Yes - and the point here is - it is FAR from what the people want. And it is the people who play, and pay for, the game. Also - I want to know *why* these changes are being made the way they are. We've lost almost all dev trasnparency
You're trying to argue apples VS oranges here Jex - your issues are nonsequeter to this thread - we're not talking about exploits - or the ridiculous ideas posted by *some* players. I'm talking about the broad sweeping decisions that are upsetting a *large* cross-section of the community, *breaking* things - not fixing…
This, I think, is the big problem - so much of this game is tailored for "instant gratification" that you can't throw in a huge timetable item like this - without some OTHER long-term content to keep the people sated in the meantime. Aside from that - the DOFF requirements are more than a little ridiculous. 60 of any…
It's becoming obvious that this isn't about balance - this seems to be about you getting ganked by some guy in a jembug, and now you have an axe to grind.
i'm not personally saying things are "too hard" Just that when you hit these obvious bugs - it throws a monkey wrench in the works, and can TRIBBLE up boss encounters at least.
I know I've noticed at least a damage increase on a *lot* of the trash mob borgs Also noticed CRAZY strong assimilation nanites - ticking for over 100 damage, too rapidly to even clear them before you're dead. Oh yeah - also had Armek knock me down+away - then shoot me in the crotch with his 1-shot-gun before I could get…
did you read the first line of my post? skilled pilots *are* able to make use of other similar tiered craft I have 7 chars all in different ships - none of which have problems killing any other ship
I've never had any problem killing jembugs. And OF COURSE they were able to kill them later in the series - the Federation had to win after all. (if you watch the first encounter with the borg - the Enterprise D was able to mess em up BAD with one salvo - never again after that - ship power always shifts wildly to make…
If anything, this should be PART of an upgrade - like it should have come with the "interior designer" bit. Give us something with at least a little substance - this is one project that will NEVER be added to my starbase. I'm mostly angry that we have to wait another 2 weeks to see if we're getting anything good, or just…
Ok - point taken. Though to me - doing actual upgrades (whether it's simply opening a window or adding statues) is *far* more meaningful than filling it up with utterly useless, annoying pig-dogs. Edit: And I hate tribbles. A freaking lot.
I want to know: - What in the numerous Chinese TRIBBLE are you smoking, that made this seem like a good idea????? This is a complete waste of Dev time, and a "featured Project" timeslot. Seriously - just skip it so I can do SOMETHING MEANINGFUL to my base - instead of this TOTAL HALF-*** EXCUSE for a project.
Firstly: You could also translate the name to "Take a high place/standing" I left it somewhat ambiguous on purpose, so people can take whichever translation they like best. Second: The reason we don't want to merge into another fleet, is because our starbase is further developed than 99% of other fleet's - as we have…