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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: well as I need to allow some time with the others I'll start the Terrans starting to cause issues.

    While they have not yet raided any ships directly linked to the Federation or Republic the Terran forces have begun attacking smaller groups and flying just outside of the major powers space.

    Tywin walks into the command room and nods as the men salute.

    Tywin: what's our report for today?

    Gaz: we have doubled ship patrols along the border areas with the federation and republic. We have moved in on the few minor powers still here while the majority have pledged to submit to us.

    Tywin: so they aren't all as stupid as they may appear. Those that have agreed to submit make sure they are treated well. It will not only keep them loyal but will begin to work on the resolve on the other powers.

    Gaz: yes sir. Things have remained quite back home as well. Either the Emporer doesn't know or isn't willing to risk a confrontation.

    Tywin: not at the moment no. He will wait to see what happens. Then he will decide what to do. Typical.

    They turn as the door opens and Aiden walks in. The new liason between the Terrans and ONI. Who has now gone back k to its secretive and more Intel origins.

    Tywin: ah good speaking of current things your just in time.

    Aiden: there is little we have to report yet. We are watching and have agents in place at each major government but so far they haven't done or said anything.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: hope everyone is OK.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    As the end of the festival night draws near Reddington is standing alone as he can see Malek, Katashi, and Samito all with other people.

    Echo walks up next to him.

    Echo: it's been a long time sense you have had a moment like hasn't it.

    Reddington: in my line of work this type of thing doesn't happen often. Nor do those around me often get the choice to settle down and find love.

    Echo: so what will you do now.

    Reddington: what I need to do. The terrains are still a threat and will need to be dealt with as well as any other trouble makers. But I can't demand that those three give up this for me. It isn't fair to them.

    Echo: well if it makes you feel better I'll still go with you. As will Firefly.

    Reddington: good. I could definitely use two murder killing machines.

    He let's a smile cross his face as he looks at him. As more fireworks start Reddington turns to watch them.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    OoC: May is off to a rocky start for me.

    Johanna: She left because of my father. Still sends me mail, but well, my father joined a terrorist organization, so my family is probably about as bad as yours.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: May is off to a rocky start for me.

    Johanna: She left because of my father. Still sends me mail, but well, my father joined a terrorist organization, so my family is probably about as bad as yours.

    OOC: It's been busy for me - lots happening at work and overall just not a lot of free time. Probably gonna stay like that for the next month or so, too.

    *Meanwhile, Dani is in her Ready Room on a call to M Dani with the frequency M Mila provided.*

    M Dani: If you've hurt her--

    Dani: We both know that's more your style.

    M Dani: I will tear you to--

    Dani *impatient*: We can keep going round in circles reminding ourselves that we hate each other, but we have much bigger problems.

    M Dani: Let me guess, the incursions?

    Dani: You know about them.

    M Dani: *Scoffs.* Probably more than you, anyway.

    Dani: They're as much a threat to you as they are to us.

    M Dani: How d'ya figure?

    Dani: You're a credible claimant to the Imperial throne. You're a threat to their plans to overthrow the Emperor.

    M Dani: Are you trying to suggest we should be allies here?

    Dani: The thought makes me want to throw up as well, b****.

    *M Dani thinks for a moment.*

    M Dani: I'm not helping you with anything while you have my daughters.

    Dani: You mean your clones of my daughters. Mila's yours, but Cassi's completely off the table.

    M Dani: You can't--

    Dani: I'm not. It's Cassi's choice.

    M Dani: She doesn't even know what she really is!

    Dani: It doesn't matter. She chose us.

    *Dani's fists clench at her sides as she tries to keep her hatred down.*

    And I won't let you take her again.

    *M Dani is clearly about to bite back with something, but apparently thinks better of it.*

    M Dani: Fine. Meet me at these coordinates. Once I have Mila, I'll send you everything I have on the incursion.

    Dani: Not enough.

