I have the same problem currently, and have sent in a bug report, but I have never had this issue before in making new characters. I did do a verify, but that didn't work.
I think I may know what may be the problem. I wasn't destroying the other ship, because when I did finally did do that I was able to complete the mission, and was rewarded.
I have talked to support, and at first I thought they gave me a solution that solved my problem, but it turns out I still have this same problem. I have had this problem for about two weeks or so. I use Comcast Im in the USA
I'm having the same problem, and they need to get this fix soon or were going to run out of time. At the moment this is going to suck for lower levels who can't play "Crack in the Mirror".
I was at earth space dock, but It was so bad that I was walking side to side, and when I stopped walking I was moving backward a ways, and all the AI were walking in slow motion. I then quite the game, and then tried loading the game back up, but this time it timed out. I hope they get this fix soon tonight
What happend to the Aniversery did it get canceled? a few days ago I read somewhere it would be early, and begin Monday, but I don't see any decorations nor Q, and I just got home from work.
I used the build that tom61sto suggested, and I tried the "Enemies in All the Usual Places" mission, and the only ship that I'm have trouble now with my new build is the Vaadwaur Heavy Artillery Vessel.
I'm a KDF Tactical Officer, and here is my build: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=qibintelbattlecruiser1st_9155 I'm also having like 2minute cool downs
I've checked the log, and also I don't have an acheivment tab. That 800 day award was givien to my ALT (Kllingon) for some reason instead of my main charactor (Fed). Anyways I did send an in game bug a year ago or so, and as far as I know nothing happend, so today I sent a ticket to them, and waiting for a reply back.
Actually the highest is a 1000 Day Vet, and I'm a life time subscriber sence 2012, and yes its the one right above my shield. http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/3026853
I'm in the Qib Intel Battlecruiser [T6], and I'm having a heck of a time with this mission. I'm using Disrupter beam array mk xii, and a torpedo in front, and aft, and I'm only doing 400 or less DPS. For some reason for this mission my cool times are around 2minutes plus my shield is going down really quick to.
I'm having a feeling that my level 52 is going to catch up with the mission level requirement. and then I'm going to have a hard time with producing the XP to level furthure.
Here is my changes: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=iceaxe18phantombuild2_0 Actually this updated one helps better, but I kinda want to find a replacement for the deflector, and maybe the impulse to possibly using the fleet ones. Please let me know what fleet ones to use. I'm auctually kinda tired of looking at…