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br3akingforce Arc User



  • it's nice to know i'm not the only one. would be nicer to have a working fsm, but still..
  • yes, there's a lobi plasma omni-beam. but the way omni-beams work, you can have one crafted and one mission reward omni-beam (and one kinetic cutting beam) fit on your ship. lobi/lockbox both count as crafted. so the lobi omni-beam does nothing for this discussion. as far as the bajor defense singularity core, i'm speaking…
  • https://startrek.44thfleet.com/beginners-guide-faqs/ since hand-eye coordination seems to not be your thing, i'd suggest paying especially close attention to the "how do i get better in space combat" section, and giving the Hilbert keybinds a try. also, 44th is still very active and is (always) accepting applications.…
  • i was able to get the mission today, but it was instant completion and now it's greyed out again
  • also having this issue. as are other fleeties.
  • yes, it is. just saying that going up to mk xv won't get us another modifier
    in PROC Comment by br3akingforce April 2018
  • so...you don't think the people who worked on bridge commander deserve to get paid for their work (or the people who funded the people who worked on the game don't deserve to make their money back?)? or you think they should monetize it some other way? please clarify :X. to be clear, the company that made/runs STO neither…
  • further ec making advice: level your r&d skills, then sell the results on the exchange.
  • it's also interesting to me that noone's mentioned the yorktown (fed sci flagship variant) and the gorkon sci battlecruiser (kdf sci battlecruiser variant). they're the only non-sci ship with sensor analysis, also has a ltc sci boff slot, a ltc universal/cmd slot (*cough krenim sci boff cough*), and a second uni slot at…
  • then yeah, play which ever seems like you'd enjoy it the most. like i told the other dude, As for career choices, all can be fun. Any career can be viable in any ship. In space, it mostly comes down to your skill tree build, your gear, and what bridge officer skills you train your minions in.
  • for ground, you can replicate a Frequency Remodulator from your ship's replicator (inventory, "replicator" button at the bottom). when they adapt to your current damage, remodulate and you can get more shots before they adapt again. also, make sure you equip your boffs with remodulators as well. alternatively, use weapons…
  • alternatively, fleet banks can hold ec, but you'd need to both be in the same fleet and have permission to withdraw ec from it. *shrug* oh, also: you can get 20 permanent account bank slots if you get a subscription for 1 month, along with a bunch of other permanent stuff. totes worth if you're going to be around for a…
  • controls, right under controller look sensitivity
  • going up marks doesn't add additional modifiers, just going up rarity
    in PROC Comment by br3akingforce April 2018
  • > @"dhar#4551" said: > Thanks, all good info. I think I'll play a bit more as f2p then decide if I want to spend a little bit. If I do I'll go with the one month sub and use the 500 Zen from the sub to buy the EC cap increase back. I'll probably just make sure I don't get the last rank on current toon so I can at least get…
  • > @"bustertod#6732" said: > I am new as well with a question, does it matter what career I choose, tactics, eng, science? I really would like to try science first. I have no intentions to PvP. strictly run story and PvE daily missions.. Thanks in advance I cant post a new threads yet, You can pvp in sto, but the game…
  • yeah, i agree that they should look at fixing that, if i'm understanding you correctly and you're saying that the minimap quest marker was pointing you only to the engineering optional objective while you're not an engineer.
  • the way i've heard classes these days described recently is thus: they each give you various benefits, but one way or another, tac captains can get much of the things that engi and sci captains get if you put in the playtime/money, while engi and sci captains can not get the things that tac captains get. *shrug* play which…
  • skill tiers are unlocked by the number of unlocked skills, not your rank itself. so like, to unlock lt.commander skills, you have to have at least 5 points in lt skills. to unlock commander, you have to have 15 skills unlocked below that rank. captain requires 25 skills unlocked below that rank. and admiral is 35 skills.
  • also, there tend to be other, different, optional objectives for tac and sci characters.
  • just judging from your stated playstyle, that you like to make strafing passes, you might enjoy the vengeance the most. it has 5 weapon slots up front and 3 in the back, so if you put omni-directional beams in the back slots (mission reward, crafted, and a kinetic cutting beam), those 3 weapons will also be able to strike…
  • also, borg npc ships are really good at stripping your shields quickly, especially at close range...so along with the other suggestions here, try to stay a bit further away, and either watch your shields closely (and have ways to replenish them handy), or take care of your hull (again, with various boff skills that heal…
  • the title of this thread is "lifetime subscription", so i supsect he knows that :)
  • I use a razer orbweaver it doesn't have the 40-50 keys you specified, but does have 20, along with a couple more above and below a joystick...all of which are mechanical...and it also has a good number of profile slots, along with a series of differently colored lights that'll light up in different sequences as a visual…
  • noted. and i've come to the conclusion that t5-u ships aren't bad. all you're missing on a t5-u ship vs it's t6 counterpart are specialization seating and the trait. and maybe a small amount of hp/resists or something. i dunno. how about this? what if instead of a c-store discount for the t6 ship, what if it's just the…
  • that's the problem, though. nobody else wants to fill it. make it more rewarding so other people will want to fill it. "zomg, i have too many fc" seems like a good problem to have anyway *shrug* then, when other fleet members are filling it because it's more rewarding, you have the opportunity to not fill it yourself.…
  • no, but it was possible to vendor or discard them for ec. base price was 800 per provision (so discarding got you 40% of that and vendoring got you ...50%?). a fully successful sim gets you something like 2100 of each type of provision, so each 30 wave run could make you a couple million ec if you were selling the…
  • just like...fyi @"ambassadorkael#6946" ...you must've been in a rush to get this post up or something because you crossed your formats on the event time announcer. the maint is 6-9:30am pacific (13:00-16:30 UTC). the event time announcer shows the maint beginning at 6 UTC. so according to it, games' back up :D.
  • my suggestion there was to still charge zen for the ships. so they'd still make money off those of us who already have various lockbox ships, just not as much. perhaps that first sentence of that one was poorly worded. and it'd still be per character, you'd be getting a bound to character one time use box for the zen, not…