    M Dani: Excuse me?

    Dani: I want everything you have on contacting the Empire. Your allies have been protecting your husband's son for months. You know more about the current political situation over there than anyone.

    M Dani: Why would I agree--?

    *Dani slams her hand on her desk.*

    Dani *angry*: Because if you don't, I will make sure your clone of Mila spends the rest of her life rotting in the deepest, darkest cell in Republic space! You will never get her back!

    *There's a moment of silence, the two glaring at each other hatefully.*

    M Dani *hateful*: Fine. We'll work together on this. Meet me at those coordinates.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: and it starts getting real. Glad everyone is ok.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Inside the incursion zone

    Osman is in a cantina to meet a contact to get more Intel on the Terrans here.

    Man: good you made it.

    Osman: well I've been around enough and know the tricks of the trade. What do you have for me?

    Man: Terran fleet and military movements. They have started to become more active. Meaning it won't be long till he makes his first move.

    Osman: how long do we have?

    Man: by my estimates maybe a few weeks at most.

    Osman: no one can be ready for a proper counter that quickly with how things are spread out right now.

    Man: well I don't know what else to tell you. Sources indicate that he is also preping to make his move in their original reality as well.

    Osman: bold what brought that on?

    Man: it seems he's gained more support against the current regime.

    Osman: ok I need to go to pass this on to the republic before its to late.

    Man: and I've been here to long as it is.

    The two stand up just as a squad of Terran shock troopers come through the door.

    Terran captain: all civilians have a form of identification ready or you will be taken for questioning.

    Osman quickly looks around the place. It's fairly dim lighting and where she is seated she is pretty sure they hadn't been seen yet. A younger man grabs her hand and pulls her towards the back to a supply room.

    Osman: I don't think back here will be any safer.....

    The young man pulls back a crate revealing a small one person transporter pad. It's old and looks like it is barely functional.

    Young man: get on I'll get you away from here at least.

    Osman: can this reach orbit I have a ship there.

    Young man: looks like we will find out.

    Before she can speak he taps the controls and she finds herself ok her runabout.

    She quickly taps the controls making sure she is still cloaked as she warps away. She puts the data card into her computer sending the data to republic command
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    I.S.S. Hammerfall

    Tywin sits in the command chair of his capital ship. Watching the display of the galaxy.

    Gaz: reports have come back from our main forces and they are ready to make their move on Sol.

    Tywin: good. We will be ready to make our first strike here in a few days. This galaxy and our home will be brought under heel and then we can continue to expand.

    Gaz: for the glory of the empire.

    Tywin: for the glory of the empire. I have a special task for you.

    Gaz: yes sir.

    Tywin: I want you to return to our reality and lead the assault there when the time comes. You will conquer our home I will conquer here.

    Gaz: i.....you honor me sir.

    Tywin: you have been a loyal officer since I came to power. It's time you where rewarded for your service. You can take this data rod with you it will confirm you have my blessing and your orders. If anyone questions you you have authority to deal with them as you see fit. Do not fail me in this task.

    Gaz: yes sir!

    He salutes as he walks out of the room. Tywin leans back.

    Tywin: things are going exactly to plan. In a matter of time we will conquer two galaxies at once.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    As the firework show comes to an end Malek and Yushia are sitting by a fountain at the edge of the village.

    Yushia: thank you I enjoyed tonight.

    Malek let's a small smile cross his face.

    Malek: you know I did to. I forgot how different normal life could be.

    Yushia: I'm glad you all came. It is good for people to stop and listen to the things around them. It is pretty obvious you haven't been able to do that for some time.

    Malek doesn't say anything as he leans back on the stone wall they are sitting against and looks up at the stars. Yushia doesn't say another word as she leans up against him sitting in the quite with him.


    Katashi: I have to say that was incredible.

    Tsuma: I'm glad you liked it. It's the biggest event of the year here. Most days it's just quite and everyone keeping the village running.

