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elflesh Arc User



  • 1:250 doesn't sound particularly appealing to me, either. Thanx for the heads up
  • Thanx for all the helpful answers, guys! This forum so far isn't like any other one I've been in! Lemme tell you all: the ULTIMATE Star Trek capitol ship battle game IS Klingon Academy! Once you master the Verbal Order System (VOS), you're OK most of the time. Master players will select your subsystems, drive them offline,…
  • ew. I have to join a FLEET??? Like I can't make my own fleet with my friends? Looks weird running around Risa in my goldshirt. Don't think Kirk would have even done that. SHATNER (the only real Kirk) would have gone bare chested after lifting some weights.
  • like it's so hard to make a list of officers you can select? Especially when most of the time, you have only ONE to train anyway? Ya.
  • Thanks for the explanation - not like the game lets you know anything!
  • "click on the Lieutenant spot the Skills with Manuals available should be highlighted" This was the solution; thanks! NO help from gamemasters, since they need a screenshot that shows exactly what you explain using text. Since an intelligent design -clicking on the manual to bring up the training window- DOESN'T happen.
  • So dark it's hard to see anything. My captain from long ago already has the correct head. For those of us who were alive when TOS was the ONLY Trek there was, those glittery eye "pieces" are actually what Gorn eyes look like - they are compound eyes, similar to Trilobites. "Enterprise" series did NOT make a correct Gorn.…
  • I would totally love flying my MA-12 and BH-2 for the Gorn. I'd buy those! The only FASA ship they could put in for sure would be the Orion Wanderer, which was on a computer screen that Data was observing at high speed in a first season episode.
  • wha?? Are you telling me I have to fill the base skill trees first?
  • Any idea when? "When it's ready"?
    in TOS Gorns? Comment by elflesh July 2016
  • Will have to take a look - like everything else in the game, well HIDDEN!
    in TOS Gorns? Comment by elflesh July 2016
  • Nah, I think the originals were OK. The "new" one is simply an extension of JJcrap. There are heads available, but not bodies with tunic.
    in TOS Gorns? Comment by elflesh July 2016
  • Absolutely nothing happens when I go to Galorndon Core. How do I get the mission started??
  • So how do I get assigned some temporal missions where I dust off the old TOS Connie? Crey didn't assign me anything when I talked to him at lvl 25...
  • Nope. All Crey did was tell me his story; I have no idea where Daniels got to. Not impressed that there are only a handful of missions in the 23rd century; I found it far more fun and enjoyable than the 25th. Will there be Foundry missions in the 23rd century?
  • Uh. As a newbie, I'm somewhat confused. I spoke to Philip Crey, and all he did was tell me his story. Was I not a high enough level? Also I discovered the very hard way that a TOS Constitution does not stand up well at all in the 25th century. Kind of a bummer. Currently using the refit.
  • Totally agree. It was on my comp for less than 5 minutes before I figured it out. Now I'll DL STO thru Steam thanx very much. Not this garbage.