I disagree. If done right, you can tell coherent stories without slogging through hours of useless, unstreamlined actions. And I'm only half-exaggerating. Having played MMOs for 14 years now, there have been many moments where I've thought "Why are they making me do this?"
Really? You do realize that some (or maybe a lot of) people don't have a lot of time to play. A few minutes can be the difference between me getting into a STF and me having to do something else for my wife or the baby (and sometimes I have to quit in the middle, unfortunately.) So convenience is not necessarily going to…
The way I look at it, if you're going to make it convenient to swap, you might as well make it truly convenient. If you're about to jump in a queue, why make people go back to a starbase? As for immersion, I saw a character named Ron Jeremy in this game. Need I say more?
I was thinking the same thing about Runabouts. I had some success with them running the Troop lander STF (name is escaping me right now.) But still, it's a shame that Scorpions don't last long.
So in the interest of keeping this recruitment thread from being repetitive, I give you open-mic night at the Heliopolis Lounge! Q: What does the Enterprise and Toliet paper have in common? A: They both circle Uranus wiping out Klingons.
So a Klingon, a Vulcan, and a Ferenghi walk into a bar. The Klingon tried to kill everyone, but the Ferenghi had already sold his weapons, while the Vulcan said, "That just wasn't logical." OK, I made that one up, right now. Feel free to throw vegetables.
That isn't exactly true. They had an engine, but never made it to Beta-testing. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Star_Trek_Online_(Perpetual_Entertainment)#Development_information
I'm too tired to argue semantics, but why is finding a good fleet a full time job? You would know after a few questions, or worse case, after spending a week with the people, if it's a "dictatorship" or not. The devs have only so much time, and I'd guess it's much easier to create a highly structured fleet system than…
But you have the choice of joining/creating another fleet. You always have that choice. And I'm sure that fleets with good leaders are always looking for good players. :)