I would like a background of the splash, as well as a background of the old one as well. P.S. With several in game missions and some of the story coming to 2409, it would not be unreasonable to say several Romulans fled to the Federation after the collapse of the Empire. Starfleet aid is abundant and some of the refuge…
I liked the phaser guy. He proved Redshirts had a chance! speaking of that... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVK-Z3p-iBU P.S. Didn't phaser guy look like Charlie Sheen? Winning!!? The new gal looks like a Vulcan/Romulan/Elf hybrid. Not bad, but somewhat out of place... But if she is a Vulcan/Romulan mix, it would make a…
The process of removing the eight reactors will leave the Big E an empty shell. Rumor says the flight deck would be barely recognizable. Thus cost of restoring her to museum status after the removal is almost the cost of rebuilding her from scratch. The best hope is that they take some sections off her for a museum at some…
Defeating the Queen should be the last part of this series of STF's. Maybe just a small suggestion, but to add some length to this one maybe add a brief space part at the beginning to explain how one got on the cube in the first place.
Well, there is one image that came to mind, and it came from the first blog... http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/www/d1/8a/d18a67f4fbec7fb6f926af9c8ae46e341349804117.jpg
One thing that needs to be done for sure is to have uncommon doff's available for purchase for either dilithium or EC at the academies. Some Common to Very Rare are available upon unlocking them, but why can't we purchase uncommon doff's when we can purchase uncommon boff's?
Of course there would be a Fed attack Klingon version. As far as mixing up species, well attacking the opposite faction star base might limit that. But, you could have every single ship, from fleet to c-store, be possible enemies to spice it up.
Most people have posted what I would have listed. However on this one, I think people have gotten the wrong idea. Those weren't cloak suits. Those suits were holographically hidden by the same hologram projectors hiding the observation base. Once those emitters were taken out, the suits were visible. Think of it as wearing…
I learned that one should not call in a tactical team while doing the Tholian event. I watched as a poor squad of Redshirts scream, burst into flame, and disappear. It wasn't me who called them in, I was playing an engineer at the time. But while watching that horrific scene, I also learned, "This game is a Star Trek game…
It is odd that the original Bird of Prey from the third movie was supposed to be a Romulan ship. However, due to script and creative changes (plus a lack of budget and already made make up cosmetics I believe), it was change to Klingon. I can't think of Klingons without thinking of the Bird of Prey and the D7 and their…