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mossimo70fu Arc User



  • Actually, they didn't use the word "nerf" or "buff". The operative word they used is "Re-balanced". I'm suuuuuure it will come out being a beneficial thing to players. All the other recent XP "adjustments" have been after all. :rolleyes: The forums will light up and tell the truth about it later tomorrow.
  • Rep marks are the only thing they give away like candy - because they are worthless on their own. They exist only to draw out other, more lucrative currencies: a pinch of EC, a dash of expertise, and a bucketful of dilithium to in order to obtain anything useful with them.
  • You are indeed lucky; I envy people that can be so easily satisfied. Game designers love those kind of people even more. Makes their job super easy. BTW you do know they are nerfing the TRIBBLE out of Dyson BZ rewards right? We'll see how much fun it is for you when you log in tomorrow.
  • There's always sitting on your bridge and doing this: http://savedysamoria.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/tumblr_lo7ifstei91qgu06r.jpg?w=450
  • Great idea, but I doubt anyone at the studio has the emotional wherewithal to read what would be left for them there. :P
  • Delta Rising is the BEST expansion EVER and players LOVE it! Now with Double Delta Quadrant Patrol Mission Rewards!
  • I got that it was a half-joke, I wasn't attacking you. It's true though, many (most?) of us are just not queuing up anymore (or even logging in anymore in my case). Why? Time spent in queue + time spent running the group content is too high compared to the reward you get for doing it. Typically in an MMO, group content…
  • Hear that kravase, it's all our fault after all! Give us an incentive to queue up and we would. It's not our job to provide entertainment to other players, although I would if I actually got rewarded for it. 1400 XP for carrying a group through Infected Normal is not worth the grief.
  • It's not fun doing what I used to do because queues don't pop and I don't have enough fleeties on anymore to run anything anymore. The EliteSTF channel is a joke. My fleet used to have 20+ people on around the clock but now is just a few. People don't "have fun" unless there is an adequate reward mechanism built in: you…
  • Yeah, they need to go out and sign up for a remedial math class at a community college over winter break and come back next year and check their math. :confused:
  • If only those places were fun - but no, it's the patented warp-in, kill 2-3 groups of enemies only to get "surprised" by a couple reinforcement groups. Go to next system. Rinse. Repeat. Now, for double the reward! Yay.
  • Way to go guys. The playerbase asks for some more cookies so you break a small piece off the one you're eating and reluctantly hand it over. Kudos on the bug fixes in this patch, but this XP buff is way too little, way too late.
  • A fellow forum poster spread a rumor that there was going to be a patch this week buffing XP rewards to match what they are on tribble (still poor, but better rewards nonetheless). That is doubtful since it would go live tomorrow but there has been no announcement of impending maintenance. Guess I'll be playing something…
  • Might as well throw my new sig into the fray. Pretty much sums up my feelings about the new expansion.
  • So what kind of number have been floated about this? I assume we aren't going back to the days of 1-2 missions per level. Even doubling XP it would be roughly 10 missions per level - seems lackluster but it might be a start in the right direction, but I doubt we'll see a doubling of XP rewards.
  • Big XP buff patch this week huh? Forgive me if I'm skeptical. Guess I can stick around a few more days to see how this plays out.
  • Just the 20 hr crafting missions on 2/10 characters + delta rep on a few others, but I'm not sure why I am bothering at all at this point.
  • They just used "3 missions" as a hypothetical example...you know because using an actual example of 20+ replay missions per level would have sounded...well, the word ludicrous comes to mind. They just couldn't bring themselves to utter those words publicly, but I'm sure they are laughing about it long and hard around the…
  • The flip side of this coin is: if you are starting DR content at level 50, there is not much left to miss.
  • I want to play. I really do. I just can't bring myself to log in anymore knowing I'd end up grinding patrols for hours upon hours with little or no reward for doing so. At this point I'm just waiting to see if they come to their senses next week and do some serious backtracking on this nerf-rampage they have been on.…
  • Yep. That's my take as well. That's why I checked out of the game and will only continue to watch the forums for positive changes for another week or two before uninstalling and leaving long-term. I can only speak for myself, but for me to come back, it would take a good tripling of the current XP rewards across the board…
  • Right behind you dude. Guess I'll be doing something else this weekend as well. Glad I held off on my planned T6 ship purchases. That would have made leaving more painful.
  • Stop moaning? Let me give you some perspective on this "moaning". <--- Look at my post count. I've been here playing for since beta. Only a dozen or so posts since the 2012 changeover, but yes I am here moaning. Why? The current state of the game warrants the negative feedback. You see businesses that close all the time…
  • Sorry, but this is a horrible, absolutely horrible idea. If this ever came to pass it would be the final nail on the coffin for this game as far as I'm concerned. What is the point of getting your shinies if there isn't anything to do or anyone to play with afterwards?
  • I can say that from my point of view, progression & leveling is currently way too slow to meet the "fun factor" for me. Leveling: far too slow Gameplay: too monotonous with enemies that seem to spam spawn like the old Foundry "Farm" missions did Rewards: way too stingy I think it was a mistake for them to do the double XP…
  • Don't worry not too many freeloaders got one - except me of course. :D Seriously though, only a few hundred were allowed to claim the code. The vast majority of the playerbase was probably oblivious to it even being offered.
  • Considering what's going on with the servers, this may have been a last-minute tactical choice to try and quell the grumbling. Just spitballin' ...
  • Just googled the second code: it's for Holo Leeta and Title
  • What's the second code "spnXI8OK" for? It says in the window: "Gamescom ARC - Promotion STO Final" It's funny btw; up until now I've resisted installing ARC. If they offered up the RMC originally, I'd probably have given in right away.
  • Thanks for posting this. I just came in from doing yardwork - forgetting all about the livestream and I've been wanting this little gem for some time.