This kind of boredom because endgame content is sorely lacking in STO is the reason I consider "DPS chasing" to be the real endgame. Trying to eek out every percent of a percent of damage possible on a single ship has been my endgame for years.
But now they're starting to go around and kill the dps chasing by nerfing all of the things we've spent money on trying to keep ourselves entertained. Hate to say it cryptic, but if I'm not entertained I'm not going to continue playing, so maybe be a little less heavy handed with the nerfs eh?
I thought the endgame was playing dress up with the tailor.
There are two camps with some overlap in membership: DPS chasers and Space Barbie.
I'm more space barbie with weapon types. DPS chasing is labouriously boring.
I do that. One captain has a Fek'Hiri carrier fireboat with Krieger Wave Disruptors for the perfect shade of red. Beam overload in particular looks spiffy. Flames and red death for everyone!
I have that one that looks like Castle Greyskull from He-man, named it so and jammed it with Naussican Disruptors for the redness and used the Lukari shield visual. It looks freaking awesome in neon.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
Irrational gloom and doom predictions aside, STO has ten years of content built up so they can get by with smaller, more frequent, content drops nowadays since they are not still setting up the background framework for the lore. Not every game company does their drops as formal expansion packs anyway though most do follow that pattern.
The game is old but it has had engine and other upgrades during that time, just like other old games like WoW and Final Fantasy. If you compare recent screenshots with older ones (they have a lot of those old pics right here in the forum for instance) you can see the improved quality. That is not to say that they don't need more work on the engine and other systems, because they do need it, but the game is not as bad as you seem to think from your comments.
The game itself is not "Bad," per se, but does not offer more than what it can offer. It is however; an old engine. If what I said comes out to be true in the upcoming year or two - then you will see changes to the market as predicted.
Will there be more expansions, U doubt it very much, and would surprise the entire community if they attempt it. There are people out there that still hope fore things like a Cardassian expansion with a social hubs on Cardassian etc...
I will still hope that a NEW engine would be used that would provide better animation, more innovation to Star Trek online. I know one of the developers commented on the possibility that making a "Star Trek Online II" would be akin to financial suicide, and he is possibly right. Do I want the game to fade? No, by no means _ I do love STO and heavily invested in it.
But, progress is also important for content creation and development. It just happens to be, "Is it cost effective?" Many older players that have almost everything in the game, done all the missions etc... are left to wonder what is next? Space Barbie will not cut it, this also applies to "New shiny." We already have a million variant types of the Reliant and Discovery etc...
Let's see what upcoming event etc... that will hold things together, especially for those players that find themselves bored.
I will still hope that a NEW engine would be used that would provide better animation, more innovation to Star Trek online. I know one of the developers commented on the possibility that making a "Star Trek Online II" would be akin to financial suicide, and he is possibly right. Do I want the game to fade? No, by no means _ I do love STO and heavily invested in it.
But, progress is also important for content creation and development. It just happens to be, "Is it cost effective?" Many older players that have almost everything in the game, done all the missions etc... are left to wonder what is next? Space Barbie will not cut it, this also applies to "New shiny." We already have a million variant types of the Reliant and Discovery etc...
Let's see what upcoming event etc... that will hold things together, especially for those players that find themselves bored.
It could be doable from practical persective, Just dulicate code onto a new engine that can handle more than two factions, like if STO 0.5/STO 2 was made you could have Romulans as a working third faction that can visit both ESD and Qo'noS without worrying about what side they picked, also personally I would switch Lobi and Latinium around since Latinium has more value lorewise, however financially it would be an expensive side project, probably even bankrupt Cryptic.
I will still hope that a NEW engine would be used that would provide better animation, more innovation to Star Trek online. I know one of the developers commented on the possibility that making a "Star Trek Online II" would be akin to financial suicide, and he is possibly right. Do I want the game to fade? No, by no means _ I do love STO and heavily invested in it.
But, progress is also important for content creation and development. It just happens to be, "Is it cost effective?" Many older players that have almost everything in the game, done all the missions etc... are left to wonder what is next? Space Barbie will not cut it, this also applies to "New shiny." We already have a million variant types of the Reliant and Discovery etc...
Let's see what upcoming event etc... that will hold things together, especially for those players that find themselves bored.
you know, it's funny. I play a game that has 3 iterations, harpoon 1,2 and 3. I only play harpoon 1, because it is, to me the best blend of the different factors of the game. IF there was a way to port over the entire game that exists to a new engine that had better animation, I'd be happy to have it happen, but the reality is, to use a new engine you would have to have a new game.
