I must have been in the worst pug ever because we only made it to level 12. My build is endgame, gold stuff, lots of good stuff, but as a tac I think I was toast in there. I tried to heal but you just die before you have a chance. Can't wait to tweak things and throw myself back into the flames, for honor and glory! Die well brothers!
it could have been good but I found it just went on for far too long, got to level 22 that took the best part of 1 hour then computer crashed to blue screen and that's the first time that has ever done that playing sto or anything else for that matter and ended up getting zilch for my effort.
don't plan on doing this unless you have plenty of time to spare and don't mind getting zero rewards if you get a random disconnect or some other problem that causes you to finish unexpectedly.
it would not have been so bad if rewards were given on the completion of each level but as it stands I wont be playing this again for the foreseeable future.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Just got to level 67 (so close for last accolade available). If team uses command spec it helps since they're team-wide bonuses on that spec tree. Commando is good for secondary. The paradox corrector is a must have if you got it. Team revives are extremely useful.
Damnable random pug went until round 17 before they wiped even though i was telling them not to get up, just die, we got the token already.
Some of us want to get to level 70 once. Hey, it's 150 total accolade points if you make it there since the tier 2 accolades (Level 42-70) are worth 25 points each.
Latest pug KDF Tacs and one Sci, L53, Herald spawned and vaporized us all at nearly the same time, and we were spread out too. At least 2 respawned quickly but somehow that never seems to count. So many failures cause respawn doesn't register.
- What level did you get to? --> 74
- With how many players? --> 5
- Was it a PUG? --- > YES
- What was your role/career? --> Science Character
As far i can tell most Teams get ended by the NPC --> Tholian Captain
---> [ exist only on New Romulus - Mission - Overgrown Caves - very last Opponent]
Why ?
The Captain has 3 Abilities, the First Ability:
- Tholian Absorption Lattice, Blue Buff (looks like "Feedback Pulse")
- - > when the NPC got hit by Energy Attack turns into Yellow Buff .. which Stacks up to 20
- - > the More Stacks the More Damage ---> B O O M !!! 360° AoE Attack that kills everything
- - - - > depending on distance and Stacks up several thousend Damage
- Tactics:
- Kill him very very fast OR wait until the Buff runs out
- get as far away as possible
- The TR-116B - does not trigger the AoE Stacks
Second Ability:
- Tholian AoE Mines (at least 1200 dmg ) - ( Targetable )
Third Ability
- Tholian Stasis Drone - Ground Web - Hold
Command Spec modules are pretty useful here. The team buffs especially since you don't really need to be in close proximity to others or them to get the buff.
Sanctuary is actually useful, believe it or not. Say you're the last guy and everyone just ate it. If you're under attack, pop Sanctuary. For 25 seconds you're not detected. Hopefully in that timespan, others can come back so you are no longer in that "1 guy left" danger area.
Paradox Corrector is also a very good one in bringing the team back from a near wipe. Very long 10 minute CD but these runs can get long.
Did a Pug where someone was refusing to not use Chroniton Mines. We suicided after an hour and some change at 14 (I was the last man standing and I ran in front of the laser beam of death, still took a bit to take me out). Didn't want to, but also didn't want to sit around waiting the rest of the day.
Got into a pug last night that failed at lvl 5 because everyone bar me was afk after that once we had the token. Only so many Tholians I can take on single handed. Seems that word is spreading you only need 5 levels to get the daily reward and people can't be bothered with the grind after that.
It's a tough slog to 100 but the rewards are not bad and it's good ground practice.
It's a tough slog to 100 but the rewards are not bad and it's good ground practice.
true but it just takes way too long, would have been better if it was similar to no win scenario but with maybe say 10 levels, often players just don't have the time it takes to play 100 levels.
the joke is they put in the cooldown period to stop players from spending excessive time playing one thing and then give you one thing that takes an excessive time to complete, go figure?.
I would like to know where your logic for that lies @melange#3807
i also see there is no cooldown timer to show if you qualify for the reputation voucher so you have to guess when you will get it.
