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  • I'm laughing at this because in "The Sins of the Fathers" you have alternative ways to get OUT of the bar. The object is just to make it out of there -- how you do it is up to the player. I just finished drawing up the outcome graph for "A Bridge Too Far: Survival". This mission will have four very different outcomes and…
  • That's exactly what we are saying. Note that because you need to set a visible->invisible trigger for this that it will go away on its own.
  • I think the concerns with the current system are: * People can still rate a mission that is in development; * Anyone who plays a test mission to completion adds to the timing statistics that will keep it in "Red Text Hell"; If that test is only five minutes long, it kills the "average mission time" stat. (Missions will not…
  • Ah, I know what you are talking about now. There's an example of how to do this at around 7:20 in KirkFat's "Trigger Treats" video: http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/sto-ugc-tutorial/back-to-basics-part-6-trigger/
  • Alisenkenra, start here: http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/sto-ugc-tutorial/back-to-basics-part-6-trigger/ Then go here: http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/noob-guides/tutorials-guide/ I would start by watching all the "Back to Basics" tutorials and then start running through KirkFat's list. Some of the stuff is out of date,…
  • Thanks, guys. I wasn't panicked, just not sure what to expect. I do recall now that there was a "republishing" involved. It just never occurred to me that missions would not show up during the republishing. It makes sense, now. *facepalm* I originally "discovered" that missions were missing because I wanted to see if my…
  • I have another one: * Easter Egg Hunt There are a bunch of variations on this, but the basic mechanic is that the story requires the player to interact with multiple objects in the environment to complete a single objective. Here are some variations. * Traditional "scannning activity" - This is essentially a story need to…
  • Finding this thread at the top of the list was a VERY pleasant surprise this morning! Thanks for getting this done. And a big thanks to starswordc for keeping it updated.
  • I just played the remake of "Collectiveness Strikes Gold, Part 1", so it's fresh in my mind. The first half of the mission has no fighting at all. It's basically a rescue operation that mixes a whole bunch of activities: removing rubble, consoling people, jury-rigging a comm system, a medical puzzle (that I, sadly, failed…
  • In the "Better Late Than Never" department: I stand embarrassed and corrected. The correct tlhIngan Hol for "Success!" is "Qapla'!" and not "qapla'!" Sadly I discovered this by reading over one of my own reviews of someone else's mission.
  • FINALLY! "The Sins of the Fathers" now qualifies for standard mission rewards. It is out of red text hell! :D So now you have no excuses -- dust off your Klingon captain and give this mission a run! :cool: The average rating for this mission is currently 4.27 stars. And remember, it is now fortified with 70% more Klingon…
  • The interact text is set from the story line view as part of the interaction task, not on the object itself in the map view. Look for your "Task - Interact with Object" card in the story line and set the "Interact Text".
  • Hey realmalize, I just noticed on the overview map that the Gariman sector has moved "north" by a block and east by a block. With three new named sector blocks added in the vicinity. I noticed mainly because I'm using Gariman as a story location for "A Bridge Too Far: Survival". The move actually works in my favor as it…
  • Yes. I'm still doing it as a "service" for folks rather than releasing the tool so that I can get better confidence in the parsing engine. I want to get about four more authors' missions run through before I release the tool itself for beta testing. The reason for this is that we all have different habits when using the…
  • Well, the last five missions that have been run through the tool have run cleanly without me having to do any tweaking. I'd like to get missions from four more authors before I release the tool. If you are interested in getting a mission dump or just helping out, send me a PM or reply here. REMEMBER: THE FOUNDRY WILL BE…
  • One of the contributors mentioned copying his dialogue to a Word doc, screen-by-screen. Please get in touch with me. I can run an export file from your mission through my review tool and you'll have an HTML document that you can bring into Word that is so much easier to read and work with. And no copy/paste! At least get…
  • See? We really do read your reports that you do for other people! It's not just narcissism. :D
  • Oops! It looks like something got left out, Brian!
  • By the way, starswordc, nice work on the ATTS review! I've been so busy with the review tool that I've neglected doing any reviews this past week or so. :(
  • That wasn't a criticism, starswordc. I knew you were talking about B&S2 because of your signature block. :) My comment was intended for Aleniskendra who was looking for a mission she could play at level 12.
  • Someone just sent me a mission to run through the Review Tool that had no level restriction on it. I remember, because that forced me to fix the tool to handle missions with no level restriction. I'll look it up and post the name of the mission here. EDIT: Oh wow -- it was Starswordc's "Bait and Switch" V1.1.2. I know he's…
  • Nagorak, That's a very different goal and direction from where this initial tool is going, but it's certainly doable. One surprise I've had with the current output is that you can already "play" someone's dialogues due to the hyperlinks. It's something worth considering if I go on to do the v2 engine that I've hinted at.…
  • Many thanks to Evil70th for his review. As a result, I've worked hard to push out an update -- and here it is! "The Sins of the Fathers" V1.2 7-NOV-2013 Changes for version 1.2: * Major addition of over 120 culturally Klingon player responses and over 50 additional NPC dialogues. This should dramatically change the player…
  • All changes have been applied. A fairly complete listing of changes will appear in the mission thread shortly. Again, thank you so much for your review, Brian. It gave me a chance to step back from the mission and view it through another set of eyes.
  • In a similar vein, Kirk wakes up in bed next to Deela and we find out that the last 140 years has all been a dream brought on by Scalosian radiation sickness. With a shameless nod to Newhart and The Bob Newhart Show.
  • This thread really needs a sticky. I always have to search for it.
  • Also, let's not forget that branching dialogue is a NARRATIVE MECHANISM. It's primary purpose is to allow for a variety of conversations, allowing the author to exercise their narrative creativity and allowing the player to have a more immersive and self-directed experience. As the OP focused on and others have answered,…
  • And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming. Many thanks to erei and the irrepressible nagorak for submitting their missions. I've been able to identify a few more issues thanks to their submissions. And, thanks to inspiration from erei, I've internationalized the formatter. It now supports English, French…
  • Thanks so much for your review, Brian! A few thoughts: * I think the thing that you and CatStar found unsettling is that the mission does not feel like a "Klingon" mission. I'll be honest -- and I know it's quibbling -- but I set out to do a KDF mission, not a Klingon mission. The character I used to write and test the…
  • Yeah, my reviews are kind of over-the-top. If you need a guideline, I'd recommend: Keep it simple and let people know what you liked, what you loved, what you didn't like and what can be improved. Play the mission to enjoy it. I really do an "editorial review", which is a bit different. My approach makes it a bit harder…