A new engine would probably be impractical at this point, and porting things over would be unrealistic. That is why we will never see a Star Trek Online II. So now it comes down to what can Cryptic do to create interest in its game?
Players are tired of the time gates, events constantly popping up every other month or so - It is tiresome - and we already know about he loot boxes. It is so bad that the current loot box is abysmal, worst one to date. I wonder about the level of laziness that went in putting together that box.
I understand that Cryptic has to make money - However; How does one keep interest in the game and kill off the boredom factor. This isn't EVE Online where you need a spread sheet to keep track of progression, or WoW where you need to continue to prep for raids.
I really think that MMO's in general is a dying breed. So it goes back to full circle that the only thing that is keeping things interesting are the new shiny. Unfortunately; Current lockbox is lackluster. I really do want new content with new social hubs etc... and I feel that Cryptic did not take the great opportunity presented to them during the COVIDE-19 crisis.
They could have taken advantage of the time, where many were forced to stay home - huge missed opportunity.
How does one keep interest in the game and kill off the boredom factor. This isn't EVE Online where you need a spread sheet to keep track of progression, or WoW where you need to continue to prep for raids.
I really do want new content with new social hubs etc... and I feel that Cryptic did not take the great opportunity presented to them during the COVIDE-19 crisis.
They could have taken advantage of the time, where many were forced to stay home - huge missed opportunity.
You ignore TFOs especially the space ones, they're almost as boring as patrols and Kobali Prime also I wasn't forced to stay home, I've been staying home since 93,
As for new social hubs I suggest TOS Romulus for the NEW and SHINY "TOS Romulan faction", during Year of the Romulan.
As for new social hubs I suggest TOS Romulus for the NEW and SHINY "TOS Romulan faction", during Year of the Romulan. (queue cricket sounds)
Whenever that comes up, the standard response is there is almost zero canon TOS Romulan material to work so Cryptic would need to create the faction from nothing.
I'm a big TOS fan, but there was what, 2 Romulan episodes? The German U-Boat, and the cloak-and-dagger cloak theft?
As for new social hubs I suggest TOS Romulus for the NEW and SHINY "TOS Romulan faction", during Year of the Romulan. (queue cricket sounds)
Whenever that comes up, the standard response is there is almost zero canon TOS Romulan material to work so Cryptic would need to create the faction from nothing.
I'm a big TOS fan, but there was what, 2 Romulan episodes? The German U-Boat, and the cloak-and-dagger cloak theft?
Yes, only those two episodes though they had a few more in early planning that we would have seen had they gotten the fourth and fifth seasons. There was a lot of interest in them from both the fans and the writers, but the ear appliances were ridiculously expensive back then (which is why they used the helmets on all the extras and even on some named characters).
It would be easy to come up with new material by just following the clues from those episodes along with projecting the original sources (WWII Germany and ancient Rome during the period when the republic fell into an autocratic imperial mold) into the future the same way Paul Schneider did with the original The Enemy Below script. It is a very fertile ground for story plots, one that is very familiar to sci-fi fans, especially since Star Wars was built on the same general model.
As for new social hubs I suggest TOS Romulus for the NEW and SHINY "TOS Romulan faction", during Year of the Romulan. (queue cricket sounds)
Whenever that comes up, the standard response is there is almost zero canon TOS Romulan material to work so Cryptic would need to create the faction from nothing.
I'm a big TOS fan, but there was what, 2 Romulan episodes? The German U-Boat, and the cloak-and-dagger cloak theft?
Yes, only those two episodes though they had a few more in early planning that we would have seen had they gotten the fourth and fifth seasons. There was a lot of interest in them from both the fans and the writers, but the ear appliances were ridiculously expensive back then (which is why they used the helmets on all the extras and even on some named characters).
It would be easy to come up with new material by just following the clues from those episodes along with projecting the original sources (WWII Germany and ancient Rome during the period when the republic fell into an autocratic imperial mold) into the future the same way Paul Schneider did with the original The Enemy Below script. It is a very fertile ground for story plots, one that is very familiar to sci-fi fans, especially since Star Wars was built on the same general model.
And then their canon diverts from somebody else's headcanon, and cue the screaming. Not sure it's worth it.
Do you pvp ? I do not consider a character complete till its able to stand up to others players in a pvp match, even then there is still room for improvement, to get the edge over them, and the itemization of this game is endless abyss.
