I wanted to transfer ec from one character to another.
The character had 11 million ec. I wanted to transfer 7 million.
When I transferred the 7 million the remaining money in that characters account was 0.
I don't seem to be able to create a ticket in game.
You didn't hit the "deposit all" button by chance? I've done that before.
That's a very good point. When season 7 launched and they added the ability to withdraw/deposit all into/out of your account bank, I would go to withdraw a specific amount and end up withdrawing all of it for a while until I got use to the change lol.
Lost 4 million EC
That's a very good point. When season 7 launched and they added the ability to withdraw/deposit all into/out of your account bank, I would go to withdraw a specific amount and end up withdrawing all of it for a while until I got use to the change lol.