Post edited by bobbydazlers on
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Got into a pug last night that failed at lvl 5 because everyone bar me was afk after that once we had the token. Only so many Tholians I can take on single handed.
Seems that word is spreading you only need 5 levels to get the daily reward and people can't be bothered with the grind after that.
It's a tough slog to 100 but the rewards are not bad and it's good ground practice.
I will carry a team myself long enough for those guys on my own. Just to spite the slackers and it's no problem I can go a looooonnng time.
There was one such player this evening in one of my arena runs, trying his best to do nothing in hopes we lose. Our group was decent and we dragged this slackjawed f--ker for 60 rounds, knowing he wanted to lose much earlier, knowing if he wanted to leave he'd have to quit and get nothing.
But it is another reason to hate the average player in this game. I've seen stupid stuff in space PUGs but arena and ground combat have shown me that the standards are pretty damn low in this game's populace. I mean, I've seen some STUPID s--t in stuff like Mirror Invasion Event, the everyday ISA PUG runs, but the lows in arena and ground combat make the comedy in space seem like paradise.
Three more Pugs yesterday 32, 14, 24. In two of the cases a person left after Level 4. Generally the Vaadwaur are the killers. There may be a screen refresh issue or ties are going to the house, but twice yesterday we were down to one person, still alive but barely, I used the Paradox Corrector and the rezzes started. People were coming back, that person died, and the Match was over.
Awards, still seem to be off by a Category.
What is it with Accolade Points? Can you spend them on something or it it just bragging rights like DPS?
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Did a Pug where someone was refusing to not use Chroniton Mines. We suicided after an hour and some change at 14 (I was the last man standing and I ran in front of the laser beam of death, still took a bit to take me out). Didn't want to, but also didn't want to sit around waiting the rest of the day.
You can't blame them for wanting to use their abilities.
Funny thing is, I was on an engineer yesterday and a Tac player kept complaining how I 'spammed my engineering TRIBBLE' and screwed things up that way. I was like, yeah, 'what else do you expect me to do? Sit around and watch others play the game'?
Tactical officers can be really arrogant players sometimes in this game. Even the idea that there are players who don't just pew pew their way through content with a dozen stackable tactical buffs seems inconceivable for them. Just like when I got someone yelling at me for 'only' doing about 20k damage in an ISA... while I was on my drain character that had only reached level 50 a few days prior. He didn't seem to understand that I was constantly supporting the team (AND his DPS) by draining enemies' shields, reducing their weapons output and enabling them to keep targeting all enemies at the same time (I'm sure he'd have died more often if I hadn't done that).
Anyway, coming back to my engineer: the moment I stopped using my abilities (two other engineers had already stopped using them a few rounds before) the whole team died in round 27 or something. That's what happens when someone expects half the team not to use their abilities. I should also note that I was mainly using the mines when I was swarmed by enemies from all directions and simply had to kill them quickly - something that same complaining tactical officer was unable to do.
This is what you get when people use their internet-wisdom and when it's their only source of knowledge. They know that something screws up the mission, but they don't have the ability to provide an alternative - or the ability to perform well themselves for that matter. They know their own DPS, but they are unable to understand that there's other useful roles that don't focus on DPS alone (and ignoring the fact that 20k is more than sufficient too).
Long message short; If you are a non-engineer and you can clear the map on your own, making sure the rest of the team isn't swarmed by enemies and avoid situation where they have to use their abilities to kill said enemies and thus survive: then you have a right to complain about an engineer using his kit modules.
Wondered why rounds were taking so long between them...
Will have to swap mines for something else, then. Do all fabrications bug it out? Even the Drones, like the Nomad?
Not impressed that I cannot use my favourite Engineer character, to her full potential, but it is typical of Cryptic...
As far as i can tell it is only the chroniton mines. Perhaps the cryo versions or the active immunity mines do not cause the delay.