Anyway sometimes ago i had this end-game idea that requires very little development time and it perfectly fits with the arcs/episodes release style cycle cryptic has adapted.
You choose your way of playing, PvP, PvE or RP.
For pvp players you participate in a randomly generated patrol mission that involved the enemies of the current arc and of the opposite faction players, the map objects are simple like dealing XXXXXXX damage done total by all players (vs NPCs or other players). This should have space and ground version.
For PvE players, you have a randomly generated patrol mission, the enemies are the current arc's antagonists , after you defeated 5 waves of enemies you also get a damage meter, and a table of damage dealers of the day who choose to show their dps in public. This should have space and ground version.
For RP players, i have no ideas but if you have any, step up and share.
After completing 4x PvP or PvE or RP randomly generated arc-themed patrols OR 2x random TFOS, you are now eligible for a big bad boss fight in space where you fight a dreadnought ship as a team. The dreadnought is healing and have a timer before it warps out, so you need proper dps for normal or advanced or elite. Defeating the dreadnought grands endevour experience which allows new players to catch up with that grind.
Here, a simple self-recycling end-game system that rewards everyone.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
For pvp players you participate in a randomly generated patrol mission that involved the enemies of the current arc and of the opposite faction players, the map objects are simple like dealing XXXXXXX damage done total by all players (vs NPCs or other players). This should have space and ground version.
For PvE players, you have a randomly generated patrol mission, the enemies are the current arc's antagonists , after you defeated 5 waves of enemies you also get a damage meter, and a table of damage dealers of the day who choose to show their dps in public. This should have space and ground version.
For RP players, i have no ideas but if you have any, step up and share.
After completing 4x PvP or PvE or RP randomly generated arc-themed patrols OR 2x random TFOS, you are now eligible for a big bad boss fight in space where you fight a dreadnought ship as a team. The dreadnought is healing and have a timer before it warps out, so you need proper dps for normal or advanced or elite. Defeating the dreadnought grands endevour experience which allows new players to catch up with that grind.
Here, a simple self-recycling end-game system that rewards everyone.
You know what that kinda sounds like? Adapting the Gamma Quadrant Battlezone. Although there its you had to fill up the bars for certain patrols, and then you could go pound the "boss" as long as the timer allows.
Gamma Quadrant Battlezone was a pretty big flop as it was just glorified patrols in a sector space map that had to be done in specific sectors. Probably slightly better than Gon'Cra, because it works at least.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
As for new social hubs I suggest TOS Romulus for the NEW and SHINY "TOS Romulan faction", during Year of the Romulan. (queue cricket sounds)
Whenever that comes up, the standard response is there is almost zero canon TOS Romulan material to work so Cryptic would need to create the faction from nothing.
I'm a big TOS fan, but there was what, 2 Romulan episodes? The German U-Boat, and the cloak-and-dagger cloak theft?
Yes, only those two episodes though they had a few more in early planning that we would have seen had they gotten the fourth and fifth seasons. There was a lot of interest in them from both the fans and the writers, but the ear appliances were ridiculously expensive back then (which is why they used the helmets on all the extras and even on some named characters).
It would be easy to come up with new material by just following the clues from those episodes along with projecting the original sources (WWII Germany and ancient Rome during the period when the republic fell into an autocratic imperial mold) into the future the same way Paul Schneider did with the original The Enemy Below script. It is a very fertile ground for story plots, one that is very familiar to sci-fi fans, especially since Star Wars was built on the same general model.
And then their canon diverts from somebody else's headcanon, and cue the screaming. Not sure it's worth it.
True, though it's not like there would not be the usual screaming anyway, just look at all the whining about the Year of the Klingon civil war stuff. For that matter they have given away free stuff in the past and some people complained. Given the inevitability that some people somewhere will be offended no matter what they do, the devs might as well go ahead and use the considerable potential of the TOS Romulans if they ever do anything with Romulans of that era (which so far looks unlikely).
the Gamma Quadrant Battlezone are NOT simplified, they are rather annoying, also not easy to access(for the lazy), repeating it causes annoyance, not rewarding or worth it, lack pvp and or meaningful goal and have an annoying timer which i have to align with, as if i dont have better things to do. I personally hate it when universal endeavour sends me there.