    Katashi: this is the most relaxed I've been for as long as I can remember. I forgot what it feels like.

    He sighs as he looks up into the night sky where the stars are clearly seen since the village has very dim night lighting.

    Tsuma takes his hand.

    Tsuma: why don't you come stay with me tonight. No need or rush for you to go back and be alone.

    Katashi: I.....I'm not sure. I should get back to....

    Tsuma: relax tonight. If they really need you they can come find us.

    She leads him off to her place as the night sounds start to die down.

    The village center

    Denzo: well I'd say everyone had a good time wouldn't you agree?

    Reddington: you want me to say it fine I'll say it. Yes it was a good experience for everyone.

    Denzo smiles as they start walking back to where Reddington I staying.

    Denzo: your crew has seemed to make themselves at home quite well to.

    Reddington: yes yes they have. Listen I have a favor to ask you.

    Denzo: oh? What is it?

    Reddington: if Malek and Katashi should decide they want to stay would they be welcome here?

    Denzo: I think tonight should have answered that. The people have accepted you all with open arms. They don't care about people's pasts or what they do now. As long as you respect your fellows and respect the village anyone is welcomed.

    Reddington: good. I have a feeling ill be leaving a few behind.

    Ooc: and again nothing in this rp can go that smoothly. It's gonna hit the fan pretty soon. Not only here but for most the galaxy for that matter lol. Don't worry I don't do anything crazy when people aren't on.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: hope everyone is doing OK
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: I will wait till after memorial day and then start up again
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: May is off to a rocky start for me.

    Johanna: She left because of my father. Still sends me mail, but well, my father joined a terrorist organization, so my family is probably about as bad as yours.

    OOC: It's been busy for me - lots happening at work and overall just not a lot of free time. Probably gonna stay like that for the next month or so, too.

    *Meanwhile, Dani is in her Ready Room on a call to M Dani with the frequency M Mila provided.*

    M Dani: If you've hurt her--

    Dani: We both know that's more your style.

    M Dani: I will tear you to--

    Dani *impatient*: We can keep going round in circles reminding ourselves that we hate each other, but we have much bigger problems.

    M Dani: Let me guess, the incursions?

    Dani: You know about them.

    M Dani: *Scoffs.* Probably more than you, anyway.

    Dani: They're as much a threat to you as they are to us.

    M Dani: How d'ya figure?

    Dani: You're a credible claimant to the Imperial throne. You're a threat to their plans to overthrow the Emperor.

    M Dani: Are you trying to suggest we should be allies here?

    Dani: The thought makes me want to throw up as well, b****.

    *M Dani thinks for a moment.*

    M Dani: I'm not helping you with anything while you have my daughters.

    Dani: You mean your clones of my daughters. Mila's yours, but Cassi's completely off the table.

    M Dani: You can't--

    Dani: I'm not. It's Cassi's choice.

    M Dani: She doesn't even know what she really is!

    Dani: It doesn't matter. She chose us.

    *Dani's fists clench at her sides as she tries to keep her hatred down.*

    And I won't let you take her again.

    *M Dani is clearly about to bite back with something, but apparently thinks better of it.*

    M Dani: Fine. Meet me at these coordinates. Once I have Mila, I'll send you everything I have on the incursion.

    Dani: Not enough.

    M Dani: Excuse me?

    Dani: I want everything you have on contacting the Empire. Your allies have been protecting your husband's son for months. You know more about the current political situation over there than anyone.

    M Dani: Why would I agree--?

    *Dani slams her hand on her desk.*

    Dani *angry*: Because if you don't, I will make sure your clone of Mila spends the rest of her life rotting in the deepest, darkest cell in Republic space! You will never get her back!

    *There's a moment of silence, the two glaring at each other hatefully.*

    M Dani *hateful*: Fine. We'll work together on this. Meet me at those coordinates.

    OoC: Sorry for the especially long delays this time. I know I'm really slowing things to a crawl often...

