star trek is all back under one roof again, the viacom/paramount merger went through. Kinda explains the incoming JJtrek stuff dont it? Would love some FASA designs but I could also dig *inspired* designs.... the dhelan family always looked to me like it took inspiration from FASA
Kerererererereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek is so grossly incompetent that he ignores warnings from every "expert" his government invites as well as his own engineering team to turn on a dangerous piece of technology "on time" because he can't bear the embarrassment of missing the timetable for safety's sake...... Its pretty…
Id say honestly give Cariers a third bay, and 2 frigate wingmen, lose the ability to slot frigate pets and trade sensor lock(and the useless subsystem targeting) for 'command and control' that buffs pet/wingman accuracy and defense, then a rejiggerd subsytem targeting (since its utterly useless outside of a t6 recluse) so…
dont like losing my rapid deployment on the HEC but aside from that this looks good... What about the paradox? What about existing carriers? They're now even farther into the suck bin.
I would like that ship too... and playable andorians/saurians since those are on screen and they already did most the work for andorians given theres one in game. I expect we'll see a lot of s2 content to finish off the year before we do something else for a bit then come back for s3 and picard. Because why revisit…
take a walker saucer(or is it the patrol escort?), remove the dish and add a glowy spot..... hmmm throw some malem wings on there.... sprinkle fancy doodad and voila! its a warbird! ..... and since its just a stat clone lets further erode the fractions by letting everyone fly it! GENIUS! ugh seriously??? 2yrs for…
I have some zen laying around to try a couple 4 packs... if it pops I'll be hard pressed not to sell em to some moron for a billion or more instead of using em
Ambassador, Galaxy, Sovereign and their respective T6 versions all in the cash shop... and the NX in lobi. Each of these had an Enterprise in their lineup edit: Excelsior too now that I think about it
disappointed.... not surprised in any way but disappointed.... the next 1b ship youll never own.... just couldnt resist that blatant cash grab could ye? not even once?
nice list, but you might want to go over it, several of the items you list as options are in game already. like the KT phaser/photon and the bat'leth just as two quick examples :3
Id rather have one of these tbh :P looks like the cleave might be fun, seems they took into account ramming someone in slow motion like in the series would be garbage in a game like sto.
(Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR) wishlist this time is pretty short Space: Threat Assessment Algorithms Space: Holographic Mirage Decoys Covert Assault Drone maybe the Computer-Assisted Flight Algorithms maybe the ships tho probably not... I dont do escorts well and the cleave ship... well if they managed to make…
swtor does a fantastic job of showing how 'good' the "bad guy" faction can be... I always loved how my imperial agent or sith lord could be less corrupt and self serving than most of the oh so "good guy" republic plot lines. Even in the more recent expansions you can see the sith while still the "bad guys" do more to help…
would be kinda fun but Id rather explore where the KT already is or its version of the TWoK era. @baddmoonrizin THANK YOU for splitting that garbage off!
ahh hell thats what I get for reading it just after waking up. For some reason I was thinking ground/space versions on the same tier, but they never are edit: can say hell or damned but not c r a p??? the censors around here need a good flogging