Here i need to clarify "randomly generated patrol" - it is a map, one of the many orbit maps that exist mixed with story arc-themed 5 waves coming in, simple no-brainer pewpew patrol, even simplier than the patrol missions you have in your TFO options that i think are kind of success and fun. The PvE options offers DPS meter or the ability generally share your dps result of the day, should you wish. The PvP option offers you to encounter other faction players. This builds up to a big dreadnought fight that offers you to catch up with endeavour levels.
It has a meaning, its self-recycling, its refreshing because its random environment, its ralaxing and no brainer like patrols but with a goal.
Unless you're RPing a Klingon, where PvP is also huge part of their culture,
Would argue that Vulcan RP could also do a bit of PvP but it first requires someone to issue a Kal-If-Fee challenge which only happens during Pon Farr (so every 7 years), like in the TOS episode Amok Time.
The fact of the matter is that there is plenty to do, if we're being honest. It's just that those things have lost their luster for one reason or another.
Plus "End Game Content," is something of a contradiction because if you've reached the end of the game you tend to stop playing.
That "End Game" we so often talk about is rather like hunting for the Bigfoot. Indeed, it's oddly unfair of us to place that load on the developers shoulders considering that End Game not only means different things to different people, but whatever gets labeled Eng Game today will be considered Grind tomorrow.
Then, of course, the developers will also catch the heat for decisions that are not theirs. There are penny pinchers and managers to consider, while we tend to unfairly use the word "Devs" as a catch all.
The sad part is that I bet many of us have ideas worth looking into. Hell, I have an Exploration concept in mind that would make use of some of the other existing in game systems that have already been developed. Naturally I think it would work as an "End Game" system and possibly to renew interest from some players, able to be done on a budget, etc... But it will never get sorted out to make those determinations without genuine discussion.
Meanwhile we complain about grind and time gates, but those are necessary. The real question is an issue of how badly the grind and time gates are disguised.
You know it occurs to me that there is nothing stopping the players from banding together to create their own events. Some do this already with assorted giveaways an so forth.
That would certainly be something to do at "End Game;" Start Gathering the resources to support your own events and giveaways and just maybe coordinate with others to make it a going concern.
Meanwhile we complain about grind and time gates, but those are necessary. The real question is an issue of how badly the grind and time gates are disguised.
You know it occurs to me that there is nothing stopping the players from banding together to create their own events. Some do this already with assorted giveaways an so forth.
That would certainly be something to do at "End Game;" Start Gathering the resources to support your own events and giveaways and just maybe coordinate with others to make it a going concern.
The thing is they do disguise some of the time gating through obvious cut scenes etc...
In regards to players creating their own content, they cut that population at the knees - It was called the "The Foundry." I am hoping they bring back another version of it.
I believe that by "self-made content", what Box is referring to is, for example, the sort of thing that happens regularly in Champions Online, where supergroups hold regular Costume Contests (usually themed - Insect Heroes, for instance, or Temperature-Themed, a category in which I got Honorable Mention with Pyretta Blaze). Here, that could be done with either uniforms or ships - say, a contest for the best-looking Constitution-style kitbash. Be warned, though, that since judging such things is highly subjective, there's a lot of whining by losers, especially perennial losers.
Meanwhile we complain about grind and time gates, but those are necessary. The real question is an issue of how badly the grind and time gates are disguised.
You know it occurs to me that there is nothing stopping the players from banding together to create their own events. Some do this already with assorted giveaways an so forth.
That would certainly be something to do at "End Game;" Start Gathering the resources to support your own events and giveaways and just maybe coordinate with others to make it a going concern.
The thing is they do disguise some of the time gating through obvious cut scenes etc...
In regards to players creating their own content, they cut that population at the knees - It was called the "The Foundry." I am hoping they bring back another version of it.
Even when disguised the time gates do wear thin over time, though. perhaps that's a worthwhile consideration for development going forward.
I couldn't agree more about the Foundry. I think we'll never see it again, though, in any form.
I believe that by "self-made content", what Box is referring to is, for example, the sort of thing that happens regularly in Champions Online, where supergroups hold regular Costume Contests (usually themed - Insect Heroes, for instance, or Temperature-Themed, a category in which I got Honorable Mention with Pyretta Blaze). Here, that could be done with either uniforms or ships - say, a contest for the best-looking Constitution-style kitbash. Be warned, though, that since judging such things is highly subjective, there's a lot of whining by losers, especially perennial losers.
And, yes, whiners gonna whine, just like painters gonna spoil the air in a room.
