Rear Admiral Upper Half is the most extra (and I don't mean that in a good way) title I have ever came across in a game. It needs to be retired. I mean, imagine if you had to address someone like that all the time. You have 30 seconds to get a message out and protocol demands you use their title... better hope there's no…
No, no! I would like to see them all! but I want the braidlocks more... oh and Mary Wiseman's (Tilly) giant mass of curly hair would be awesome too lol. And while were at it, I want Keyla's side shave SO bad, with or without the cybernetics, I don't care.
She's had 4. Short and curly, short with a tiny fro, long and straightened (2nd fav) and the braidlocks from the Red Angel. I would absolutely love to see the braidlocks.
Then it's not really "available", it's there, but only if you have 200$ laying around (or 100 when on sale). Nice to know that it's in the game I guess.
You're not missing anything. I bounced around Drozana space, and when I finally stopped, it took nearly two minutes to get into the station when I bounced around some more.
Technically, everyone has been able to play "liberated" borg since they stuffed in 7 of 9's cosmetic options. Do you get the borgs and the racial marker of being a "liberated borg"? No. Are you still a liberated borg if you're using the cosmetic options on your character? Yes. Hell, you don't even need to have implants…
Instead of more factions, I think they should add Cardassians to the Dominion, and Orions to the Feds. They like tie-ins, so there was an Orion in Starfleet in one of the Lens Flares in Space movies. >_> Maybe add a couple races to the Roms.
I disagree, but your opinion is your own, and mine is my own. BUT that's side-traking the actual topic... there was a *huge* thread on 10 Forward back when Cryptic still owned the game about this. Probably still archived on here. -- I would like to point out for the others discussing the Hobus/Rom Sun "mistake" that…
STO goes off the rails so much that cannon is just a suggestion lol. We have Discovery and TOS using the Temporal Cold War storyline as an excuse to be shoe-horned into the game. That horrendous nonsense about Andorians needing several genders to procreate thanks to a terrible novel. Then there's the Dominion hopping on…
I liked some of the changes too, but others were a disaster. 7 of 9's pants being matte was a nice change, wish there was an option for that in the old version.
I remember when the captains table was for Lifers only. I can access it, though I don't think I'm a lifer (even though I swear I bought it long ago), but I don't have the playable borg option.
My biggest complain about DSC playthrough is that we can't be Andorians. It seems like a big oversight, considering that Andorians are a part of the Fed at that point in their reality.
Um no it's not the players problem. It's the devs making content scaled for several people and not taking into account a good chunk of players do stuff solo. I can't do Para Pacem because as soon as the battle starts everything nukes me with in seconds and then I respawn back on top of them.