Let me start off by saying I appreciate the fact that Cryptic does not have to give a reward for testing anything on the tribble server. That being said, you advertised that the event that would make people eligible for the marks reward would take place from 3-5pm pst. I found out about the event at 2:57pst and began…
Wait, do you know how that so called exploit even works? [/quote] I do know how the current bug works. One buys and levels up both variants of the sheshar, slots one copy of the trait and fires a high yield torp. This triggers torpedo barrage. Players fires the high yield from torpedo barrage and triggers a second high…
We only discovered this bug within the last week. I was present in the Teamspeak when it was discovered, and furthermore, as soon as it was discovered, an official bug hunter did submit a bug report. Funny how this video was not posted until AFTER that report was made.
I for one do care that they are taking advantage of an expliot and then posting the video and saying "look how great we are". It shows their true character.
I'm ok with some of the new crafting system. The thing that really upsets me though is the drop rate for the very rare materials. I have spent 12 hours today grinding elite STF's, and what did I get from the approximately 20 reward boxes and 20 bonus boxes that I opened? a grand total of 4 very rare materials, all of them…