BTW- By playing around with the height, I was able to make a playable tube, which if you use the normal camera angle, looks like a first person crawl! The only problem I'm running into is with Jeff Tube intersections roofs and doors. If the ESD Tailor Door wasn't shrunk below it's normal size, I would use that for the…
Which assets did you use, because that looks amazing. Although the Tubes play an important part in my Act III, they are only truly a slight framing. Some of those assets look very unfamiliar. Oh and BTW- I'm a big fan of your work. Your Romulus map made me feel like I was there.
That's easy. You set visibility on Not Visible from Never to Objective/Component/Dialog Complete, on the State Tab. Then you set visibility on another NPC character of the same model in, say, a different room to Visible on Obj/Com/Dia Complete.
It's not impossible, but it can't be done in the way you'd like. You'd have to set a path and use invisible walls... after that, you'd basically pray that it would work. Or, if it's a custom interior, you can try, setting up a slope at a lower elevation, so that the other group members would first fall, slide down... I…
One of my ideas for my next mission is to create this by using the SF, Earth Starfleet Academy Map and seeing if I can exploit the glitch on the other side of the bridge. I planned on building a skyscrapper... Basically, you can use glass assets from Details, floors and columns using the Building tab, and put people and…
1.) The ability to create an Iconian costume. 2.) A fix to the Trigger Text on components, so that the Interact text that you replace, shows the replacement text. 3.) Higher detail limits for maps. (Way too low, currently)
Not true. The trigger tab on the object has default text: "Interact" which can be changed in the editor. It just doesn't appear. This might have changed on the latest update, because I don't remember it before. But, it doesn't work. Try it out yourself. I'll try to post a picture, if I can!
Captainazzarano Time's Razor, Pt I ST-HTZ2LKMWJ Federation 31+ Struggling against the burden of creating a whole new civilization in the Delta Volanis Cluster, the colonists of Polaris have sent a request for basic provisions and supplies to Starfleet Command. But, when the ship encounters a subspace distortion that throws…
Evil70th, it's been a while. You're doing a valuable service to the Foundry community. Mission Title: Time's Razor Author: Captainazzarano Project ID: ST-HTZ2LKMWJ Allegiance: Federation Level: 31+ Description: Struggling against the burden of creating a whole new civilization in the Delta Volanis Cluster, the colonists of…
Hi guys! So, I finally had enough of this sitting around unfinished, and since I haven't been around and just came back, I decided to finish it. All of the major assets are in place. Right now, I'm actually making Side Quests (secret method, will tell if/when it works when tested), and populating the colony. This is…
Okay, folks... now that the foundry is stable again... New pics of recent progress. Mostly, colony palace interior and exterior shots.... The views nice, but I'd appreciate some more criticism. Currently, about 50 detail left in detail budget. Def, not a lot to work with. Palace Armory Uploaded with Grand…
I was having similar problems with the Foundry until earlier this week. I hard-booted my modem and it did the trick. I think there is some kind of modem overload, code issue that's happening over time with certain users, that go through Boston's Cogent Co server farm. Just try it and see if it works. It worked for me!
CrypticFrost, This is one glitch that I was able to fix. If this happens to anyone else, exit the GameClient and restart the launcher. The next time you go into a foundry mission to edit, it should work for you. Compared to a lot of other foundry issues, this one was pretty easy. One down, many to go. :)
Actually, the TOS Gate or Crate prop would make an excellent catwalk, because the slightly transparent texture (it's like a chain fence if you've never used it) would allow the player to see through the "floor" of the catwalk. But, you could always use the building prop platform as a catwalk.
Sure. I can't divulge too much, because the big shocker of the episode is who the colonists are and where the planet is. I'll give you the synopsis... ---Act I Begins--- Admiral Rush, whom the player rescued in the pilot episode, gives the player orders to travel into the Delta Volanis cluster to deliver much needed…
I just tried loading my foundry project over 25 times, for a complete time period of 2 hours, 30 minutes. 2 hours and 30 minutes of logging on, selecting create content, clicking on the mission, pressing edit, waiting for the load, only to see "Login Failed for an Unknown Reason" 5 minutes into the load. PLEASE FIX THIS!
Same here... I know the Devs are working on this, but there is also the issue of Server Disconnected during use of STO and Foundry that I'm not sure whether or not they even realize it's a problem. Hey Devs, do you recognize the Server Disconnect issues as an STO server or coding issue yet or are you still trying to brush…
Good. It's about time the server crashed so they could fix the login and disconnection problems that have been effecting people since yesterday's (6/12) mini-patch.
Hello Everyone, I'm sure there are fans of the series that are wondering when the next episode is coming out. I started on it in September, when I got a big break. I got a job! I've been pretty busy since, but since I have off the next couple of days, I'm going to try to work on the episode and, hopefully, release it in…
I think this is a brilliant idea. It's capitalism in action and would serve the purpose of increasing support to the Foundry tool. If they don't do this, I would be willing to pay $5 for a functioning and good story-making tool.