There was a Roddenberry-produced series about this very concept. Apparently, the only reasons that aliens would invade us is because their race is dying and they are genetically coded to use Earth resources to turn themselves into vampires.
T6 ships? Whatever. I hope the stats/seating for the Malon cruiser are workable. I want nothing more than to pug STFs punning on "taking out the trash" I want to start discussions on organized crime practices with garbage. I want to reflect on becoming a trash mob. I want to warp in, and ask that classic interrobanged and…
Seems like the guy only skimmed a couple select chapters of the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. His rough overview of elves seems to be missing some key divisions. Anyway, developing media based on the lands east of Rhovanion has always been ripe for fanfic, but would be such a departure from Tolkien's works that the…
Samurai Jack. It's been a decade. We can call it old. Aku would obviously have to be an ultra-expensive CGI; much of what remains will probably involve importing half of Hong Kong's film industry. While there would be a lot of detail work going into the sound production, dialog would be pretty sparse. To make the rare…
If you've got someone fixing bad language in the exchange, maybe it would be time to explain that "sort by descending price per unit" is mislabeled. Although having it corrected after all these years may cause some hilarious results for long-time exchange warriors.
Yes. The only way you could lose your ship is if, in a drunken stupor, you clicked the "delete ship" button, but were somehow also sober enough to spell its name correctly. So if you're into drunken gaming: stop naming your starships 'aaa', for crying out loud.
I'm not sure that it's so easy to say that the Iconian strategy wasn't working up until this point. The manipulation of the Undine and the Fed-Klink war, the Romulan Civil War, the Voth and Tholian conflicts, etc, have done irreparable damage in terms of lost ships and loss of life. I mean, yes. [The Vice Admiral] is…
I've never seen an attempt to turn someone's name into an insult seem so forced and unwieldy. It disrupts the flow of your sentence and removes force from whatever irrelevant subjective bias you're attempting to impress us with. While I shall reserve judgement on the man and his pleated pants until I've seen him in action,…
If it's a sandbox scifi MMORPG with loot and crafting quality built on continuous distributions (none of this white-green-blue-purple qualities and nothing more), with open class customization, no mission-story-mode*, customizable vehicles and starfighters with customizable reverse-engineerable components, built on matured…
"Madder, fiercer, less reliable Doctor," basically describes Colin Baker's Doctor #6. Interesting plan, BBC. I look forward to seeing the reaction that you evoke when trolling your audience.
Okay, so... if you left a holodeck simulation of a pristine and verdant world running and dropped some real ork spores into said holodeck, would the WAAAGH! that results be able to cross the arch to take over the ship?
* Take Shatner's interpretation of "Rock it? ...Man" * Translate it into Klingon. * Have Shatner peform the Klingon version of the song. * Have Tay Zonday dub his interpretation of Shatner-Klingon over Shatner. That'll fix the Internet.
While I've enjoyed Star Trek to varying degrees in all of its forms, the Star Trek that Shatner is talking about in the article hasn't existed, even on the small screen, in a long time. Exploring human reactions to novel situations; using a story as a way to deliver an open-ended philosophical debate without presenting a…
God, I'm really hoping that the Nausicaan Scourge is one of the giveaway ships--love the fleet version of the ship, would like to change the paint job without paying $15.
There was high chance of skimming through the planetary atmosphere when orbiting the crystal for the first five minutes or so of the encounter. I honestly kinda looked forward to the rumbling and the white screen.
ADDRESSING UNIT DESIGNATED CAPTAINS LOG, STARDATE 84558.9: She had four eyes. Two human eyes, in the normal place, with two robotic eyes right above them, staring out of her forehead. The mechanical eyes whirred gently as the metal irises dilated around the dull red glow of her electronic pupils, allowing her to focus on…
Wil Wheaton. Perhaps surprisingly, he's actually done quite a bit of voice acting, understands MMOs, and isn't that bad at what he does. But if he has to play some variant of his character on TNG, then he should be some sort of badass grizzled veteran mirror Wesley with lots of cheesy, Branniganesque one-liners--basically,…