    Johanna: *She leans forward looking M Mila in the eyes for a moment* What about you? Where's your father in all this? *Despite her previous jabs, this seems to be a genuine question and not an attempt to p*** M Mila off any more*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: don't feel bad life happens
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: I'm gonna move some things along to start putting pressure on the main powers well the two that aren't being run by the terrans and a ONI. I have some other to come to the aide but it will be awhile before they do.

    The Terran empire has made moves into almost every non aligned system moving into them and quickly setting up shop and setting up defenses. They have acted unlike many would expect though. They have approached a system called for its surrender and offered to help them build up defense and the like if they do and have treated those that have joined extremely well. Those that do not have been met with expected Terran resolve.

    Starbase 375

    Admiral Galik walks into the briefing room where a number of admirals and captains are present either in person or via holo.

    Galik: thank you all for coming. As you know the terrans are on the move and have almost doubled their territory and man power in the last few weeks. It won't be long till they come at the federation directly. We are the closest Starbase to them so we need a plan and I'm open to hearing what people have to say.

    RA. Kenzy: we should make a strike at them now before they reach federation space. The longer we wait the stronger they get.

    Capt. Callaway: to do that would go against what the federation is suppose to stand for. Besides doing so could be more dangerous as they have gained support by helping many of the systems they have taken. We aren't dealing with a normal Terran here. Tywin knows what he's doing and how to gain support.

    Kenzy: so what we sit back and wait for them to attack?

    J'tel: both courses are illogical. We can not directly engage without breaking the foundation of the federation nor can we sit by and let the federation be destroyed. Therefore a third option must be devised.

    Ooc: feel free to join this discussion if you want
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Reddington is in the underground facility looking over the sensor readings and looking at reports from his spies and informats.

    Denzo: things do look bad don't they.

    Reddington: indeed they do. That is why I need to get back in the field before they get worse.

    Denzo: allow me to send a few people with you to help.

    Reddington: normally I would say no but with this situation I'll tale all the extra muscle and help I can get.

    They turn as an alarm sounds

    Reddington: I thought this part was shielded?

    Denzo: it is. Why?

    Reddington: a Terran battle group has just arrived in system and is headed this way.

    Denzo: remain here. I will deal with them. If all goes well they will see our apparent tech level and leave.

    Reddington: and if they don't?

    Denzo: while the vast majority of the village doesn't use technology of advanced levels that does not mean we aren't able to take on much larger threats. We will deal with them.

    Reddington turns as Denzo leaves feeling uneasy.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Galik: one of the few third options has gone dark after some recent run ins. Until we locate them I'm not sure we have a third option.

    Kenzy: and what's to say he would be willing to help us like that. We have no way of knowing.

    Callaway: so what we just ignore everything the federation is suppose to stand for and has been built on?

    Galik: I'm not ready to go that far yet. The federation council and starfleet command are still looking into options but that may come to late. Hence the point of this meeting.

    They turn as the door opens and Ayet'Sev walks in flanked by Pellion of starfleet Intel

    Ayet: no action will currently be taken. Not until they make a direct move toward federation space.

    Ayet raises a hand as he see Kenzy about to speak

    Ayet: but that appears to be sooner then later. The terrans have just moved into secotr 225 which has a system under federation protection. They so much as sneeze in that direction and we make a move. The 19th battle fleet will leave with me tomorrow.

    Calloway: do we know how long till they reach the said planet?

    Pellion: Intel believes it will be in the next few days. That sector is rather large meaning it will take the terrans some time. More then enough for the 19th to arrive on location and wave the flag.

    Ayet: the 19th was boosted with ships from the 85th recon fleet as well bringing it to 109 ships in total. More then enough for anything the terrans may be planning there.

    Pellion: I will be taking the USS Lockley tonight to scout out the area under stealth and monitor the terran fleet movements.

