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hrisvalar Arc User



  • Just no more invisible tanks, please. I chose the hard way going in, and was very relieved at the relative ease with which my away team took care of the temple's defenders, but I spent the next five minutes taking pinpricks from targets I couldn't see, let alone get a clear shot at. Finally managed to make a bit of headway…
  • I've seen this Of Gods and Men thing... if that is any indication, I have no doubt Renegades will never be accepted by CBS. Fan-service made by actors coasting on their past accomplishments may well serve as the final nail in the coffin of Section 31, alongside Enterprise and JJ's contributions. (The whole angle of S31,…
  • Well, less far fetched if you don't put stock in a view of alternate realities where every imaginable contingency, whether it's all the same save for one of the hydrogen molecules orbiting the Andromeda supermassive blackhole being slanted two degrees to the left or an entirely different set of laws of physics granting…
  • I thought it was a pretty lame concept, to be honest. But then, I always take issue somewhat when alternate reality stories come up, where despite hundreds of years of history (if not more) being wildly different from the original, somehow through the magic of soul-mate-magnetism, throughout all of history all the same…
  • So... I checked the STO site daily to see if there were any new devblogs. That's going to stop. Not because the new site is ugly, though it is, but it's a jumbled mess and I don't know where to look for the latest news on it. Or rather, it's not there. This was already the case in the ARC client before. It seemed to be…
  • It has begun! EU, same thing.
  • A: Lack of foresight. Cause it's cheaper if you didn't plan ahead. And Galadiman: Those slippers ain't red, and those bricks ain't yellow. We're dealing with reality here, not wishes. One of the selling points of Zen is that it can be exchanged for dilithium, saving you time if you don't have any, or just don't think it's…
  • If you buy 1 ship, and want the 3 ship-pack, buying them separately won't make a difference, true. You've spent 7,500 zen either way. Cryptic's never given anyone a retroactive discount, nor should they. Of course, if you buy one ship, then want the 9 ship-pack, it's trickier. What would've cost you 12,500 Zen (the initial…
  • 8000 Dilithium a day is exceptionally easy to do, if you've got two times 5-10 minutes a day on your schedule. There is a fortune to be made on the KDF side by having your Duty Officers waylay the transports and installations of your Omega Force, Nukara Strike Force, Dyson Joint Command allies, and putting the prisoners to…
  • Great, grey background... Now I'll have to PNGize my signature. Provided you don't have another ridiculous rule against that, like with the animated GIFs.
  • I'd like the presets back as well, if only to quickly descramble some of the messed up bridge officers I've gotten.
  • I'm happy enough that the program doesn't try to shoehorn itself into my startup queue. That said, I would like to know what it is that the Arc plugin does on the website that should be reason for me to allow it to execute... I use only one account to post on the forums, but I have two accounts on which I play STO. This…
  • Well, you could ask to have a mistake made undone by having your toon rolled back to a date before the ship was deleted. That's what's commonly done in the case of an account being looted. But you would lose all progress you made on that character since that date, in terms of reputation and whatnot, and it yet remains to…
  • Fan Dancing Attire and Betazoid Wedding Gowns! Coming to a Z-store near you... :D And for the KDF, for a limited time only, the Emperor's New Armor. 5000 Zen. Only the truly honorable can recognize its awesome greatnessitude. I mock cause there isn't a snowball's chance on Vulcan. And if, by any chance, they were to…
  • Now that the bare chest has been added in, I suppose the next logical step would be captain Klaa's 'armor'. Should be simple enough to just cut the fur out of one of the existing ones, right?
  • Fleet Dyson Science Destroyers are only a matter of time.
  • Except you're technically occupying the Gorn civilization, and maybe Staas and the Voth leadership will hit it off and decide to deal with the mammals that are actively bothering their newly met Gorn friends first. Or did you forget about that? And shpoks: The joke is irony. I've been seeing Klingon players going on about…
  • I'm just going to sit back and laugh, and laugh, and laugh, when J'mpok after using this entire "The Federation is infiltrated by honorless shapeshifters looking to weaken us with pointless war. This is unacceptable! Let's pointlessly go to war with them!" schtick turns out to have been against cooperative initiatives like…
  • On hold... cause you know: Klingons. While I might be all for finishing what Cartwright started, all that's typically needed to stop a war with the Federation, is to stop attacking the Federation. But the Klingons think we need to apologize to them for not taking them seriously about the Undine threat; for being…
  • Have to agree, Russ' voicework's been the best so far. Tasha Yar talking to her allies sounded like Denise Crosby talking to her fans, Michael Dorn sounded like there'd been some recording issues, but Tuvok looked and sounded like Tuvok all the way. Couldn't have been done better. As for the mission itself... same thing.…
  • Apparently, no. Which in a mission that takes this long is kind of stupid, but oh well... I pretty much stopped playing around Christmas, so I suppose it was about time I started hearing myself groan "God****it Cryptic." a few times a day again...
  • To the best of my knowledge Cryptic games don't share the same server. STO, Neverwinter and Champs all have their own servers. They just share the chat and login servers.
  • I was on the second Tethys dreadnaught... If this mission starts over completely... You haven't seen true nerdrage yet. :mad:
  • Well, usually, past launchday, the game works... But for Cryptic, QA means just getting on the back of that bull and hoping the insurance covers what happens next. No tranqs, no kneepads, it'll be fiiiiiiine.
  • I wonder why that is...
  • Free advertising and promotions, editorial control over content (especially reviews, keep in mind, the head office is in a free speech free zone), just general bragging rights and the ability to turn thousands of gamers' computers into their own personal botnet for mining bitcoins, which is looking like a pretty solid…
  • Well, that lasted all of 12 minutes.
  • As has been pointed out, it's not magic or energy to matter conversion. Farmers still have to farm crops, cows would still have to be ground into a pink paste (for a while anyway) and so on and so forth... I think we'll end up using these though, mainly cause our current method of feeding ourselves is unsustainable. If you…
  • Not that I'm sure I'll get one, but... It will be possible to switch out the bridge, right? I mean, seriously... Why go to the trouble of making this ship look like a meld of Federation/Romulan/Klingon and Solanae tech, if inside it's going to be clear that the only Federation/Romulan/Klingon technology on board is your…