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j0hn41 Arc User



  • I love the look of the raptors. The pilot ships are a blast to fly.
  • Played the music, got my hopes up and everything, and yet he didn't crash into the planet! Was disappointed. Very entertaining regardless.
  • I kind of like the Refrequencer visuals, but I agree that we should be able to toggle most visuals.
  • I'll occasionally see them on my fed Caitian flying a strike ship. It seems pretty random, or at least I haven't been able to see any kind of pattern. Sometimes they're blue and other times their green.:confused:
  • I always thought some of the % dmg boosts applied before 'taxes' and others were applied after. Like maybe the Sustained Radiant Field boost is applied to your base dmg before buffs and the Nukara trait is applied after all other buffs. I assumed the order/hierarchy of how the dmg bonuses are applied affected the total dmg…
  • Who is Captain Kirk?
  • I really would like to be able to say that I'd be participating if the mission replay rewards were better but... If the mission replay rewards were better, I'd be playing them on characters I actually care about - not my delta alts - so I wouldn't be helping either way. TBH the only event I participated in was the first…
  • I disapprove of the nerfs to doff mission xp rewards... ...for all the good stating my opinion on the forums does.
  • Mission replays wouldn't be so bad if they rewarded the same xp as they did the first time you played them. It's not that they're all bad - it's just not worth the time investment for the reward you get. I love teaming up and running though the missions, helping people's alts level, but doing the missions as an end in…
  • Thought it was just me. I've crashed about 5 times on 2 different characters while playing the battlezone, but now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure they were all in the outskirts.
  • I usually don't mind the cut scenes in missions or stfs, as long as they are at the start, end, or during a significant break in combat. I think it's fine when cut scenes are used to signify a shift in the mission objectives - like the one that plays during the Mirror Universe Invasion, separating the closing rift part and…
  • Even Cryptic thinks it's a waste to upgrade their stuff to mk xiv epic.
  • There is already nobody in normal because the time/reward is even worse. I think something like this would be great. People would be able to run the whole mission, getting a better feel for how it's supposed to be played, watching people try for the optional - even if they failed - and get something for their time for…
  • Heh, Imagine the Kazon battlezone. Fighting to keep the Kazon away from the Federation's replicator technology. Rewards you barrels of water you can barter for gear instead of marks.
  • Honestly, I'd love it if they expanded Defera... or at least finished it. It would be neat if the Breen were involved on Defera. It seems to me that a Borg invasion might be a good cover for some looting of Preserver artifacts. I'm not sure what kind of map size limitations there are, but if that map could be expanded, it…
  • To be fair the ec payout is more. You get around 650k for doing the beta quadrant alone. The old one, (after they made it a daily), was capped at 475k wasn't it?
  • You have to fly to the systems highlighted on the map - not just the sectors. And you have to be pretty much right next to the star of the system in question for it to count. edit: additionally, the systems you have to visit seem to sometimes change from the last time you ran it - making a bit harder to find the optimal…
  • I've equipped my ship with the Borg engines and the subsapce jump warpcore (the one from the event ship - whatever it's called). My driver coils skill is always maxed on all of my characters. So far I've been able to get through all of the Beta Quadrant and 2 systems short of the Alpha Quadrant. I've been starting in the…
  • I do hope they expand the interact range on some of the mission. e.g. While I love what's been done with, Tour the Galaxy, it requires you to be almost inside the star system's sun for it to count you as visiting it and the auto pilot is slowing you down for a stop well outside of the furthest planet's orbit.
  • The mission itself is pretty easy. All I've doe are PUGs and the only times I've failed it were due to lag knocking players out of the game. As long as 3 people figure out what they're supposed to do, (2 if you already know what to do), then you can get through it. I will say that, while the heralds aren't particularly…
  • Ah,, my old friend. Why must you drop my packets instead of forwarding them to
    in The Server Comment by j0hn41 April 2015
  • I'd Like to see Cait added, (and other home worlds), even if it was just a star system with a foundry door, (though more social zones are always welcome). If they ever add a row of sectors at the bottom of the current Alpha Quadrant map, I think They should put it there. Might be closer than the star charts map says, but…
  • There may have been one of those too. I just seem to remember my science officer telling me that what I was scanning had been encountered by the Enterprise in the 23rd century... or something to that effect. Could be wrong though.
  • Would be nice if they gave a nod to that episode. I seem to remember a TOS reference in one of the genesis star-cluster missions; it was one of those beam to the planet and scan 5 things ones. I think it was an energy cloud or mist or something... Unfortunately, the details escape me now. Anyone else remember this?
  • No. Like others have said, I'm to invested in my existing chars to put them on ice now. That, and because I'm so spoiled by the Zefram Cochrane Shotgun that I can't function without it. So many special things, ships, doffs, devices and other items that I simply will never be able to obtain on my new alts that I've not had…
  • Joshua Riker is my hero. He's the only guy I know who can go toe to toe in a fist fight with a Heavy Antiproton Turret, and win. I don't care what they do to the missions as long as I still get to see this.
  • Any mission that has you fly a shuttle or different ship, because my tray is always messed up when it's over... Actually I like most of those missions. I think My least favorite is "The Doomsday Machine." It's a good story, but feels like a long slog to play through. Kind of like an episode of your favorite show you see…
  • Must just be a level barrier then. Unless Cryptic goofed. It's not like they haven't re-written that blog once already... It does mention "This includes characters created after the Delta Recruit event ends," but if you want to get technical, it doesn't mention non-recruits created during the event. One would assume it…
  • Besides the traits and devices, existing non-recruits get a ton of R&D mats and dil when the recruit unlocks everything. It wouldn't surprise me if only existing non-recruits would get access to these things, to keep people from making trillions of non-recruits just to pick up the rewards. That said, I haven't tested this,…
  • Disappointing, but at least we know what the deal is now.