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iggmann88 Arc User



  • They better be put back ASAP, priority one... I just spent 30mins customizing my Romulan to have accidentally click on the large in the way preset faces when I went to click n drag to rotate my character, causing me to lose everything!! :mad:
  • All items that have visual effects.. Aegis, Borg, Omega, ect.
  • They are still there... At least for me.
  • I don't know about others, but my temps are well within "acceptable" for my GPU, 85c, loud fan noise mind you... But I've still got plenty of head room left to keep temps under control. The issue is V-sync nor limit fps is working properly, if I happen to be looking at a wall, or chilling at the fleet base, my FPS will hit…
  • While I'm excited to see Romulans added, I love me my warbirds.. There are a couple concerns/annoyances... 1. Character slots. As a lifer I have 7 slots, I currently have 3 KDF, and 3 Fed, one of each class. Please add two more so I can have 3 Rom as well.. Seems only fair after adding a whole new FACTION. 2. Queues. KDF…
  • Nvidia's control panel V-sync doesn't work while in a window, at least not for STO.
  • Borderless or not, running in a window I'm still hitting 3 digits, causing excess heat. V-sync doesn't seem to work at all in a window, and my desktop only runs at 60hz. Only way is to "Limit FPS" but it keeps turning back off.
  • Something I've noticed as of recent is that "Limit FPS" and "V-sync" don't work or revert after exiting the game... Even running in a window FPS hit way past 100fps, causing high heat. Even adaptive v-sync in the nvidia driver doesnt seem to be working, its an annoyance having to re-enable limit fps every time I start the…
  • They have their lazy days, I've had days where they steal nothing but commodities, no EC.. And I've had days where 2 STF's netted me 30 contraband..
  • And given the fact that we have 4 variants, with a huge number of combinations, it would be far more difficult, if impossible to make that look seamless in game.. This is far more complicated than a saucer sep or MVAM, you just break the model apart, where as this "grows" on the model.
  • I can deal with miss aligned textures/hulls, what I cant deal with, now especially with each new ship added, is that weapon hardpoints are garbage on the older ships compared to ones released in the last couple months. Jump into a sovereign, luna, galaxy, ect loaded with beams in the aft, they will all fire from only one…
  • You didn't hit the "deposit all" button by chance? I've done that before.
  • I managed to fix one of my ships this way, my Odyssey.. Though this is an unacceptable work around for ppl who have lockbox shuttles. And some how or another my Galaxy managed to correct itself sometime last night.. I still have 6 ships that are lockedown by this bug.
  • M'mir Advance Escort, Odyssey Star Cruiser. Wixx Odyssey Star Cruiser, Exploration Cruiser Retrofit. Sarek Heavy Escort Carrier (fixed by reclaim), Reconnaissance Science Vessel, Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, Mirror Reconnaissance Science Vessel. Raarash Bortas Heavy Battle Cruiser. Things to note: Sarek has the…
  • Someone else provided this screenshot... http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/1335/boffstations.png Every single one of my chars have at least 1 ship with this problem, and 1 of my toons has THREE ships with this bug.. Someone suggested it may be linked to the Enterprise C mission, but I dont see how, the affected ships were…
  • I have this problem too on several toons on several ships... There IS NO slots to put BoFFs in.. I have found no way to get around this bug other than discharge ship and reclaim which if you have a Z-store ship is fine, but is NOT acceptable if you bought a fleet ship... This is a game shattering bug.. I dont think this…
  • I have this problem tooon several toons on several ships... It is NOT the same bug as where you have slots but cannot slot, there IS NO slots to put BoFFs in.. I have found no way to get around this bug other than discharge ship and reclaim which if you have a Z-store ship is fine, but is NOT acceptable if you bought a…
  • I've got this problem too, all graphic settings on high... They start out looking nice & sexy, but if I hit rapid or volley, they turn to ugly flying boxes... No other weapon type does this for me, plasma only.
  • Feb, 14, 2013 patch and this issue still exists. Can we get a dev or someone to at least acknowledge they are aware of this issue? It's driving me nuts..
  • Hm, actually I was wrong, they retract towards each other, and extend in length at warp... Even cooler. :D
  • The bottom and top retract closer to each other when going to warp and in sector space. They swing up or down depending on combat mode.
  • Then I say jack up the price on the ship, 5000 Zen, and only be on the store for maybe a month. Or the first week the box is released, or heck, the last 3 days the box will be available.
  • I had a similar problem with the char tailor, said I had to purchase changes for 0 ZEN and TRIBBLE amount of EC and it would not accept, happened with every char. It went away after a few restarts of the game... /shrug
  • My biggest gripe is the thickness of beams, on smaller ships they just look down right wrong IMO. If anything they need to change so the starting point of the beam is thin where it fires from and make them thicker towards the target end. Its this reason I dread using beams on my Intrepid..
  • Pffft, its so bad for me sometimes that "I" go out of the way to find a clear warp out, just for it to pull a 180 and warp into Earth Space Dock.... Or into an asteroid just because it doesnt want to go my way... :mad: lol Also it would be better if the ship actually flew forward and banked into a clear path, rather than…
  • Not sure if its related but my HUD settings aren't keeping either, if I try to set anything to have "Mouse Over" for NPC's, teamates, ect, it reverts back. I can restore defaults to get it working again but it stops working as soon as I touch any HUD settings. :mad:
  • Carrier AI is wacked atm, most of the time half of my fighters/frigates do what ever the heck they feel like doing, sitting around for 5mins, or attacking a random target 30km out, while the other half actually follow commands. So far recall is the only command that works 100% on ALL fighters deployed. And its not like I…
  • Before merge: It kept defaulting to Perfect World account, which I didn't have. After merge: It defaults to Cryptic... *insert angry face* lol