"After some discussion, we finally settled on making a Carrier. Starfleet players have access to plenty of Escort and Cruiser options, but not very many Science ships and even fewer Carriers. This gave us a perfect opportunity to fill that gap." the faction with the only non zero t6 sci ships has too little ?
Does the fact that the dilithium zen rates didnt even budge mean that players are sick and tired of yet more ships with the fail command specialization ?
Guramba needed its ltcom tac as the command seat and whats up with the nausicaan ship consoles not being part of a set (plasmonic leech, theta radiation)
They removed several posts that mentioned and explained why the boff seating on this ship is probably the worst of all the t6's to date that were on the first page edit: oh wait nevermind I am an idiot that happened on the other thread
why is it when someone complains abut aux levels on an aux to bat build, whenever someone says aux batteries mitigate it they seem to pretend that no one answered them
Did you read everyone elses post about how there are multiple 3rd places ? And the part that it cannot be verified that it was you in the parse ? Or about how you gave us nothing of your build and performance on other runs ? Because it seems that you are the one deliberately ignoring the numbers people are posting and…