never had any more then 1 on this, see some videos of players who have got more but dont know how they manage this as when i am playing & hit 100 points all the particles jump forward several places yet this does not happen on the videos strangely. never reached enough points to get any more then 1 regardless of how hard i…
so in the winter event bought the two different hats, the knitted & starfleet hats yet neither of them appear in the customize your outfit - head - head covering as available to select or wear. any advice would be welcome.
bypass ARC or any other launcher. to do this go to "this pc" directory, open the drive the game is installed on likely "C" and then program files (x86) and look for the star trek online directory, open this directory and scroll down till you see the "Star Trek Online" icon and double click this, you might get a verify…
personally I hope they never do another recruitment event. the objectives are just getting too much, the first event "the delta event" had 40 objectives, the second event "the temporal event" had 85 objectives. how many objectives is the next event likely to have. I enjoyed the delta event tremendously and created 3…
I have been queueing for the normal game, just want to get the token as easy as possible. I would like to say as quickly but that doesn't really apply to mirror does it. EDIT 10 minutes later: out of curiosity I gave the advanced queue a peek and it actually had a wait time of under 1 minute so I thought to heck with it…
so far since the last patch i haven't been able to get past the loading Escalation splash screen on my laptop, hangs there for ages then crashes to desktop. thankfully my desktop is unaffected being a much more powerful computer, having said that my laptop falls within the specs for running the game. Aspire 5742Z windows…
most of the missions can be replayed by visiting the different NPC's on new Romulus like Foreman Kylor the Romulan foreman at the Staging Area, Avran at Vastam Peaks and so on. you can find the complete list by going to this web page scrolling down to the missions section and selecting…
I realise you wanted to do something for April fools day but you guys have way to much time on your hands if you can afford to waste it on putting this garbage in the game. a simple windup news article for some preposterous game item that does not exist would have sufficed, as in "go to DS9 and search for the (non…
ummm, I don't really get what you are asking for here. are you asking to have these items available to all characters as that would be pointless, it has been expressly stated that non delta recruits and non temporal recruits will not have access to the rewards granted to these characters but will have access to the account…
all depends on what you class as currencies, many count reputation marks, XP and such as currency but they are not IMO. the only stuff I class as currency is zen, dilithium, lobi, EC and gold-pressed latinum. but despite that any currency is only useful if you can exchange it for other currency or buy good stuff with it,…
this has happened to me also, add to this that real life sometimes gets in the way of play and you begin to see that you cant always jump to the conclusion that a AFK'er is a deliberate non performer.
didn't use any dilithium this time around as I have everything I want from what is available at present and still have loads of the upgrades from the last event yet to be used but whether you spend dilithium on these boxes or not it was worth it just for the free daily box, lets hope that is a regular feature of this event.
much quicker then before so regardless of anything else that is a vast improvement, now if they can just do the same with mirror we will be getting somewhere.
i like the new version but the only downside is the escape route, last time it was fairly easy once you got to the first hatch it was a strait run and just one left turn and you were out there were also guidepath arrows to help if you got a bit disorientated. with this version there are far too many twists and turns to get…
i guess its a matter of taste but I still prefer breach even more so now it is quicker, I don't hate Sompek enough to not play it at all but its only good point for me is its only 3 days, if it was a 14 day event I might have to seriously think of skipping it and I never skip events usually. as a true test of durability…
good to see this EVENT resurface, wasn't expecting it to reappear so soon and certainly wasn't expecting the free daily box. all of those doubting thomases out there who said it wouldn't be back and was a one off EVENT can eat their words. also expect around six months to a year after the events before the item from those…
challenge <-> nothing = challenge is how long you can play before you get bored and that is not a proper challenge IMO. new map <-> recycled years old map (S.8) = remember all maps were new once, it wont take long for this map to get old for a lot of players especially those that have commented that the team did a suicide…
it makes me laugh to see players moan that breach that has different distinct sections and takes 20 minutes is too long and yet they rave over how awesomely great Arena of Sompek that is played on just one unchanging map is and that takes hours of play. add to this the fact as well as the individual rewards for each run…
although I felt arena could be fun it was spoiled for me by the fact its never-ending and this to me makes most cooldowns in sto a pointless addition, the idea (we were led to believe) of cooldowns is to stop players from playing any one mission for very long periods without playing something different and risk burning…
I understand the premise of the news blog but the fact is if they are going to allow you to play the same content for nearly 5 hours strait it kind of makes a mockery of the cooldowns that are put in to stop you doing just that so if this is going to be a permanent or even occasional feature they might as well discard any…
i still say I don't see cryptics logic with Arena of Sompek, they put in cooldowns to stop players from playing one thing for too long and burning out then with Arena of Sompek they give something that players can play for hours on end and burn out in just one mission run, I would like to see the devs comment on this,…
true but it just takes way too long, would have been better if it was similar to no win scenario but with maybe say 10 levels, often players just don't have the time it takes to play 100 levels. the joke is they put in the cooldown period to stop players from spending excessive time playing one thing and then give you one…
very disappointed in Arena of Sompek, game caused my laptop to crash to blue screen (first time since upgrading to win10) after reaching lv22 so didn't get any rewards for my effort.
it could have been good but I found it just went on for far too long, got to level 22 that took the best part of 1 hour then computer crashed to blue screen and that's the first time that has ever done that playing sto or anything else for that matter and ended up getting zilch for my effort. don't plan on doing this…
don't believe this has anything to do with number of players patching, wasn't even this slow when doing a major expansion, think this is down to something else entirely. try part patching, any time the patch seems to freeze click cancel and then click patch when it highlights, still a slow process but it seems to speed…
surely you could say the same about every mission in the game, apart from the early missions that are unique to faction most of the later missions are played by every faction only making it even more boring. if you are going to skip every mission that you have already played more then once then there would be no missions…