    Galick: do we have orders for the Starbase and the 91st defense fleet?

    Ayet: not beyond be on yellow alert. Once combat begins the station will be assigned as the HQ of this area for battle prep.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: I'm gonna move some things along to start putting pressure on the main powers well the two that aren't being run by the terrans and a ONI. I have some other to come to the aide but it will be awhile before they do.

    The Terran empire has made moves into almost every non aligned system moving into them and quickly setting up shop and setting up defenses. They have acted unlike many would expect though. They have approached a system called for its surrender and offered to help them build up defense and the like if they do and have treated those that have joined extremely well. Those that do not have been met with expected Terran resolve.

    Starbase 375

    Admiral Galik walks into the briefing room where a number of admirals and captains are present either in person or via holo.

    Galik: thank you all for coming. As you know the terrans are on the move and have almost doubled their territory and man power in the last few weeks. It won't be long till they come at the federation directly. We are the closest Starbase to them so we need a plan and I'm open to hearing what people have to say.

    RA. Kenzy: we should make a strike at them now before they reach federation space. The longer we wait the stronger they get.

    Capt. Callaway: to do that would go against what the federation is suppose to stand for. Besides doing so could be more dangerous as they have gained support by helping many of the systems they have taken. We aren't dealing with a normal Terran here. Tywin knows what he's doing and how to gain support.

    Kenzy: so what we sit back and wait for them to attack?

    J'tel: both courses are illogical. We can not directly engage without breaking the foundation of the federation nor can we sit by and let the federation be destroyed. Therefore a third option must be devised.

    Ooc: feel free to join this discussion if you want

    OoC: Sorry I've been sick laterly, can you give me a bit of a recap so I can join in easier?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    > @westx211 said:
    > OoC: Sorry I've been sick laterly, can you give me a bit of a recap so I can join in easier?

    Ooc: it's all good and hope you are feeling better. It's just starfleet officers meeting to discuss the growing Terran problem. Starfleet was one I felt I could move along since the republic is really Ryan's side more
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Danzo walks out as a group of terrans is walking towards the village center as teams of terrans are moving through the rest of the city. Keba walks up to Danzo as they head towards the Terran leader.

    Keba: everyone is on alert and ready if things don't go smoothly.

    Danzo: well dome. Let's try to make sure they do go smoothly though shall we.

    As they come I to speaking range.

    Danzo: welcome to our small little village travelers how can we be of service to you?

    Terran officer: this sector has been claimed by the Terran Empire all people and resources here are now property of the Empire.

    Danzo: I see. Well we don't have much in the way of technology or resources on our little world I'm afraid.

    Terran: sir we have completed our preliminary search and they seem to be a low tier colony no remarkable resources here either.

    Terran officer: well then since you don't seem to have resources or industry here I suppose that means we will simply use you all as a labor force. Round them up any to weak to work shoot on sight.....

    With a simple clap of his hand the terrans in front of him fall.

    Keba: well that didn't go like you wanted.

    Danzo: it will not take them long to learn of what has happened. Activate the shield and prepare for a prolonged battle.

    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    > @logang19 said:
    > > @westx211 said:
    > > OoC: Sorry I've been sick laterly, can you give me a bit of a recap so I can join in easier?
    > Ooc: it's all good and hope you are feeling better. It's just starfleet officers meeting to discuss the growing Terran problem. Starfleet was one I felt I could move along since the republic is really Ryan's side more

    (Sorry it's on mobile)

    OoC: do you think the federation president would be a part of this meeting? I remember I was the one controlling him. If not I can come up with some officers to bring to the table.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    > @westx211 said:
    > > @logang19 said:
    > > > @westx211 said:
    > > > OoC: Sorry I've been sick laterly, can you give me a bit of a recap so I can join in easier?
    > >
    > > Ooc: it's all good and hope you are feeling better. It's just starfleet officers meeting to discuss the growing Terran problem. Starfleet was one I felt I could move along since the republic is really Ryan's side more
    > (Sorry it's on mobile)
    > OoC: do you think the federation president would be a part of this meeting? I remember I was the one controlling him. If not I can come up with some officers to bring to the table.

