keeps getting exclusives after twisting the words of a dev in a non official forum... I cannot stand them after they did this.
From that point on we've never enjoyed the company of the devs on the forums like we used to. I will never forget the awkward blackout where no dev posted for a long time.
All we usually get now are sanitized dev blogs on a schedule. Shame on us for hinging on their every word and treating it as gospel, then freaking out when something changes or doesn't quite pan out as a dev mentioned. Shame on Massively for ruining anything that was left.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to separate the writers from the publication.
Terry Lynn does good work with her articles and the devs know this.
To break up the raining on the parade going on here. I have a question.
What is the ship being shown in the article? Is that the Vet Rewards ship or something else you guys are working on?
I think all the pics (except the first 2) are the vet rewards. I know the big ship is the 1000 day reward, the small ship is the 400 day reward and I think the cape and shoulders might be the 500 day reward.
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
Dan Stahl's interviews have often had ship questions, and he defers to Al Rivera. But whenever the major media interviews Rivera, they always seem to not ask Rivera the hard ship questions. Like, New Ships are getting more powerful all the time (The Scimitar makes the Galaxy even more obsolete than it already was [yes, I realize no character has access to both ships, but if there was a choice, nobody would choose the Galaxy]).
Older ships need to be brought up to new standards. Crappy stats and Crappy Boff layouts need to be revised. Ideally, Stats should be decoupled from the looks of the ship, be we know that's never going to happen.
Another 'convert STO to Neverwinter' interview.
"Response to LoR has been incredible" obviously means that the team is thrilled that STO survived the infusion of new material so infused with bugs.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I do get the distinct impression that STO is being left to wait around for Neverwinter updates and the STO team hopes that each Neverwinter update contains something they can port into STO. It's cheap and incredibly lazy, but they can still rake in the fantasy fulfillment cash that's keeping this game afloat.
I can't get more disillusioned about this game than I am right now.
What is the ship being shown in the article? Is that the Vet Rewards ship or something else you guys are working on?
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
From that point on we've never enjoyed the company of the devs on the forums like we used to. I will never forget the awkward blackout where no dev posted for a long time.
All we usually get now are sanitized dev blogs on a schedule. Shame on us for hinging on their every word and treating it as gospel, then freaking out when something changes or doesn't quite pan out as a dev mentioned. Shame on Massively for ruining anything that was left.
My bet: the 1000 day vet reward ship for romulans....
STO had seen an increase in players because of the implementation of the fleet and reputation systems
Excuse me while I go laugh my TRIBBLE off...
The Romulan Vet Ship looks really great!
As a Life Time Subscriber, I am really happy with these additions.
Do you really think that Cryptic is going to do anything but go with positive news reporting??
Their first concern is making money... obviously.
If that happens to coincide with the game becoming better..., great.
If not, then They are going to go with what ever makes the most of said money, and we as the players will either have to learn to live with it or move on.
The days of the Devs' being open and honest with us ended shortly after PWE took over...
Anybody who has been around since the beginning can see this for themselves and those of you who are new to the game will eventually understand this also.
The selling of Star Trek has always been about the biggest bang for the IP owners buck with the least possible amount of effort...
(just like most things in todays world)
As long as we (Star Trek Fans) are willing to give them our cash for "whatever" They deliver, Cryptic/PWE is going to go the same route as just about every other Trek Vendor.
(with very few exceptions)
We can pizz and moan all we want about how things have changed, but the only real way to effect these changes, is by deciding to NOT support them with our money...
Unfortunately, in the long run, that will only harm us, as most likely it would result in the game closing down.
BTW: I found the pictures included..., more interesting than the article itself.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
UIm, they ended the day STO started Open Beta in 2009. Period. (And I'm not trying to go after the Dev Team per se -- but in the end, this IS ALL a business, and the primary goal of any company is profit <-- that allows the doors to remain open, salaries to be paid, etc.
If you truly believe the Dev's attitude is different from the days Cryptic first launched STO (and was owned by Atari -- or hell, back when they were working on CoH); then you have a big pair of rose colored glasses, or no understanding of marketing or business.
