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Normal not so normal

iceaxe18iceaxe18 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Klingon Discussion
I'm getting pretty frustrated here. I'm level 55 and struggling pretty badly. The enemy ships are pretty hard to kill especially this certain ship in this mission called "Enemies in All the Usual Places". Basically all the Delta missions are really hard.

The Normal mode is still pretty hard, and I'm to the point to replay some older mission over and over again just to get up to level 60, because the Delta missions are really hard on Normal. The changes to the difficilties are still pretty bad.
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  • qunlar2020qunlar2020 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You actualy might as well do that until mid level 59. The skill point pay out from the episodes are actually just that small. As for the difficulty you are having completing the content post your build and someone will give some pointers, also describe your tactics.
    I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Just be aware that enemies will scale up based on your current level so playing previous missions at level 55 will be more difficult when you initially played them.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iceaxe18 wrote: »
    I'm getting pretty frustrated here. I'm level 55 and struggling pretty badly. The enemy ships are pretty hard to kill especially this certain ship in this mission called "Enemies in All the Usual Places". Basically all the Delta missions are really hard.

    The Normal mode is still pretty hard, and I'm to the point to replay some older mission over and over again just to get up to level 60, because the Delta missions are really hard on Normal. The changes to the difficilties are still pretty bad.

    Maybe its just time to overhaul you build, eh?
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hate to say it but it might really be your build and playstyle. Pre DR and and especially pre lvl 50 the game was so forgiving that even rainbowbuilds with craptastic gear and horrible boffs could faceroll everything except queued missions.

    Now that they seriously buffed all npc's shield & hull HP there's a lot less face rolling if you don't have some decent gear and playstyle.
  • iceaxe18iceaxe18 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm a KDF Tactical Officer, and here is my build:


    I'm also having like 2minute cool downs
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iceaxe18 wrote: »
    I'm a KDF Tactical Officer, and here is my build:


    I'm also having like 2minute cool downs

    have you considered teaming with somebody to power through some those missions?
    give me a holler in-game and i will team with you, and we will wreck those patrols.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iceaxe18 wrote: »
    I'm getting pretty frustrated here. I'm level 55 and struggling pretty badly. The enemy ships are pretty hard to kill especially this certain ship in this mission called "Enemies in All the Usual Places". Basically all the Delta missions are really hard.

    The Normal mode is still pretty hard, and I'm to the point to replay some older mission over and over again just to get up to level 60, because the Delta missions are really hard on Normal. The changes to the difficilties are still pretty bad.

    It is frustrating. It was meant, apparently, to challenge the average player coming out of level 50 with half decent gear and builds, but is terribly difficult for new players, to the point of being too hard for someone that just got the game and is going 1-60 without stopping at 50 to gear up.

    I have a ton of characters. My best did DR missions on advanced without incident at all --- just vaporized the enemy. But he is a rom tac captain with everything under the sun in hand.

    My weaker characters had some trouble and I had to gut several of them to rebuild them well enough to do the content. With the right BO skills, a half decent ship, and reasonable gear, it is quite doable. It took some time and effort to rebuild them --- several were in quite a state as I had built them with very little knowledge of game mechanics or what I was doing. I learned a bit along the way from it and all my characters are better now.

    It is very doable. Get some help with your build, put a little energy into understanding how the game works, and the normal mode DR trash should melt. You might still get killed a few times.... NPC deathprojectiles will do that .... but all in all it should go from extremely difficult to "not too bad" with a bit of work.
  • zeven2004zeven2004 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    In my opinion, you are spread too thin.

    I would replace the cannons with beam arrays and move the torp forward. If you are intent on staying with cannons, go with 3 dual heavy cannons fore with torp, 4 turrets aft. You could even go all cannons fore or add a dual beam bank for overload.

    Work on getting some embassy science consoles if you can (recommend -TH and plasma proc).

    Replace your tac consoles with fleet spire consoles (+CRTH or critical hit).

    Start replacing your deflector/engine/shield with rep stuff - one suggestion would be assimilated set.

    Get a kinetic cutting beam from Omega rep along with its associated console. Put the cutting beam iin one of your rear weap slots.