Other than the mines, the old fashion turrets, explosive probe (lockbox), Sabotage and molten terrain are very good team supporters. And the lightning storm once available.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Long message short; If you are a non-engineer and you can clear the map on your own, making sure the rest of the team isn't swarmed by enemies and avoid situation where they have to use their abilities to kill said enemies and thus survive: then you have a right to complain about an engineer using his kit modules.
If not, then not.
Meh, if I get into another 10-minutes-between-rounds instance, I'm not gonna complain about it, I'm just gonna leave.
Although I suppose we can hope they fixed the waiting bug with their secret twitter patch.
You can't blame them for wanting to use their abilities.
Funny thing is, I was on an engineer yesterday and a Tac player kept complaining how I 'spammed my engineering ****' and screwed things up that way. I was like, yeah, 'what else do you expect me to do? Sit around and watch others play the game'?
Hey, do your thing.
If I knew there was going to be chroniton mines in the upcoming match, I would use more kit powers with longer cooldowns. The "fast paced" nature of the arena makes longer cooldowns less attractive.
I saw a brief rest period between rounds three times the other night, all of them occuring with 2 stacks of cryo mines out. So I am pretty sure those also can cause issues, though apparently nowhere near as bad.
I must have been in the worst pug ever because we only made it to level 12. ...
Heh, I was in a PUG that only completed 2 rounds.
It was the lightning round that got all of us. Must've been in a team where every member was playing the arena for the first time and had no idea what to expect (we stood our ground in the map's center. yeah).
For the record, my highest score in arena is now 38 rounds. Still not brilliant, but by my calculations something like 1900% (38/2) of the "success" of the first attempt.
I took the Cryo Mines off and replaced it with the Paradox Bomb. Though I never had a problem with them when I used them on my Engineering Character.
In fact the Match with that Engineer was quite a bit faster than the one I had on a Science Character. 38 rounds vs 10 rounds I the same forty or so minutes.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Nice, best I've done so far was around in the mid-low 50s.
don't plan on doing this unless you have plenty of time to spare and don't mind getting zero rewards if you get a random disconnect or some other problem that causes you to finish unexpectedly.
it would not have been so bad if rewards were given on the completion of each level but as it stands I wont be playing this again for the foreseeable future.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Some of us want to get to level 70 once. Hey, it's 150 total accolade points if you make it there since the tier 2 accolades (Level 42-70) are worth 25 points each.
- With how many players? --> 5
- Was it a PUG? --- > YES
- What was your role/career? --> Science Character
As far i can tell most Teams get ended by the NPC --> Tholian Captain
---> [ exist only on New Romulus - Mission - Overgrown Caves - very last Opponent]
Why ?
The Captain has 3 Abilities, the
First Ability:
- Tholian Absorption Lattice, Blue Buff (looks like "Feedback Pulse")
- - > when the NPC got hit by Energy Attack turns into Yellow Buff .. which Stacks up to 20
- - > the More Stacks the More Damage ---> B O O M !!! 360° AoE Attack that kills everything
- - - - > depending on distance and Stacks up several thousend Damage
- Tactics:
- Kill him very very fast OR wait until the Buff runs out
- get as far away as possible
- The TR-116B - does not trigger the AoE Stacks
Second Ability:
- Tholian AoE Mines (at least 1200 dmg ) - ( Targetable )
Third Ability
- Tholian Stasis Drone - Ground Web - Hold
Sanctuary is actually useful, believe it or not. Say you're the last guy and everyone just ate it. If you're under attack, pop Sanctuary. For 25 seconds you're not detected. Hopefully in that timespan, others can come back so you are no longer in that "1 guy left" danger area.
Paradox Corrector is also a very good one in bringing the team back from a near wipe. Very long 10 minute CD but these runs can get long.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
Seems that word is spreading you only need 5 levels to get the daily reward and people can't be bothered with the grind after that.
It's a tough slog to 100 but the rewards are not bad and it's good ground practice.
true but it just takes way too long, would have been better if it was similar to no win scenario but with maybe say 10 levels, often players just don't have the time it takes to play 100 levels.
the joke is they put in the cooldown period to stop players from spending excessive time playing one thing and then give you one thing that takes an excessive time to complete, go figure?.