I can also see some events being variations on "Highest DPS in a Science Ship."
At least the DPS would be mostly inarguable so that would cut down on the whining.
Ideally this would be the kind of activity for fleets, but it seems that many fleet rosters, while full, remain elsewhere.
Perhaps instead of Fleets these kinds of player made events could be coordinated at The Captain's Table and change the rules just a bit so that non-Lifers can get in for a little peek, but not full access unless they pay the piper, as it were. Let's say they could sign up for an event or pick up a prize and be restricted to the lobby, but no drinks or snacks will be made available.
Maybe, just maybe this could be a reason to revamp The Captain's Table to include some exclusives for those who have earned or bought their way in.
Dear Developers,
Feel free to contact me directly via the forum mail for ideas in this vein if interested. (Because I know the odds are slim to none).
For DPS challenges it might be interesting to add other requirements instead of the usual borg TFO -- "highest science ship gravity kills! muhahahaha!!"
I believe that by "self-made content", what Box is referring to is, for example, the sort of thing that happens regularly in Champions Online, where supergroups hold regular Costume Contests (usually themed - Insect Heroes, for instance, or Temperature-Themed, a category in which I got Honorable Mention with Pyretta Blaze). Here, that could be done with either uniforms or ships - say, a contest for the best-looking Constitution-style kitbash. Be warned, though, that since judging such things is highly subjective, there's a lot of whining by losers, especially perennial losers.
I'd love to take part in some costume contests. As a Costume Fiend I made quite a few cosplay outfits. Got a pretty good Yang Xiao-Long (season 1), a pretty good Red Alert 3 Tanya, Lucina from Fire Emblem... even made the season 1 uniform from seaQeust DSV.
Trying to make things like that is part of the fun for me. And most of these are on a female Trill. After all... we've seen starfleet officers dressing up for holodeck time in the past. I guess you could say Cosplay is big when you also have holodecks.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I believe that by "self-made content", what Box is referring to is, for example, the sort of thing that happens regularly in Champions Online, where supergroups hold regular Costume Contests (usually themed - Insect Heroes, for instance, or Temperature-Themed, a category in which I got Honorable Mention with Pyretta Blaze). Here, that could be done with either uniforms or ships - say, a contest for the best-looking Constitution-style kitbash. Be warned, though, that since judging such things is highly subjective, there's a lot of whining by losers, especially perennial losers.
I'd love to take part in some costume contests. As a Costume Fiend I made quite a few cosplay outfits. Got a pretty good Yang Xiao-Long (season 1), a pretty good Red Alert 3 Tanya, Lucina from Fire Emblem... even made the season 1 uniform from seaQeust DSV.
Trying to make things like that is part of the fun for me. And most of these are on a female Trill. After all... we've seen starfleet officers dressing up for holodeck time in the past. I guess you could say Cosplay is big when you also have holodecks.
Yep, Cosplay is very popular by the 24th century and personally I don't really play Champions Online aside from character creation & the first couple of levels, don't get me wrong, I do play it, just not in the same way, I'm addicted character creation.
I believe that by "self-made content", what Box is referring to is, for example, the sort of thing that happens regularly in Champions Online, where supergroups hold regular Costume Contests (usually themed - Insect Heroes, for instance, or Temperature-Themed, a category in which I got Honorable Mention with Pyretta Blaze). Here, that could be done with either uniforms or ships - say, a contest for the best-looking Constitution-style kitbash. Be warned, though, that since judging such things is highly subjective, there's a lot of whining by losers, especially perennial losers.
I'd love to take part in some costume contests. As a Costume Fiend I made quite a few cosplay outfits. Got a pretty good Yang Xiao-Long (season 1), a pretty good Red Alert 3 Tanya, Lucina from Fire Emblem... even made the season 1 uniform from seaQeust DSV.
Trying to make things like that is part of the fun for me. And most of these are on a female Trill. After all... we've seen starfleet officers dressing up for holodeck time in the past. I guess you could say Cosplay is big when you also have holodecks.
Yep, Cosplay is very popular by the 24th century and personally I don't really play Champions Online aside from character creation & the first couple of levels, don't get me wrong, I do play it, just not in the same way, I'm addicted character creation.
Just remember, everybody, that since about 2015 or so, you have to play your very first toon to level 10 before all the free costume pieces unlock. Not sure why, but at least it doesn't take long - you'll reach that when you defeat Poe and the New Purple Gang, at worst, so maybe an hour or so of gameplay. And after that, if you want to make a new toon, everything's unlocked already.