    Replace your weapons with fleet versions or those you unlock via rep progression. I would advise trying to get as many +CRTD (crit damage) mods as you can - more CRTH is useful as well.

    Get your weapons (and consoles) to MKIV if you can.

    Regarding your cooldowns, are you putting skillpoints in the skills associated with your bridge officers? That is the only thing I can think of that would keep your cooldowns abnormally high.

    I think I got everything right - apologies if I missed anything. There are plenty of people here that can provide advice if needed.

  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zeven2004 wrote: »
    In my opinion, you are spread too thin.

    I would replace the cannons with beam arrays and move the torp forward. If you are intent on staying with cannons, go with 3 dual heavy cannons fore with torp, 4 turrets aft. You could even go all cannons fore or add a dual beam bank for overload.

    i do think the build needs to go with either beams or cannons. that is probably the major liability here.
    the bridge officer skills could use a bit of refinement as well. tt, apb, faw or whatnot for a beambot as an example.

    all that can be done for pretty much no cost.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,676 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iceaxe18 wrote: »
    I'm a KDF Tactical Officer, and here is my build:


    I'm also having like 2minute cool downs

    Two minute cooldowns are due to subnucleonic beam. You need to have Science Team to clear it, I'd replace Polarize Hull with it.

    Your build seems to be a mix of different eras of STO's past, not horrible, but not that great for STO as it is now.

    Here's what I would do, with fairly cheap gear from the Exchange, and the Neutroniums you can get early on in the Delta missions:

    Mixing cannons and beams is rarely a good idea in STO. With Surgical Strikes, the Qib excels as a beam boat.

    You should probably drop the two Universal clickies I put in once you start getting Reputation consoles, but they're nice consoles. They're from cross-faction packs on Exchange under Reward Packs. For the Projected Singularity, make sure you get a (Klingon) box, as you can't claim it from the cheaper Fed box.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I find the devs when they build content there is no middle ground between people who blaze thru with vape builds and then people who are somewhat of a novice who aren't going to be using some instant vape builds lol.

    The other side of that is a lot of times the people they attract to the game have never played an mmorpg before because the only thing attracting them is the franchise of Star Trek. Not to mention that there are so many gimmicks that turns away players too especially those who haven't dealt with canon of anything vs how game mechanics turn out. Like for instance taking the b'rel from undiscovered country most any fan of that battle from the movie is expecting something as close as possible to that but what they find is that the whole thing is just a gimmick and builds that are somewhat playable don't really feel star trek but something from some other space game. So that is another aspect of it game mechanics, gimmicks, and the players expectations are their own self destruction to the normal not so normal lol.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Just noticed you did post the build.
    As others said, mix cannons and beams is generally an odd idea. It actually is OK to do with surgical strike ships, so you might be able to pull off an interesting setup this way, but it is still odd.

    Beam arrays and cannons, though? That is another issue entirely. You need to bring firepower onto your target. One way to do this is to slot 8 beam arrays, turn sideways, and hit with all 8 as a "broadside". As it stands, either your cannons are shooting the target, or you are pounding with a few arrays, but you never have ALL your guns on the target at once. Same goes for the torp...

    there are only really 3 or 4 builds that bring your weapons to bear on a target. All cannons --- turrets aft, DHC up front, will do it. All beam arrays, turned sideways, will do it. And the famous Ap build ... Dual beam banks front (with, or without, one torp is up to you) and aft you have the kinetic beam, omni beam, and crafted omni beam, and either a turret or mines for the 4th aft weapon on 4/4 ships. And we can lump all the other builds that bring weapons to bear as "oddball" (all turrets, for example) and not worth talking about here. Pick one of those 3 setups, with or without some mines or torps if you really want them (but beam arrays and torps do not mix well, torps go with cannons or DBB better). Again, because of surgical strikes X 2 copies, you *could* carry a DBB/cannon build or something weird and get away with it... that would be OK, but it MUST bring at least 7 weapons to bear on the target at one time.