I would like to know where your logic for that lies @melange#3807
i also see there is no cooldown timer to show if you qualify for the reputation voucher so you have to guess when you will get it.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I will carry a team myself long enough for those guys on my own. Just to spite the slackers and it's no problem
There was one such player this evening in one of my arena runs, trying his best to do nothing in hopes we lose. Our group was decent and we dragged this slackjawed f--ker for 60 rounds, knowing he wanted to lose much earlier, knowing if he wanted to leave he'd have to quit and get nothing.
But it is another reason to hate the average player in this game. I've seen stupid stuff in space PUGs but arena and ground combat have shown me that the standards are pretty damn low in this game's populace. I mean, I've seen some STUPID s--t in stuff like Mirror Invasion Event, the everyday ISA PUG runs, but the lows in arena and ground combat make the comedy in space seem like paradise.
Awards, still seem to be off by a Category.
What is it with Accolade Points? Can you spend them on something or it it just bragging rights like DPS?
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You can't blame them for wanting to use their abilities.
Funny thing is, I was on an engineer yesterday and a Tac player kept complaining how I 'spammed my engineering TRIBBLE' and screwed things up that way. I was like, yeah, 'what else do you expect me to do? Sit around and watch others play the game'?
Tactical officers can be really arrogant players sometimes in this game. Even the idea that there are players who don't just pew pew their way through content with a dozen stackable tactical buffs seems inconceivable for them. Just like when I got someone yelling at me for 'only' doing about 20k damage in an ISA... while I was on my drain character that had only reached level 50 a few days prior. He didn't seem to understand that I was constantly supporting the team (AND his DPS) by draining enemies' shields, reducing their weapons output and enabling them to keep targeting all enemies at the same time (I'm sure he'd have died more often if I hadn't done that).
Anyway, coming back to my engineer: the moment I stopped using my abilities (two other engineers had already stopped using them a few rounds before) the whole team died in round 27 or something. That's what happens when someone expects half the team not to use their abilities. I should also note that I was mainly using the mines when I was swarmed by enemies from all directions and simply had to kill them quickly - something that same complaining tactical officer was unable to do.
This is what you get when people use their internet-wisdom and when it's their only source of knowledge. They know that something screws up the mission, but they don't have the ability to provide an alternative - or the ability to perform well themselves for that matter. They know their own DPS, but they are unable to understand that there's other useful roles that don't focus on DPS alone (and ignoring the fact that 20k is more than sufficient too).
When I'm not allowed to use my modules,
What do you expect me to do?
If not, then not.
Will have to swap mines for something else, then. Do all fabrications bug it out? Even the Drones, like the Nomad?
Not impressed that I cannot use my favourite Engineer character, to her full potential, but it is typical of Cryptic...
As far as i can tell it is only the chroniton mines. Perhaps the cryo versions or the active immunity mines do not cause the delay.
Other than the mines, the old fashion turrets, explosive probe (lockbox), Sabotage and molten terrain are very good team supporters. And the lightning storm once available.
Although I suppose we can hope they fixed the waiting bug with their secret twitter patch.
If I knew there was going to be chroniton mines in the upcoming match, I would use more kit powers with longer cooldowns. The "fast paced" nature of the arena makes longer cooldowns less attractive.
Except Rally Cry. Rally Cry is just too amazing.
Heh, I was in a PUG that only completed 2 rounds.
It was the lightning round that got all of us. Must've been in a team where every member was playing the arena for the first time and had no idea what to expect (we stood our ground in the map's center. yeah).
For the record, my highest score in arena is now 38 rounds. Still not brilliant, but by my calculations something like 1900% (38/2) of the "success" of the first attempt.
In fact the Match with that Engineer was quite a bit faster than the one I had on a Science Character. 38 rounds vs 10 rounds I the same forty or so minutes.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'