In STO, I don't try to emulate any existing characters (then again, I don't do that in CO either), I just try to make what I think are cool-looking ship uniforms. It's more of a challenge with the Alliance uniform, because of the way the material turns everything into pastels, but I think I've risen to the challenge on occasion.
I believe that by "self-made content", what Box is referring to is, for example, the sort of thing that happens regularly in Champions Online, where supergroups hold regular Costume Contests (usually themed - Insect Heroes, for instance, or Temperature-Themed, a category in which I got Honorable Mention with Pyretta Blaze). Here, that could be done with either uniforms or ships - say, a contest for the best-looking Constitution-style kitbash. Be warned, though, that since judging such things is highly subjective, there's a lot of whining by losers, especially perennial losers.
I'd love to take part in some costume contests. As a Costume Fiend I made quite a few cosplay outfits. Got a pretty good Yang Xiao-Long (season 1), a pretty good Red Alert 3 Tanya, Lucina from Fire Emblem... even made the season 1 uniform from seaQeust DSV.
Trying to make things like that is part of the fun for me. And most of these are on a female Trill. After all... we've seen starfleet officers dressing up for holodeck time in the past. I guess you could say Cosplay is big when you also have holodecks.
I enjoy trying to make Star Trek canon alien races. 😊 Trying to get as close to screen accurate as possible.
Yep, Cosplay is very popular by the 24th century and personally I don't really play Champions Online aside from character creation & the first couple of levels, don't get me wrong, I do play it, just not in the same way, I'm addicted character creation.
So, much this. LOL. I'm pretty much the same way with CO. Currently getting a character up to level 40, though so I can unlock the Automaton Archetype. 😊
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
My highest-level CO character so far is Shadowsilk, a level 30 Grimoire I started back in 2011. The combat is rather klunky so I end up playing in little jags, switching to other games (DCUO at the time mostly) to shed the straightjacket feel and coming back for another little jag later (also I started a store in Second Life not long after that and the clothing designing/making and 3D modeling (for things like lightsaber hilts) took a lot my gaming time up).
The mission progression is a little more linear than it is in STO too, so leveling is somewhat grindier for alts which does not help.
I always intend to push through to the higher levels too, for the unlocks and whatnot, but never seem get around to it.
I have that one that looks like Castle Greyskull from He-man, named it so and jammed it with Naussican Disruptors for the redness and used the Lukari shield visual. It looks freaking awesome in neon.
Irrational gloom and doom predictions aside, STO has ten years of content built up so they can get by with smaller, more frequent, content drops nowadays since they are not still setting up the background framework for the lore. Not every game company does their drops as formal expansion packs anyway though most do follow that pattern.
The game is old but it has had engine and other upgrades during that time, just like other old games like WoW and Final Fantasy. If you compare recent screenshots with older ones (they have a lot of those old pics right here in the forum for instance) you can see the improved quality. That is not to say that they don't need more work on the engine and other systems, because they do need it, but the game is not as bad as you seem to think from your comments.
Will there be more expansions, U doubt it very much, and would surprise the entire community if they attempt it. There are people out there that still hope fore things like a Cardassian expansion with a social hubs on Cardassian etc...
But, progress is also important for content creation and development. It just happens to be, "Is it cost effective?" Many older players that have almost everything in the game, done all the missions etc... are left to wonder what is next? Space Barbie will not cut it, this also applies to "New shiny." We already have a million variant types of the Reliant and Discovery etc...
Let's see what upcoming event etc... that will hold things together, especially for those players that find themselves bored.
It could be doable from practical persective, Just dulicate code onto a new engine that can handle more than two factions, like if STO 0.5/STO 2 was made you could have Romulans as a working third faction that can visit both ESD and Qo'noS without worrying about what side they picked, also personally I would switch Lobi and Latinium around since Latinium has more value lorewise, however financially it would be an expensive side project, probably even bankrupt Cryptic.
you know, it's funny. I play a game that has 3 iterations, harpoon 1,2 and 3. I only play harpoon 1, because it is, to me the best blend of the different factors of the game. IF there was a way to port over the entire game that exists to a new engine that had better animation, I'd be happy to have it happen, but the reality is, to use a new engine you would have to have a new game.
Players are tired of the time gates, events constantly popping up every other month or so - It is tiresome - and we already know about he loot boxes. It is so bad that the current loot box is abysmal, worst one to date. I wonder about the level of laziness that went in putting together that box.
