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gumpy24 Arc User



  • It is not broken, The fleet support buff and CD reduction only works when you have the actual Space trait slotted. the Passive bonus from command Spec is the increased HP/Hull only. WAI since having 6 command cruiser Fleet support in one long 1v1 pvp against a friend thanks to this trait.
  • but they let off warnings in-game as to when they are bringing the server down, as a countdown. but none was given.
  • Never mind. just a new patch that went completely unannounced. thanks cryptic for such warning.
  • Question... whats the point in updating broken circle if we are still unable to actually test those changes due to it being locked after all this time? /logic
  • Its going to be server wide. i guess its until theyve either stabilized the server or they see tribble traffic reduce. its probably stress to their little server.
  • Right lets try this.... Ahh success... enjoy.
  • Sadly i dont know how else to get thigs on here. itd be much easier if you could just upload directly here. As i said, the ship does NOT have the pilot abilitis the pilot ships have.... just the Lt.Cmdr Tac Pilot seating.
  • same trait and no pilot maneuvers.
  • if not then.... http://s48.photobucket.com/user/gumpy24/media/screenshot_2015-07-03-18-33-15_zpsll264x4s.jpg.html?filters[user]=141586300&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 http://s48.photobucket.com/user/gumpy24/media/screenshot_2015-07-03-18-32-58_zpszmqgjbjg.jpg.html?filters[user]=141586300&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1
  • Here's the shots, hope they work.
  • I would post one but whenever i try screenie the hud never shows.
  • I really didn't mean to touch the wrong crowd with this one. Sorry.
  • Hey black it's me! thats what redshirt is for, and as far as ive heard theyre alternating what gets patched and you know they sometimes dont announce patches for tribble :) :P hope to see you on soon.
  • I suppose none of you guys know how much coding and delicate care goes into making it all fit together, adding things on to something as huge as STo can either work perfectly and in snyc or it can break and clash with other code.... which is most likely what has happened with the new additions.This along with the Network…
  • Simply put, your toprs give out alot of spike damage but apart from that i see that your build is all over. You'd be best sticking to either Cannons with turrets aft, maybe the KCB Aft too and a Particle emission or Grav torp Fore ( both good as they leave DoT effects and the grav also syneergises amazingly witha grav well…
  • This post is confused in what im actually trying to convey. i mearly just suggested that if we have Cstore ships already bought on our accounts. we should be able to have access to those ships [we have bought] in the cstore, nothing about ones that would be for sale still.
  • I know what you mean but what im saying is that i think they should allow you to access any ships youve bought on the CStore post-copying your character to tribble purely for the fact that people would want to be flying all of the ships that have access to considering we do pay real money for such content. Also considering…
  • If anything why not activate the C-Store for the sole idea of us being able to requisition the ships and extras we have already bought on the live server but keep un-bought items hidden? This would make testing much more comfortable, less restrictive and because theyve already the money from such perchases; It'd be a…