I guess this would be a good place to mention a persistent bug I've noticed with the Herald costume. If a character is wearing the helmet of the Herald costume, and you click on that character, hi-lighting them, the textures on the helmet disappear. This has been happening moreorless since it was introduced, but it's not…
The last time we asked for maps (about three years ago) the devs gave an official reply: The reason why there are no additional pvp maps is that the devs don't know how to make any more pvp maps. The maps we have were coded on the original engine by a developer who didn't leave any notes when he left the team, so they have…
Eh, just take the dyson sphere atmospheric speed stuff, throw a volumetric effect in for 'under water visuals' from the Undine missions, flip the map so the 'surface' is up top beyond the players' reach, like the opposite of 'A step between stars', and do five hundred hours of mind numbing sequence coding work- and you're…
Maybe for you. Not so much for the players trying to put stuff in the bank when the thing is fishwheeling and using collision to bounce players across the map.
@borticuscryptic So uh, Tykens Rift is apparently massively nerfed in the damage department on tribble. With 477 partigen/478 EPG, you see: Holodeck/Tribble Tykens Rift 1- 1002.2/496 Tykens Rift 2- 1252.8/620 Tykens Rift 3- 1503.4/744 Might want to take a look at that.
No, Invasive Control Programming works like secondary deflectors do, and only listens for the activation of a specific set of powers. In all honesty, based on the structure of the tooltip, it probably was a secondary deflector at some point in design, but was turned into a trait.
If you ever need a sounding board... And I'm pretty good at extrapolating how something might be done, even if I don't actually have the skills to do it myself. I'd write a long meandering set of suggestions (more like I did and deleted it), but I know you don't really have time for that now :tongue:
So basically you want to do it, except in order to do it, you don't actually want to have to take any effort? You don't want to use a skill planner that is literally just an interactive version of the skill tree on a website? You don't want to go on tribble and test it out. Where are you getting your information on, if you…
I'm not saying 'I can blackmail you', I'm saying 'I can bribe you by giving you a piece of blackmail over someone else'. Although I really don't know how much use as blackmail it would be- it's public knowledge, you can find it on google. It's just that particular dev probably does the frowny face whenever that information…
Bribes eh. Obviously anything ingame wouldn't be of value, the digital format means that the most efficient means of such would be information, but there's really only one piece of information I could really offer that might be relevant and it would only work as blackmail material against a specific dev :tongue:
It seems to be working now. Before, looking at gravity well 3, the repel was always at -0.23. If I had 0 control Expertise, it was at -0.23. If I had 800 control expertise, it was at -0.23. Not sure what was going on when I last posted, but I can confirm that the values do change now.
For charged particle burst, it's disable only applies to cloaking powers, so I wouldn't really classify it as a control effect. Doffs and passives that add additional effects to powers similarly shouldn't be something that adds control amp/drain infect because that's extra hoops to program for. We should be looking at…
Drain Infection and Control Amplification are intended to ONLY work with powers that are activated. If it isn't activated and just 'happens' (such as Plasmonic Leech), then those abilities are not meant to apply. That's why 'all' sources of drain/control aren't listed, only ones related to captain, boff, and item/set…
Interesting. It's not on the tooltip, which is what I'm basing my initial findings on. I'll check it and add a note if it turns out to just be the tooltip that's wrong.
Except that's exactly the sort of choice this is intended to be. It's intended to be meaningful- which is to say both options have meaning and make you think, rather than just being automatic cookie cutter whatever. With your example, your argument comes down to, if I'm reading this right 'I don't want to make meaningful…
As a science captain who flies a science ship and relies heavily on hull and shield tanking, I go through an inordinate amount of batteries to maintain combat effectiveness. Given the choice between drawing additional threat, or being able to actually have engine/weapon power for longer than a couple seconds, I'll always…
This is on holo too. Basically, the duration is DECREASED by resistances, but isn't increased by relevant bonuses. This makes the trait useless against both NPCs and players.
So I just did some testing- as of the latest patch, Gravity Well's -repel is no longer affected by either Auxiliary power levels OR Control Expertise. IIRC @borticuscryptic said three or four patches ago that it was bugged, and unaffected by Control Expertise, but I'm pretty sure a fix was supposed to have been checked in…
So actual feedback: It seems that a number of control abilities, like Gravity Well, either don't benefit/trigger the 'Control Amplification' subskill, or don't list it on their tooltips. Might want to get that checked out @borticuscryptic
it'd also hit sci torp boats, and healers. Torp builds are already in a minority, adding an effect that basically goes "hey, you can NEVER deal damage, gfy" is, I think, not something that should be done. Resisting one torp? Sure. Even one torp out of a salvo can still be the difference between life and death. But just…