I understand that Cryptic has to make money - However; How does one keep interest in the game and kill off the boredom factor. This isn't EVE Online where you need a spread sheet to keep track of progression, or WoW where you need to continue to prep for raids.
I really think that MMO's in general is a dying breed. So it goes back to full circle that the only thing that is keeping things interesting are the new shiny. Unfortunately; Current lockbox is lackluster. I really do want new content with new social hubs etc... and I feel that Cryptic did not take the great opportunity presented to them during the COVIDE-19 crisis.
They could have taken advantage of the time, where many were forced to stay home - huge missed opportunity.
You ignore TFOs especially the space ones, they're almost as boring as patrols and Kobali Prime also I wasn't forced to stay home, I've been staying home since 93,
As for new social hubs I suggest TOS Romulus for the NEW and SHINY "TOS Romulan faction", during Year of the Romulan.
(queue cricket sounds)
Whenever that comes up, the standard response is there is almost zero canon TOS Romulan material to work so Cryptic would need to create the faction from nothing.
I'm a big TOS fan, but there was what, 2 Romulan episodes? The German U-Boat, and the cloak-and-dagger cloak theft?
Yes, only those two episodes though they had a few more in early planning that we would have seen had they gotten the fourth and fifth seasons. There was a lot of interest in them from both the fans and the writers, but the ear appliances were ridiculously expensive back then (which is why they used the helmets on all the extras and even on some named characters).
It would be easy to come up with new material by just following the clues from those episodes along with projecting the original sources (WWII Germany and ancient Rome during the period when the republic fell into an autocratic imperial mold) into the future the same way Paul Schneider did with the original The Enemy Below script. It is a very fertile ground for story plots, one that is very familiar to sci-fi fans, especially since Star Wars was built on the same general model.
Anyway sometimes ago i had this end-game idea that requires very little development time and it perfectly fits with the arcs/episodes release style cycle cryptic has adapted.
You choose your way of playing, PvP, PvE or RP.
For pvp players you participate in a randomly generated patrol mission that involved the enemies of the current arc and of the opposite faction players, the map objects are simple like dealing XXXXXXX damage done total by all players (vs NPCs or other players). This should have space and ground version.
For PvE players, you have a randomly generated patrol mission, the enemies are the current arc's antagonists , after you defeated 5 waves of enemies you also get a damage meter, and a table of damage dealers of the day who choose to show their dps in public. This should have space and ground version.
For RP players, i have no ideas but if you have any, step up and share.
After completing 4x PvP or PvE or RP randomly generated arc-themed patrols OR 2x random TFOS, you are now eligible for a big bad boss fight in space where you fight a dreadnought ship as a team. The dreadnought is healing and have a timer before it warps out, so you need proper dps for normal or advanced or elite. Defeating the dreadnought grands endevour experience which allows new players to catch up with that grind.
Here, a simple self-recycling end-game system that rewards everyone.
You know what that kinda sounds like? Adapting the Gamma Quadrant Battlezone. Although there its you had to fill up the bars for certain patrols, and then you could go pound the "boss" as long as the timer allows.
Gamma Quadrant Battlezone was a pretty big flop as it was just glorified patrols in a sector space map that had to be done in specific sectors. Probably slightly better than Gon'Cra, because it works at least.
Also RP would just probably roll into PvE.
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True, though it's not like there would not be the usual screaming anyway, just look at all the whining about the Year of the Klingon civil war stuff. For that matter they have given away free stuff in the past and some people complained. Given the inevitability that some people somewhere will be offended no matter what they do, the devs might as well go ahead and use the considerable potential of the TOS Romulans if they ever do anything with Romulans of that era (which so far looks unlikely).
the Gamma Quadrant Battlezone are NOT simplified, they are rather annoying, also not easy to access(for the lazy), repeating it causes annoyance, not rewarding or worth it, lack pvp and or meaningful goal and have an annoying timer which i have to align with, as if i dont have better things to do. I personally hate it when universal endeavour sends me there.
Here i need to clarify "randomly generated patrol" - it is a map, one of the many orbit maps that exist mixed with story arc-themed 5 waves coming in, simple no-brainer pewpew patrol, even simplier than the patrol missions you have in your TFO options that i think are kind of success and fun. The PvE options offers DPS meter or the ability generally share your dps result of the day, should you wish. The PvP option offers you to encounter other faction players. This builds up to a big dreadnought fight that offers you to catch up with endeavour levels.
