Thanks for responding! Could you also mention to the team we'd love it if we could also get those paw feet Caitians have available for regular uniforms too? M'Ress certainly didn't wear human shoes. :smiley:
So, yeah, this issue's been overlooked yet again. Still can't access to the cardassian uniform on any female cardassians. It's all there for males, just not females...
Update: Now the Cardassian shirt has disappeared from the Jacket Loose catagory. None of the Cardassian uniform pieces are in my tailor list now for female cardassians.
Yeah, I'm saddened the Battlecruiser isn't an account-wide unlock after you get it to T6. It's one of the iconic TV ships, and the others are in the Gamma Vanguard pack. Couldn't ya' make an exception for this one ship considering it's a staple of the TV jem'hadar?
Yet they seem to be fine largely everywhere else. And I refuse to believe it's not as simple as readjusting the character. These chairs were fine before even when the expac came out for me. It's only recently occurred in the last few months.
Yeah, it seems to be a specific chair model that's used everywhere on TOS ships/station interiors. It's just that one specific chair that needs fixing.
I'm having this same bug as well, force verified and it didn't do anything. It seems to be an issue in-game, I think. Would've thought they'd patched it in the latest patch.
This isn't just the Lolhunat Festival outfits I'm talking about, though I'd still prefer it if they were account-wide unlocks too. I'm talking about the fleet Odyssey uniforms which are DAMN useful for RP, that Voth outfit too from the fleet spire, and the Lobi stuff.
I agree whole-heartedly. It'd definitely make a lot of folks happy, me included. Unlocking these outfits is an achievement that should be rewarded by having them be unlocked account-wide. If it works for Champions, it'll work here!
Yeah, I'm having this bug aswell. I hope it gets fixed in the next patch. Verifying the files doesn't work so it's obviously something to do with the engine.
I keep getting this error whenever I try to load. Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (D3DERR_DEVICEREMOVED) while Locking sprite index buffer. No clue what's wrong with it, was working fine just before the update, this one of the bugs you lot are having?