The marketing end has improved since PWE took over. (Whether you like the style of marketing is irrelevant'; but honestly Cryptic left completely to it's own devices did a sub standard job of marketing it's products.)
But in the end, these days, Cryptic Devs are no more or less 'upfront/honest' then they have been since Cryptic employees have been interacting with the public since their CoH days.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
You beat me to it.
Whatever hope I had for the future of this game just shot right out of the window, at least now I know.
To Dan Stahl and his little gang, you might be able to kid yourselves with this BS you now spew on a daily basis, and sure you might be able to fool a percentage of your customers for a time, but sooner or later you'll be seen for what you truly are.
Well, up till PWE took over, it seemed the Dev's comments in the forums were more numerous and open to me anyway.
Perhaps I was wearing that particular shade of glasses, but one can't deny that things around here certainly changed at that point...
Whether it has been for the better or worse, is up to each individual I guess.
I have found myself spending less time in the forums lately as most of what I read around here has become even more negative than seemed in the past.
(which I partially tribute to a lack of Dev presence, but of course that is also just my opinion.)
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I don't doubt that Their numbers have been increasing, I'm just not sure Their 'retention' is all that great.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I probably won't fly the romulan vet ship since I have my fleet d'd and scimitar, but pretty ship nonetheless.
It's why I created Obsidius' First Rule of the Forums, although I should amend the rule to include things like tweets from a dev's personal Twitter account, etc.
This sort of ire is cliche. If you really have that much antipathy for "Dan Stahl and his little gang," you could probably better use your time elsewhere. Schadenfreude can only amuse a person for so long, amusing that time actually comes.
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
It's (for example) true that certain Devs (and DStahl in particular) do not post more about the far off, long range plans for STO as they used to -- BUT, remember, that style of posting lead to them being labeled as 'liars', 'dishonest', etc. if a long term plan was abandoned, changed significantly, or delayed; and many players from that time said up front -- "Hey, why don't you wait until you're 99% certain what you post will come to pass?" -- and in the end, that's the path they've taken since; which honestly overall probably leads to less stress for DStahl; and less nerd rage on the Forums with regard to 'broken promises' (Yes, those type of posts continue; but not to the degree when we were getting the monthly Engineering Reports , when a group saw that their favorite upcoming listed feature was not moving up the list; or worse, disappeared altogether.
I kind of miss those days myself, (and for all those saying "They just need to post a disclaimer..." -- they DID, but the ragers had selective memory when that point was brought up -- so in the end, such disclaimers do nothing to lessen the angry response of someone who's really wanted STO feature addition gets shelved/axed for whatever reason, be it a good/understandable or a bad reason.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I will be the first to announce: "I LOVE TO GRIND REPUTATION!!!!!"
Honestly I do, dont oppose me. Great job Al Riviera keep it up
He will pwn all of u until U look like a chinese farmer!!!
The epicly hilarious part is that those very same words describe the resource sinks that keep getting piled on players. I know it's more than likely not what Gecko meant, but the simple fact that words coming out of his mouth echo the complaints of a not insignificant number of players, and then him turning around and saying that those very things are good for the game is just so beyond absurd you can't help but laugh at it.
...ughhhh...really?.....I dunno maybe it's just me...maybe I'm weird....
I'm sure they count those accounts that haven't been logged into in months as active, just like the mule accounts that have to be created to work around their mail mess.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I wish I had time to locate His last one...
(have to go to work shortly)
It would be interesting to see how many of the things listed, actually got impelmented in one way or another.
I wonder if any of the 'ragers' would be any happier???
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
2 million captains!
The visuals were REALLY awesome ... love the look of the vet ship.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
Sometimes it becomes necessary to separate the writers from the publication.
Terry Lynn does good work with her articles and the devs know this.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
I think all the pics (except the first 2) are the vet rewards. I know the big ship is the 1000 day reward, the small ship is the 400 day reward and I think the cape and shoulders might be the 500 day reward.