    Ooc: oh he definitely could be it could make it a little more interesting to so that is totally up to you my friend.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Rwddington steps out as Malek and Katashi arrive as well.

    Danzo: well that didn't go like I hoped.

    Reddington: how long can you guys keep a shield up if they launch an attack?

    Keba: indefinitely as long as we can keep them from reaching the generator.

    Malek: well we can know they won't make that easy. They will probably lock down the system to.

    Danzo: they likely already have. Everyone is being mobilized. They won't be able to beam inside the shield but once on the ground they can enter the shield.

    Katashi: so we have to make it not worth their effort.

    Reddington: remember we are talking about terrans here. They aren't going to give up now that they have been challenged.

    Danzo: no they will not. We should get to the main perimeter to oversee things from there.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    *Karn, appears and joins the meeting, the President's red skin standing in stark contrast to the lighting as he taps a bony protrusion on his face, listening in to what's being said*

    Karn: Greetings. The Terran mobilization is troubling, but we need more options. Intelligence has informed me that this appears to be a Terran Splinter faction, formed due to disproval towards the current Terran Emperor. They are still finding surprisingly large amounts of support. While a first strike isn't exactly in our nature, perhaps we can still ready fleets in the area? Perhaps an age old reason such as training exercises, or investigating some anomaly. Then, if things escalate we have forces nearby that can quickly respond. But I'm concerned if this does break into all out warfare.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    > @westx211 said:
    > *Karn, appears and joins the meeting, the President's red skin standing in stark contrast to the lighting as he taps a bony protrusion on his face, listening in to what's being said*
    > Karn: Greetings. The Terran mobilization is troubling, but we need more options. Intelligence has informed me that this appears to be a Terran Splinter faction, formed due to disproval towards the current Terran Emperor. They are still finding surprisingly large amounts of support. While a first strike isn't exactly in our nature, perhaps we can still ready fleets in the area? Perhaps an age old reason such as training exercises, or investigating some anomaly. Then, if things escalate we have forces nearby that can quickly respond. But I'm concerned if this does break into all out warfare.

    Pellion: yes sir. Intel has confirmed that the man leading this incursion is a splinter group though from what we have learned He controls or has allieas in about 75% or more of the empire. That is the reason he has such a vast fleet already and has been able to focus here.

    Galik: we have all border fleets and patrols at yellow alert. So far they have not entered federation or republic space. We can assume it will only be a matter of time till they do.

    Kemzy: I said it once and I'll voice it again. The longer we wait the harder it will be to stop them.

    Galik: a risk we will have to take.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    On the planet.

    Reddington: well I will say you sure do pull out all the stops when needed.

    They turn as one of the scouts comes in.

    Johan: sir we have the perimeter set and ready. The terrans are unloading troops just outside the shield. We count almost 1500 already landed.

    Danzo: very well. Inform all squad and team leaders they are free to engage when they enter but try to gain any Intel they can.

    Malek: what do they know is here that they are going for a ground assault. Not simply blockading and moving on?

    Danzo: the terrans shouldn't be aware of anything that is here.

    Reddington: well they know something is here. They wouldn't be this engaged if they didn't have something to gain.

    Danzo: they are terrans

    Katashi: normally I'd agree but these terrans aren't like the normal ones we have read reports about.

    Danzo: one of our teams will get Intel then we will be able to find out what they know.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Terran base

    Tywin is in the command room looking over holo maps and reports.

    Gaz: still no direct action taken by any of the major powers. Most the systems we have moved into have agreed to join and help us few have actually put up any resistance.

    Tywin: tell me about this Ponella system that is causing issues?