It has a meaning, its self-recycling, its refreshing because its random environment, its ralaxing and no brainer like patrols but with a goal.
Unless you're RPing a Klingon, where PvP is also huge part of their culture,
Would argue that Vulcan RP could also do a bit of PvP but it first requires someone to issue a Kal-If-Fee challenge which only happens during Pon Farr (so every 7 years), like in the TOS episode Amok Time.
Plus "End Game Content," is something of a contradiction because if you've reached the end of the game you tend to stop playing.
That "End Game" we so often talk about is rather like hunting for the Bigfoot. Indeed, it's oddly unfair of us to place that load on the developers shoulders considering that End Game not only means different things to different people, but whatever gets labeled Eng Game today will be considered Grind tomorrow.
Then, of course, the developers will also catch the heat for decisions that are not theirs. There are penny pinchers and managers to consider, while we tend to unfairly use the word "Devs" as a catch all.
The sad part is that I bet many of us have ideas worth looking into. Hell, I have an Exploration concept in mind that would make use of some of the other existing in game systems that have already been developed. Naturally I think it would work as an "End Game" system and possibly to renew interest from some players, able to be done on a budget, etc... But it will never get sorted out to make those determinations without genuine discussion.
Meanwhile we complain about grind and time gates, but those are necessary. The real question is an issue of how badly the grind and time gates are disguised.
You know it occurs to me that there is nothing stopping the players from banding together to create their own events. Some do this already with assorted giveaways an so forth.
That would certainly be something to do at "End Game;" Start Gathering the resources to support your own events and giveaways and just maybe coordinate with others to make it a going concern.
The thing is they do disguise some of the time gating through obvious cut scenes etc...
In regards to players creating their own content, they cut that population at the knees - It was called the "The Foundry." I am hoping they bring back another version of it.
Even when disguised the time gates do wear thin over time, though. perhaps that's a worthwhile consideration for development going forward.
I couldn't agree more about the Foundry. I think we'll never see it again, though, in any form.
JonSills is correct when he said,
And, yes, whiners gonna whine, just like painters gonna spoil the air in a room.
I can also see some events being variations on "Highest DPS in a Science Ship."
At least the DPS would be mostly inarguable so that would cut down on the whining.
Ideally this would be the kind of activity for fleets, but it seems that many fleet rosters, while full, remain elsewhere.
Perhaps instead of Fleets these kinds of player made events could be coordinated at The Captain's Table and change the rules just a bit so that non-Lifers can get in for a little peek, but not full access unless they pay the piper, as it were. Let's say they could sign up for an event or pick up a prize and be restricted to the lobby, but no drinks or snacks will be made available.
Maybe, just maybe this could be a reason to revamp The Captain's Table to include some exclusives for those who have earned or bought their way in.
Dear Developers,
Feel free to contact me directly via the forum mail for ideas in this vein if interested.
Maybe try looking in Canada, I don't why Bigfoot likes crossing the border and going on vacation in the states.
I'd love to take part in some costume contests. As a Costume Fiend I made quite a few cosplay outfits. Got a pretty good Yang Xiao-Long (season 1), a pretty good Red Alert 3 Tanya, Lucina from Fire Emblem... even made the season 1 uniform from seaQeust DSV.
Trying to make things like that is part of the fun for me. And most of these are on a female Trill. After all... we've seen starfleet officers dressing up for holodeck time in the past. I guess you could say Cosplay is big when you also have holodecks.
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Yep, Cosplay is very popular by the 24th century and personally I don't really play Champions Online aside from character creation & the first couple of levels, don't get me wrong, I do play it, just not in the same way, I'm addicted character creation.
In STO, I don't try to emulate any existing characters (then again, I don't do that in CO either), I just try to make what I think are cool-looking ship uniforms. It's more of a challenge with the Alliance uniform, because of the way the material turns everything into pastels, but I think I've risen to the challenge on occasion.
I enjoy trying to make Star Trek canon alien races. 😊 Trying to get as close to screen accurate as possible.
So, much this. LOL. I'm pretty much the same way with CO. Currently getting a character up to level 40, though so I can unlock the Automaton Archetype. 😊
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The mission progression is a little more linear than it is in STO too, so leveling is somewhat grindier for alts which does not help.
I always intend to push through to the higher levels too, for the unlocks and whatnot, but never seem get around to it.