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jslyn Arc User



  • I believe that the point is so that the vessels can dodge and fire at the same time. You can't really do that if you are required to keep the bow pointed at the enemy. That is especially helpful if the norm is forward-firing torpedoes. Angled Fire is advantageous because you can do it and they can't. But, of course, that…
  • As per around the 58 second mark, those torpedo tubes fire diagonally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laKGhE3fhRY&t=57s
  • Oh, sure, if you wanna get technical about it. :p
  • I'd say the Vengeance is a Kelvin TMP Design. It has the rectangular nacelles and energy-style, non-dish deflector.
  • The transformation separates portions of the saucer to expose the Lotus Emitter (like a Fire-At-Will Lance) and reposition the nacelles out of its path. The Console lets it Transform and use the Lotus. The shifted saucer also partially blocks the Deflector, a lore reason for disabling the deflectors shield drain capability…
  • I totally would have used one of these Token back in the day for that. My Main since Day 1 is a Joined Trill. I played her as Unjoined Trill who was a moron that had her Bestie help her cheat her way through Starfleet Academy. To simulate that, I spent zero Skill Points all of the way until she reached Level Cap. Then I…
  • They ought to update the Iconian missions with the portal tech.
  • The Discovery Constitutions cannot use the TMP Skin, I believe. So, if that is a factor for you as it was for me, the Temporal would be the way to go.
  • There are Counselor DOff missions. So, I guess that it would make sense. Ought to add the other Department Head missions in that can normally on be performed on the bridge while they are at it.
  • That wasn't what happened. I read the entire Pern series years ago and did an audiobook run through last year because the new 3rd Pass novels had not been written during my first time and I wanted to know what happened. I still want to know because one of the leads is known to have died shortly after the events but we'll…
  • I am right there with you. It kind of seems like it balances, neither better nor worse overall. It is like squeezing a tube balloon: one side will get fatter but the other flattens in your hand. You can Re-Engineer +Control on the EPG Consoles. It would be be expensive given the number of potential mods. The one that I…
  • On my Sci with 478 EPG in a Science Ship, the fully upgraded Advanced Particle Amplifier Console gives +5.27% to the Exotic BOff Abilities and 14.1% Bonus to Non-BOff Exotic Abilities. Of course, this goes in the Sci Console Slot, so each one takes away from an EPG Sci Console. Removing one Particle Focuser drops the…
  • Ah, but was it Ms. Alley or Ms. Curtis?
    in Enterprise G Comment by jslyn June 2023
  • Universal Consoles fill that role already. Plenty have +Bonus Damage in some form or another. I am not sure that these new Consoles will make enough of a difference to be worth the expense. We'll have to wait and see how good they are. Sci-Torps use both EPG and the Locator/Exploiter. That is something of an outlier,…
  • While I do like the ship's design, as a Sci-Magic / Torpedo Boat player, this is about as close to the opposite of useful as a ship can get for me. I had money set aside to get it but after seeing its stats, I am going to have to pass since I would never use it. Looks nice for Beam Boat players. I do question the 4/4…
  • Hopefully, this will make Elite TFOs pop. Some times the wait is hours long if you don't have a preset party ready to go. This will be good for Carrier Captains. They would have to be Pet Focused instead of using Pets as a side weapon. I am not sure +Weapon Power consoles would be equal to the Locators/Exploiters. It…
  • Okay. So, I didn't miss the explanation of the "actual" event that caused the refit. It simply hasn't been stated, yet. If they just salvaged some parts then it sounds like a borderline Ship Of Theseus scenario. On a side-note, I have never heard of that anime. Was that a computer virus or a literal ship virus? Being…
  • Fair enough. What happened to the Luna Titan that required such an extensive overhaul? I never really got into the Star Trek books (although I've read a handful of them). If it was explained there, I haven't heard about it.
  • Personally, I like the pretty colors (which I guess are supposed to be warp flashes against a nebula judging from the group of ships flying out when the Login Screen first appears). I can understand why other people may not like it. I suggest an option to select your Login Screen to any of the previously available sets.…
  • What I want to know is how is the Luna class the middle ground there? What was the design philosophy behind that lineage decision? One of these things is not like the others.
  • You can get around some of the issues. The Lobi Tricobalts (which are not always listed as being such) do not have Shared Type Cooldown and some have a base firing cooldown of 10 seconds. The Bio-Neural still has the long cooldown but can fire from 16km distance. You really need the Ceaseless Momentum Trait for…
  • Haaaaave you met my good Tholian? He'll send you a ship to any Era. That aside, I get the Lore reasoning. I'd just like the old-school style Skin for a Neo-Constitution. ((Hopefully, I could keep it. I have lost two Promo Ships, most recently the 32c Crossfield. Just go to use them one day and they are gone. The Skins…
  • And with good reason. However, the Neo-Constitution was a Luna Refit, albeit an extensive one. It literally was the same Titan. So, in this case it makes sense for the Console to be in a Set. I am more of a TMP guy than a TOS guy but I can dig it. Can we get an Enterprise Era variant while we are at it? I think that a…
  • That is, like, every Box Ship. Or worse, the original Jem'hadar Bug Ship that you could then deck out in your 1st Gen Borg Set. I assume that the console will be the open nacelles with a speed boost. Possibly the ability will go along anomalies and/or gasses. Maybe it will have a Set Bonus with the Titan's Console.
  • I meant more along the lines of creating multiple loops so that if they managed to escape they'd fly into a another loop and have the maneuverability debuff refreshed. I did not expect that the damage would increase outside of the aforementioned Metreon Trait causing explosions from multiple angles. That is a lot of gases,…
  • I have an All-Turret Ship on an Alt. It's a Galaxy-X. Eight in Weapon Slots and a couple of Console Turrets like the Automated Defense one. It uses Tetryons except for the Consoles and their fixed elements. It's not a powerful ship, but it is pretty fun flying around machinegunning everything in sight.
  • When I have used Warp Plasma, it was usually with quicker ships and trace mobius strips are the enemy. Although, I don't know if hitting them more than once with the same plasma trail actually makes a difference outside of using the Vent Metreon trait. I used to use Mines a lot back in the day. I think that the first trait…
  • Yes. I meant in game terms. Cruisers are essentially the Tanks, Escorts are the DPS. The Neo-Constitution was designed for neither of those roles. It really only tanked its own shots. It is the Science type. That is an idea if I decide to make a new build. I don't use Energy Weapons, you understand. I use Torps. That takes…
  • We all have our preferences. I personally feel that way about Cruisers. So, I can relate to your feelings. (What are you even supposed to do with seven Engineering Seats? Seriously. I honestly don't know.) Extreme Builds are not required. Specialized, yes. That is true for just about anything if you want ungodly DPS. Mine…
  • Personally, I just hope that the Devs remember that the Neo-Constitution is a Science Ship and not a Cruiser. That was the whole reason that Shaw didn't want to go into combat with it.