The Miradorn was featured as a mercenary ship during the TNG episodes Gambit P1 and Part 2 in which Picard plays the part of (mercenary) Galen. See also that the Privateer uniform that comes in the bundle is the outfit Picard wears as Galen. These two items were released originally in 2017 with the Privateer Lock Box. So…
It always makes me nervous when they say vague things like "adjusted" Dil/XP modifiers. Why not spell out and QUANTIFY EXACTLY what amounts you're talking about. Give specific examples so we know what you're talking about.
/QFT! I do not care for the "Cathedral Ship" look of the Disco Klingons. It may appeal to some, but it's rubbish to me. I really wish Cryptic would have offered 2410 variants for the KDF, too.
Once again those of us who support Cryptic and buy their stuff get ignored during these promotions. It's been this way for years, so I was not surprised/totally expected it. It seems to me if Cryptic cared, they'd offer some optional prize/reward for those that have already purchased the giveaway item. It's clear they do…
My Fed Dom completed the Romulan T5 rep back in July, prior to AoD, but I hadn't done "Secrets of the Ancients" because my episode progression was locked behind "The Core of the Matter" (and who knows what other unskippable missions), which I haven't found time to replay (again). Since AoD launched, I haven't checked to…
Oh, yeah, I know all about the history of the changes (removal of RAs, rebranding of Queues to TFOs, etc.). But see below... I hope so. I seem to recall in those blogs they said you could do so. In this Tholian RA Blog they specifically call out having to fly to the red Tholian ship to join the RA. Didn't mention the PvE…
First, I enjoyed the flavor text in the blog. Cool story, bro! But, second - So does this mean we can not join the Tholian Red Alert from the PvE Queue screen anymore? I hate having to fly across sector space to find the glowy red ball.
At first I was excited! I kept hoping there would be some actual game-play around this, that it would be related to some new feature, mission, or event. Alas, it was just flavor-text. A good read though. So thanks for that.
Will the "Discovery Era Starfleet characters" be considered a new "faction" in the way the Agents of Yesterday TOSlings are considered a faction (or as I prefer the term f(r)action, heh)?
This is an AWESOME update, thank you! This alone makes me excited for AOD. Seriously! I have several Alts that need gear from newer missions, but can't play them because I'd first have to go through all these... Now what about all the Kobali/Delta mission? Can those be skippable too, please? Edit to add: I mean no insult.…
While you're revisiting the mission story arc, please take care of three things: 1. Make sure Temporal and Delta Recruitment objectives are still able to be completed. 2. Make sure all missions are Skippable (at least if you've played them once on the account). I hate that if my Alt needs the House Martok weapon set from…
OMG! I've been playing STO for over 8yrs and have often wanted some Real World STO Merch. I also happen to be a Pin Collector. So this is awesome. And also terribly tragic. There's no way I can get to go to PAX West. Any other method of distribution? Also, as nice as the pin is, it's too bad it doesn't actually say "Star…
Please don't take this as an insult, it really isn't meant to be one, but there is something that can be done about the post-CE enemies. YOU can learn to play. Seriously. There are several things you can do to avoid being killed by the Tholians (and Terrans) that appear on the map. * Stay Away from Them. Fly high…
"The King is dead, long live the King!" Stephen Ricossa, you will be missed. Thanks for taking such good care of STO while you were here. Andre Emerson, welcome aboard. I have one question... How soon until we get a Tribble(eme) in the game? :)