    Officer skills...
    reverse shield polarity is awesome but the cooldown is so long it is of dubious value at higher levels. If you want damage, perhaps swap this out for power to weapons?
    you *should* probably have surgical strikes, 2 copies, on that cmdr intel guy. I also like override safeties, at least 1 copy.
    with SS being your main attack, your tac guy can sprout a copy of beta, maybe even 2 copies?
    you lack tac team... 1 copy of that might do wonders for your durability.
    if you toss the torp out, you could use the ensign for a sci team or transfer shields to heal your shields.

    so looks like
    tac: tac team 1, pattern beta, pattern beta (BONUS: after you have some specialization points, you can have pattern beta apply a temporary hit point buff to yourself... on every use... )
    eng: eng team, power to shield, powr to weapon
    intel: any, OSS2, SS1, SS2
    sci: no change
    uni: shield heal

    give that a try -- it is an all energy weapons setup, again, if you want a torp, something has to give somewhere.
    This is an offense themed build.
  • crazyned1066crazyned1066 Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zeven2004 wrote: »
    In my opinion, you are spread too thin.

    I would replace the cannons with beam arrays and move the torp forward. If you are intent on staying with cannons, go with 3 dual heavy cannons fore with torp, 4 turrets aft. You could even go all cannons fore or add a dual beam bank for overload.

    Work on getting some embassy science consoles if you can (recommend -TH and plasma proc).

    Replace your tac consoles with fleet spire consoles (+CRTH or critical hit).

    Start replacing your deflector/engine/shield with rep stuff - one suggestion would be assimilated set.

    Get a kinetic cutting beam from Omega rep along with its associated console. Put the cutting beam iin one of your rear weap slots.

    Replace your weapons with fleet versions or those you unlock via rep progression. I would advise trying to get as many +CRTD (crit damage) mods as you can - more CRTH is useful as well.

    Get your weapons (and consoles) to MKIV if you can.

    Regarding your cooldowns, are you putting skillpoints in the skills associated with your bridge officers? That is the only thing I can think of that would keep your cooldowns abnormally high.

    I think I got everything right - apologies if I missed anything. There are plenty of people here that can provide advice if needed.


    Good advice, however getting any rep gear is currently next to impossible, given the state of the advance queues. I have only obtained a handful of neuroprocessor since DR came out.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    so ... your build is like playing a prot paladin in defgear for questing, you dont get killed, but you dont kill either.

    first: decide if you want a frontal or a broadside build.

    dont equip thousands of passive resists, you need to kill stuf, you wont take much dmg if its dead.

    build a) frontal: 1-2 torplaunchers (1 quantum +1 vaadwaur cluster), dual heavy cannons 2x, aft: 2xturrets, 1 omni crafted array 1 ancient ap omni-array

    tactical station: spread3 or HY3 is must have to get some dmg to the hull

    tactical consoles: zero point chamber x3

    activate omega shearing trait (if there, needs rep omega tier2, otherwise switch quantum with plasma torpedo and corresponding consoles)

    basically that should make it possible to kill things even on advanced level.

    build b) broadside just switch the dual cannons with arrays and replace turrets aft with arrays too.

    make shure your tactical BOs feature APbeta and torpedospread/hy.
  • iceaxe18iceaxe18 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tom61sto wrote: »
    Two minute cooldowns are due to subnucleonic beam. You need to have Science Team to clear it, I'd replace Polarize Hull with it.

    Your build seems to be a mix of different eras of STO's past, not horrible, but not that great for STO as it is now.

    Here's what I would do, with fairly cheap gear from the Exchange, and the Neutroniums you can get early on in the Delta missions:

    Mixing cannons and beams is rarely a good idea in STO. With Surgical Strikes, the Qib excels as a beam boat.

    You should probably drop the two Universal clickies I put in once you start getting Reputation consoles, but they're nice consoles. They're from cross-faction packs on Exchange under Reward Packs. For the Projected Singularity, make sure you get a (Klingon) box, as you can't claim it from the cheaper Fed box.

    Thanks, and thanks everyone. I'll see if I can do it now.
  • iceaxe18iceaxe18 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I used the build that tom61sto suggested, and I tried the "Enemies in All the Usual Places" mission, and the only ship that I'm have trouble now with my new build is the Vaadwaur Heavy Artillery Vessel.
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