Full Pilot Lt Cmd Intel 5/2 escort with nice stats. Ya should be a solid ship. If the trait I hear rumors of is true what a genuine waste, cause its pure garbage. As is an experimental that targets shields. Still if you loved the bug ships this is the update it deserved long ago so ok.
Not sure when it's being released, though. I just arrived on the feed 45 minutes late.
It wasn't announced, but usually ships come out a week after they are revealed on stream.
That's usually a very fair assessment, and given that Easter is coming soon; maybe we'll hear more as they reveal a few truths at Star Trek Mission Chicago in the next few days. Don't know if anyone will post some of those to Forums, if there in Chicago yet I suspect most will be focused on socializing, and having fun.
Full Pilot Lt Cmd Intel 5/2 escort with nice stats. Ya should be a solid ship. If the trait I hear rumors of is true what a genuine waste, cause its pure garbage. As is an experimental that targets shields. Still if you loved the bug ships this is the update it deserved long ago so ok.
Yes, I likely agree with you and I think it will be quite nice! Still the ships value is a sum of all it's parts, and unlocking all the other skins from other Jem attack ships too! I have many if not all Jem Hadar Ships, still having the wingman mechanic in this Pilot ship will be attractive for many.
Still I wonder what this item is... I'm still watching now to see if they said, or identified what it was?
And yes, they revealed it is Quad Cannons for those who use Polaron. So my Jem Vanguard like to have them!
Not sure when it's being released, though. I just arrived on the feed 45 minutes late.
It wasn't announced, but usually ships come out a week after they are revealed on stream.
That's usually a very fair assessment, and given that Easter is coming soon; maybe we'll hear more as they reveal a few truths at Star Trek Mission Chicago in the next few days. Don't know if anyone will post some of those to Forums, if there in Chicago yet I suspect most will be focused on socializing, and having fun.
Full Pilot Lt Cmd Intel 5/2 escort with nice stats. Ya should be a solid ship. If the trait I hear rumors of is true what a genuine waste, cause its pure garbage. As is an experimental that targets shields. Still if you loved the bug ships this is the update it deserved long ago so ok.
Yes, I likely agree with you and I think it will be quite nice! Still the ships value is a sum of all it's parts, and unlocking all the other skins from other Jem attack ships too! I have many if not all Jem Hadar Ships, still having the wingman mechanic in this Pilot ship will be attractive for many.
Still I wonder what this item is... I'm still watching now to see if they said, or identified what it was?
And yes, they revealed it is Quad Cannons for those who use Polaron. So my Jem Vanguard like to have them!
The item you were asking about is probably the Quad Polaron cannon.
They did say on stream the ship would be available on the 14th (at least on PC, I expect console players may have to wait a bit) and the level boost is a little different since it also includes 2 tier 5 reputation buyouts. The blog for it is now up and contains one minor error: This isn't the first Vanguard ship without a faction restriction, the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Temporal Warship and it's fleet version were first. It's the first Pilot Vanguard ship though.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
It's great that they have finally committed to a legendary bug, but that thing doesn't look like a bug. It's not bad though. I like it.
Like all Legendaries, it will come with customization parts associated with its line up to now. That includes the classic Bugship and the T6 variant. So you can get your bug on just fine or kitbash it with all three variants to make your own bug.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
So far word is both the Kar'tarkin and Weyoun are one offs.
This is why I haven't purchased any of the 'Legendary' packs as items such as Bridge Officers, special weapons, etc. really should be reclaimable on my other characters. If I've paid the money for the Zen to get these unique items, it's a major bummer that I can only get them on that one specific character. (Weyoun, Worf, Disco-character-boffs really should be reclaimable on our other characters!)
Many long-term players aren't likely to want to make yet another character. The T5 Rep buyouts are useless on a level 65 character that already has these Reps unlocked as well. Having an alternative T5 rep reward bundle offering dil vouchers, marks and elite marks would go some way to addressing the uselessness.
Despite my grievances with these packs, the ship is once again a thing of beauty and may be the best looking Legendary ship yet! Congratulations, and well done to the Ship Design team!
