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  • But, but, but, players were making WAY too much EC this way! Mommy they're cheating! Oh wait. I must say stealth patching is sleazy and this one is actually rather childish. Only reason I can think to patch this is to prolong the play time. Sad really that this is the way the game is heading. Anyway...Power to the People!…
  • The majority of 'content' added with Season 7 should not be end game/level content. As previously stated in any other MMO those places would be starter/beginner areas. Also, as many people have stated this game was FUN (if not then entertaining) before Season 7. This game has become a job of sorts and barely entertaining…
  • Good morning STO! It is people like this that only see the struck match and not the forest that's ablaze around them. The fleet mark removal was the struck match but the game is burning down around us. The problem isn't merely about fleet marks any longer. Please just pick a few random pages and actually READ THEM before…
  • I am glad you thought of collecting the ideas from this very thread into one neat place. I just had that idea as I read your post. It is unsurprising that people see this thread and say 'TLDR but everyone here is just flaming/whining.' Complaining about the poor state of the game is NOT the same as whining, whinging,…
  • As others has stated this is a poor analogy. A better one would be comparing it to a 'magic' candy bowl. This bowl refills itself every 30 minutes. Its Halloween and you set this magic bowl out on your doorstep with a sign that merely reads 'Happy Halloween!'. Now since there is no rule saying that the kiddies can only…
  • The going disorder the general population suffers from: A.D.O.S. - Attention Deficit---Ooooo Shiny. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting The Good Fight!
  • This just shows your sheer ignorance of the true heart of the matter. Some were petty. SOME. The vast majority here are sick and tired of the grind of this game, the lack of QA, and the forced playstyle. If you actually took the time to read AND understand, you will see this for yourself. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep…
  • The pettiness you bring to this issue is neither helpful nor wanted. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting The Good Fight!
  • Two very important things here. First our point of view, the game isn't fun. Second his point of view. "If [it] bothers you then just ignore it." Just thought I'd point out the second part people skipped. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting The Good Fight!
  • There have been many suggestions regarding sliding scale costs for fleets. Some good, some bad. The problem is regardless of how well thought out the ideas we have are, the likelihood of PWE/Cryptic actually implementing them is close to nil. They WANT to control us. They WANT to make it difficult for small fleets to…
  • You get three cookies and 600 FM. Oh too soon? Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting The Good Fight!
  • Unfortunately this only remedies a fraction of the issues. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting The Good Fight!
  • Unfortunately we all feel this will be the 'solution' they come up with. Fortunately its been stated there are still plenty of us that feel it will just be another half measure and we'll continue to boycott. Unfortunately again I feel there will plenty of people who will swallow this bitter pill as 'reality' and keep…
  • It seems that is the direction they are heading. If the players can come up with an easy enough 'remedy' they mark it as fixed.
  • Its a long Holiday weekend, some of them probably also took Friday off to make it 4 days. We will likely not be hearing anything until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • The Foundry and it's associated reward system is just a cursory issue. The Foundry is the focus right now because it was our only venue to relieve the tedium that is the grindfest of the rest of the game. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • I have to disagree. There are some on this forum that would say 'Yes, I am willing to grind.' Unfortunately the majority of players are tired of the grind. grind [grahynd] Show IPA Part of Speech: noun Definition: tedious job Synonyms: chore, drudgery, groove, grubwork, hard work, labor, moil, pace, rote, routine, rut,…
  • This.^^ Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • Foundry originally had no rewards, this includes item drops. They were added because, who wants to play content with zero rewards? Especially with the grindfest this game has become having content with zero rewards is a sure way to get it killed. Anyway...Good morning! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • There has to be a minimum that a fleet can select to prevent said 'exploit' from happening. If you have a fleet of 167 you would not be able to select a maximum fleet size lower than your current fleet size. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • The best proposed solution to this is when you create a fleet you choose (or since you already have a fleet once this 'regulation' is implemented you choose), your fleet size limitations. You choose to be a max size of 50 and even if you have 15 people you will always be paying for that size. You will also never be able to…
  • I remember as a child going to Knott's Berry Farm. Myself, my brother, and a family friend went on the 'Log Ride' roughly 18 times in a row. It started out as awesome. There was hardly a line! After about the fifth or sixth time it became tedious, less about the experience and more about seeing how many times we could do…
  • I absolutely agree a small fleet should be a 'project' but I also agree that it shouldn't be impossible. As stated even a proper sliding scale will cause small fleet still take a decent amount of time but still be plausible in this game's lifetime. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • Thank you omni. We are people not metrics and should never have been considered as such. As many have stated prior, metrics will never tell how people feel about a game and it's contents. Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • Aside from stated and obvious problems with that idea, it just wouldn't work. The reason I am not in Mega Fleet X is none of those reasons and a fair portion of small fleets are there for similar reasons. Politics, friends, family. I was in Mega Fleet X, 500 members. I donated some across my alts but my main place in the…
  • I have done little playing these last few days. Except for the other day playing a few STF I only sign on to do my one VIP dilithium claim. Have like 3 months worth of those no sense in creating a further backlog. The cynical part of my believes Stahl took an extended weekend as soon as he posted his last 'follow up' post.…
  • Sorry but if they pull dilithium from STF again or even just reduced the amount you will see another thread exactly like this one.
  • Good morning STO! Something I would again point out. Since I refuse to be a constant member of a large fleet I will remain in my small fleet with people I actually want to play the game with. However if I wanted my fleet gear I can just buy my way into Mega Fleet X pick up my gear and 1 finger wave to Dan the whole time.…
  • Sorry smallrouge I just assumed. Regardless we need more content prior to 'possibly 3 months from now' (we all know how Cryptic is with release target dates). Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting the Good Fight!
  • I wasn't railing against the devs, I wasn't saying I couldn't come up with ideas, although some have very well thought out plans in this thread. I was merely saying that it isn't and shouldn't be our jobs to do things that people [devs] are actually getting paid to do.