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dkeva Arc User



  • Thanks for that! My concerns are appeased :D
  • While that may be so, it doesn't excuse what I would call underhanded behavior by Cryptic. So because I supported them earlier, it's ok to shaft me now?? Cryptic, please look at this... I can't believe there is such a crappy approach to your customers. Make the bundle flexible, as in it checks what you have and just…
  • Guys just to clarify, the reason I was asking is due to our little humble country, not being bound to a European currency. I do not find it fair that I'm expected to pay more (exchange rates truly suck ballz here) because I am given no choice. Steam allows me to choose that, all I ask is that countries outside the major…
  • Please add the #DeltaRising pack to steam Cryptic... you know.... in case you don't select me as a winner...
  • Hey guys, opened the launcher and it patched to complete in no time. Is the patch live, or did the prepatching cover the whole update?
  • All I would like from Cryptic is a REASON why these changes are made. I mean seriously, give us a valid reason why something like this was necessary and I'm sure half the posts in here wouldn't have been made. But to just throw a change like that in there with no attempt to even try and validate it, is underhanded in my…
  • Agree with you Captainrevo. The funny thing is once I started exploring the world, I was reminded of Oblivion/Skyrim. I would love it if there were caves (Need to be instanced) with high lvl enemies/puzzle solving, giving higher rewards, or "special" missions that move randomly throughout the map, forcing you to explore.…
  • Agreed! It would take something horrid for me to not buy this ship. And I mean like REALLY horrid :) Another thing. Technically, if this is a 3pack with the abilities being console based (to make the set with visuals I want :p) shouldn't that mean there will be 10 console slots to make up for the 'loss'?? I'll hopefully…
  • The anticipation of this ship is really huge for me. I'm not expecting an "I win" ship, but just hope I'm not let down. :D I know the length has been compared to the Sov, but REALLY hope it's given more of the general Sci ship's turn rate.... Time will tell I guess. Interested to find out if it is a 3 pack, if there is a…
  • I'm generally the guy that always looks on the positive side of things, but have to say the changes to Dil are going to have a large, negative impact on my gameplay. I am not one the guys that reaches my 8K daily limit. I'm also not one of the guys that can invest a lot of time into the game. I AM one who enjoys the…
  • II really was hoping for 6, but with little mention of a new tier of ships with S7, kinda figured T5. Thanks though :) One thing I really do hope they do is usher in a new BOff layout. All that changes on the new ships is the Lt Cmdr slot. It would be great to see the Cmdr slot possibly changing and the lower tiers…
  • Sorry for the mini necro here, but is the Vesta going to be Tier 6? Im sure I remember some discussion about this a year or so back?