    Gaz: it looked like a back water world when our ships arrived. Then they killed the landing team and deployed a large shield. We are prepping men to take the village by force.

    Tywin: if they had that technology why was it not picked up by scans?

    Gaz: unknown at this time sir.

    Tywin: then I want Col. Batik to take command of the situation. Kill them all and salvage what you can. He has full authority to use whatever means necessary short of destroying the entire planet.

    Gaz: yes sir.

    Gaz salutes as he leaves to relay the orders. Tywin turns back to the holo of the map and is looking at the federation side closely.

    Tywin: you are preparing for your first move. Good. It's about time. Any longer and we will be right on your doorstep.

    Atrius: sir

    Tywin: you have news to report?

    Atrius: yes sir. A small task force tried to strike at your home estate. Their ships where destroyed before they reached the system but it was clear their target was you.

    Tywin: the fools can't even perform a proper assassination attempt. Send word back to Marshal Killian. If they make a move he has permission to begin his assault on Terra.

    Atrius: if he does and takes the capital that could make him bold enough to try to challenge you.

    Tywin: it could but it won't. We have already made our "deal" and he knows what will happen if he tries to cross me. Now go. I want to look at these alone.

    Atrius nods as he walks out of the room leaving tywin alone again as he studies the charts.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: hope everyone is OK. My posting is gonna be more sporadic as I start college Monday ( better late then never) but will still try to post a few times a week. It's a nice outlet for me but hope everyone else is doing OK.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Katashi and Namito are watching the terrans assembly area as they are prepping teams to enter the shield zone.

    Namito: there are alot of them.

    Katashi: let's hope they chose to proceed with caution. I don't think we can deal with an all out attack.

    Namito: look

    He gestures as they see a small team head into the shield.

    Namito: we can take them out and get some Intel out of them.

    Katashi nods as he follows him through the brush. A short time later they walk into the forward command tent. Katashi tosses a padd onto the table. Reddington looks at them as the two are covered in blood.

    Reddington: do I even want to know what you two did?

    Namito: probably not if you have eaten anything recently.

    Reddington shakes his head as Echo plugs into the padd the android quickly by passing its security.

    Echo: there is quite a bit of data here. Give me 30 min and I'll be able to sort through it all.

    Reddington: why don't you two take that time to clean up some. It's starting to smell.

    He smirks as he pushes them out
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    OoC: Sorry, I missed that I needed to post here, out with family atm but I'll try to get something typed up
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    > @westx211 said:
    > *Karn, appears and joins the meeting, the President's red skin standing in stark contrast to the lighting as he taps a bony protrusion on his face, listening in to what's being said*
    > Karn: Greetings. The Terran mobilization is troubling, but we need more options. Intelligence has informed me that this appears to be a Terran Splinter faction, formed due to disproval towards the current Terran Emperor. They are still finding surprisingly large amounts of support. While a first strike isn't exactly in our nature, perhaps we can still ready fleets in the area? Perhaps an age old reason such as training exercises, or investigating some anomaly. Then, if things escalate we have forces nearby that can quickly respond. But I'm concerned if this does break into all out warfare.

    Pellion: yes sir. Intel has confirmed that the man leading this incursion is a splinter group though from what we have learned He controls or has allieas in about 75% or more of the empire. That is the reason he has such a vast fleet already and has been able to focus here.

    Galik: we have all border fleets and patrols at yellow alert. So far they have not entered federation or republic space. We can assume it will only be a matter of time till they do.

    Kemzy: I said it once and I'll voice it again. The longer we wait the harder it will be to stop them.

    Galik: a risk we will have to take.

    Karn: Perhaps we should attempt a tried and true tactic? Goading. I'm sure they won't normally make a move until they have enough forces to properly combat us. But its my understanding that many terrans tend to be more prideful and arrogant. *He leans back in his seat* While not good natured we may be able to encourage some border skirmishes, weaken their forces and get a feel for the commanders in the areas while intelligence does their magic.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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