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cavadus Arc User



  • Bahahahahahahahahahahhaha! "Hard earned?" ROFL
  • Top priority feature here. Nothing else matters more than this.
  • Yeah, and it would have taken 22 months. Now I get all of that instantly and don't have to spend any stipend Zen on it.
  • Not just no, but hell no, that wasn't enough. I wouldn't even have paid $100 bucks for that tbh. * 4xFull Respecs = 2,000 * 4xCostume Pieces/Sets = 2,200 * 2xCostume Slots = 250 * 2xShip Slots = 500 * 3xCharacter Slots = ~800 * Captain's Yacht = I'll go super cheap and say 500 * Android BOff = 500 * Liberated Borg Species…
  • YES!!! A thousand times, yes! LTSs were pretty worthless to newcomers until the change and the addition of the 1k days stuff. After the F2P conversion Cryptic offered almost no incentive to subscribe for gold membership, let alone shell out $200-300 dollars for a LTS. Now, though? Now the LTS is actually worth at the very…
  • Is this a joke? Things have never been better for us as far as Cryptic milking players for cash. Does no one remember when Cryptic used to charge a monthly subscription AND still release everything through the C-Store forcing all of us to pay up on top of our sub? Cryptic's double dipping, which they had going well before…
  • Attaching a few static rewards doesn't all of the sudden not make it gambling. You put your money into the machine, pull the lever, and cross your fingers. All lockboxes do is ensure a minimum payout. There are slot machines which do that too. If lockboxes aren't gambling then neither are slot machines :rolleyes:
  • 1. Put coin into slot; 2. Pull lever; and 3. Collecting random winnings. That's gambling if I've ever heard of it. Lockboxes do TRIBBLE me off. Sometimes I buy them off the exchange just so I can delete them.
  • I don't see why anyone would care. New LTS purchasers will not in any capacity influence previous LTS purchasers' gameplay. STO has virtually no incentive for one to purchase a monthly subscription beyond the foundry, let alone a LTS. This was a great idea. In fact, I might actually buy a LTS now. Before this change I…
  • Really? If I buy a lifetime subscription I instantly get access to all veteran rewards as if I was a day 1 subscriber?
  • No, it didn't. ENT had the most rifle usage by far. Rifles were busted out in every single TNG movie, nearly every single episode of four seasons worth of DS9, and in a huge majority of ENT after season 1. Hell, season 3 of ENT had SF troops fast-roping out of rafters and Archer torturing people for information in airlocks…
  • Nope, there's only his interpretation of ST and all of the rest of just don't understand the franchise or something. @ mwgacy1 In STO you could be a freighter captain if you really felt like it. Between all of the non UFP and KDF ships people could be Dominion, Cardassian, Ferengi, whatever they want. Again, stop trying to…
  • Finish KDF, introduce RSE, and go full out on a three-front war with PvPvE territorial control. This game needs realm versus realm (versus realm) to really survive. Get the starbases integrated into the territorial warfare, let us place our starbases on the border for defense, and let's get some real damn PvP going.…
  • No, that's you. My unit operates as a M.A.C.O. outfit. I don't feel the need to force my perspective of ST down your throat so please stop forcing your interpretation of ST down mine.
  • Sure, they did. The rifles became pretty standard issue after awhile on VOY for away missions. In ENT we had the M.A.C.O.s. On DS9 they again became standard issue during the Dominion War. I mean, between DS9 and ENT we had actual soldiers in full battle-rattle being featured in nearly every episode after awhile. Between a…
  • I really wish they'd just branch out and start adding other classes of ships into the game (frigates, corvettes, destroyers, battle cruisers, battleships, and dreadnaughts). All of this cruiser, cruiser, cruiser, cruiser, cruiser stuff gets really old after awhile. The game has no respect for canon anyways so who the hell…
  • Check The Foundry, there are hundreds of missions like this which allow one to specific the type of combat, type of enemy, enemy density, et cetera.
  • Crafting, PvP, and exploration. All are a complete joke. @ whomever mentioned ground combat: Seriously? You play in RPG mode or something? Go play one of those tab-to-target snoozefests and see if you still want to QQ about STO's ground combat. Shooter-mode blows away the vast majority of MMO (ground) combat which almost…
  • 1) Since launch. 2) B- 3) STO's gameplay is excellent. The ground combat is still rough in a few places (the sticky phaser beams are annoying). Unfortunately, the total lack of respect to canon and the complete absence of PvP drags the game down for me. Treatment of the KDF drags the score down as well. Ultimately, I'd…
  • As others have mentioned, the Foundry's content often eclipses the best of Cryptic's. Plus the Foundry missions are just far more Trek for the most part. The fans care far more about adhering to the lore than Cryptic does. I mean, the game is now overrun with ships from the 29th century created by organization which…
  • ...which has absolutely nothing to do with anything you've replied to thus far. You're fighting an empty bag at this point. Time to move on.
  • No, that's not what he said it all. Did you read the reply he quoted? People were hyperbolizing that in order to get a large fleet, and hence advance their starbase more quickly, they'll be forced to just spam invites to random people who will eventually destroy their fleet. All the dude you replied to said was do your…
  • On the Fed side you to talk to Ambassador Sugiro or whatever his name is in Quinn's office. Or the duder/ette standing next to him. Anyways, in there. No idea about KDF.
  • The optional has absolutely nothing to do with any of the end-of-mission loot. STF set pieces don't drop in the optional loot, only the borg salvage does. The PSG drop rate does appear to be considerably lower than the other two pieces. I had my two armor and weapons protos within about two weeks of running elite STFs but…
  • Yup, now go get your 29th century ship that comes from an organization which has the explicit purpose of stopping timeline corruption.
  • It's only one fleet module if you've previously purchased the non-fleet version of the ship off the C-Store. If you got the ship for free prior to the F2P conversion then it'll cost four fleet modules. And yes, the non-fleet "fleet patrol escort" is "blockade escort." They changed "patrol escort" to "blockade escort" two…
  • That's what she said.
  • If you don't like tanking then fly an assault cruiser or switch ship classes.
  • I fly a heavy escort carrier though I have't noticed much of a difference between the HEC and the patrol (or is it blockade now?) escort; it's too long on both IMO.
  • I've read the blogs and a ton of wiki information but have not read the novel. Things need to change. I choose #4 and #6. I think too much emphasis is placed on story content when Cryptic really needs to get the ball rolling on a real exploration system and territorial PvP with the factions (Fed, KDF, RSE) to back them up.…