So, the new kelvin timeline intel cruiser has a cloaking ability because it has Intel primary. Why then does the Legendary kelvin timeline Intel battlecruiser not have a cloak ability? It also has a Intel primary and mechanic.
So, the new kelvin timeline intel cruiser has a cloaking ability because it has Intel primary. Why then does the Legendary kelvin timeline Intel battlecruiser not have a cloak ability? It also has a Intel primary and mechanic.
These outages are very rare. This is just an unfortunate time where we have had several major ones in a week. Before that I have had no issues for a couple of years and I log in nearly every day. Get past this and the game will be solid again.
I also found that the Dr Crusher Boff has a good Terran phaser pistol. I think it is the same or similar to what you get from the lobi store. I claimed her several times, added her to my boff list, stole her pistol and kicked her off the ship. I then equipped my whole away team with the pistols.
> @jonsills said: > Retconning this would be simple enough - the 2410 launch was of the Yorktown refit, after the Odyssey-class was "compromised" as described. There you go. The first appearance of Ent-F was in the final mission of the Lost Dominion arc. Prior to that Shon commanded the Defiant class Belfast. In the final…
> @"ambassadorkael#6946" said: > I have zero idea how this occurred, and I hate it. We'll get it fixed. I like it. The old version was hard to read on my phone. I could not see the whole discussion title or comments unless I tilted my phone. This new version not only is easier to read but fits on my phone perfectly.
> @thewolfster said: > Hirogen and Breen mobs are a little weird because they have very old abilities that don't behave like normal abilities, such as a cooldown debuff that cant be resisted or removed. It's a hangover from the very early game and both species NPCs could use a combat overhaul. Science Team clears the Breen…
So to summarize the list of ships in STO with animations so far and to add some of my own: Jellyfish Kwejian Frigate Emerald Chain Intel Dread Intrepid Risan Weather Control Frigate Risian Cruiser Orion Intruder/Scout 32 c ships with floating parts Crossfield variants Veteran Destroyers Dyson ships Titan Class (lights)…
> @"machine5#5794" said: > This is completely broken for me. I get "inventory full", "requirements not met" and "need to complete tutorial" errors. This is across multiple characters, mostly all are level 65. Starfleet, KDF it doesn't matter. Did any actually do the tutorial or skip it. I had one toon who was eligible to…
I would like to know as well. I know the genesis pack comes with single character uniform claims, but you are able to claim them on all characters. Has any one claimed this pack on one character and tried to get it on another?
> @philchap said: > So i tried transwarping to the first mission. ended up esd 25c then transwarp again to the mission ended up in the middle of nowhee 23rd c That is very weird. I will have to try that and see if I can get back to 23rd before I do that last 23rd quest. May not work, but what do I have to loose.
> @meimeitoo said: > Pretty fair. :) And thank you for bringing this all to my attention. > > I left the 23rd century now, and got my Tesseract (or whatever it's called). > > (N.B. Interesting: what would happen with a new TOSling that does not get to be a Temporal Recruit? Do they just explode at Caleb IV, and that's it?)…
> @smokebailey said: > it's and others, who opened the level 65 boost box can't even reach Cestus, in the second quest. I HOPE it's either fixed, OR we make new toons, BUT be given REPLACEMENT level 65 boost boxes, with "DON'T USE IN 23RD CENTURY!" warning label. This was happening to me as well for the…
> @"paradox#7391" said: > My 23c main also runs around ESD in his full TOS uniform, I'm trying to go with with a 23c build with my D'kyr class, just need 23c photon torpedoes, also the D'kyr class been in used since the 22nd century. If your character is TOS then the last 23rd century mission that transitions you to 2409…
> @rattler2 said: > I was using the Class A/Class B example because we do have an established, canon instance of Starfleet having two uniforms active at one time. This could be something similar, or it could be a transitional period. We don't know. There was a scene in Deep Space Nine where Admiral Ross was holding a…
> @baddmoonrizin said: > The source is: I asked, since it seemed y'all needed some clarity there, and was given that as the answer. You might find the following article by a criptic developer interesting. It says the Magee has raider flanking among…
Is this the same Admiral Sonia Hemphill that lobbied to mount a super weapon, that could take a side wall out in one shot, on a light cruiser stripping it of most conventional weapons in the process?
This is actually not true. In the TOS episode "The Tholian Web" about 25 minutes 40 seconds into the episode is the funeral for Captain Kirk. In that scene are two women wearing the gold skirt uniform. One walks into the room. The other is sitting next to Sulu.
This happened to me. Then when I turn on the sector grid, I found I was under the grid. Not above it. You are basically under the map. This happened when I logged into my character when he was parked in sector space near the kaboli prime.