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I'm still planning on getting her even with the item restrictions. Gonna slow down my quest for the Terran Bundle, but I wouldn't mind having a Legend Bug. Might actually dust off my Jem'Hadar more often, AND allows for Bugship pets for my Vanguard Carrier account wide.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'm a bit confused by the bundle. Is the Weyoun clone just a one-time claim or can it be claimed on multiple characters?
So far word is both the Kar'tarkin and Weyoun are one offs.
That's disappointing, especially since the Delta Pack boffs are reclaimable account-wide, TOS and other bundle pack weapons are reclaimable account-wide. It doesn't even make sense for whale-hunting since the whales can only buy this legendary bundle once per account.
I'm glad I'm not enough of a Dominion fan to "need" this.
Having said that, i am not interested in this pack.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
The single reclaim on the kar'tarkin is a terrible choice. You can't even outfit your away team on that character with them.
Charging so much for a 5 level boost is also pretty offensive.
I think the ship is gorgeous and I have several of the level boost legendary ships but this one feels like a bad deal.
This is one of the few legendary packs that I would even consider getting, though I probably will not be able to afford it on such short notice as usual, and that is at the 50% off price.
The ship model itself looks good and uses the right design language for the Dominion in an unusual way, the stats, trait, and other abilities look good and it is Pilot/Intel which (to me anyway) is a plus. Even the package stuffer junk looks less useless than usual since it actually adds to the style this time instead of just seeming too kitchen-sinkish. And being legendary it is like getting several ships at once since it can use all the previous skins.
It is also good that it is not toad-locked so I could get the package with a faux-Vorta directly and not waste all of the one-shot stuff on a Jem'Hadar that I would never use just to get another ship for the Vorta characters (though of course an even better solution would be if the devs added Vorta, or best yet them and the 'Alien' tab in the character creator that every other faction has).
This is great, will get it but on alt account only. I like the design, kitbash with T6 bug, quad polaron cannon, experimental weapon, and Go For The Kill is a lot of fun.
Question: is the T6 J'H bug ship trait and its console part of the ship individually, or only part of the bundle?
Also, the bug ship pets I'm guessing only work on a T5 or T6 J'H dread carrier?
Wold love to know how the new bundle will interact if opened in a fully upgrade JH character, if we can get the Rep. Gear boost to other character and etc...
We just switch the Reputation Systems Dillithium Reward to Reputation Dillithium only. Now I look at this Package and here we got have a bunch of useless stuff in there again. First of the Level a Char to 65 should be a Token I can sell on the exchange. All my chars are maxed and 65 so the token is useless to me. I would like to sell it like the T6 Ship Coupons or Trade it at least. Why we have to put Reputation Dillihtium in there after the recent change is also not very attractive. It's a bunch of Garbage put together to justify a higher price on the Legendary Ship and I'm really getting fed up with that. At the very least put some thought into it instead of the constant lazy copy and paste actions here. Also you could just give an option to buy the ship for less but you won't do that because you know most people wouldn't buy the darn fluff packages. It's great if you want these offers for new Players / Customers but you forget that you actually already have people who spent years with this game...
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
Sort of an ugly bugger
To those that are, I hope you enjoy! But I'm always happy to see a ship I don't want because it saves me money
Join Date: Sep 2008
It wasn't announced, but usually ships come out a week after they are revealed on stream.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Yes, next week, probably april 14, i like the ship a lot, i wanted it since the release of the vanguard gunships as pets...
That's usually a very fair assessment, and given that Easter is coming soon; maybe we'll hear more as they reveal a few truths at Star Trek Mission Chicago in the next few days. Don't know if anyone will post some of those to Forums, if there in Chicago yet I suspect most will be focused on socializing, and having fun.
I know the giveaway, is open to those who can't attend; at least in Canada & the United States.
Still this Legendary Jem ship might very well be something very interesting to consider, for at least one reason!
Yes, I likely agree with you and I think it will be quite nice! Still the ships value is a sum of all it's parts, and unlocking all the other skins from other Jem attack ships too! I have many if not all Jem Hadar Ships, still having the wingman mechanic in this Pilot ship will be attractive for many.
Still I wonder what this item is... I'm still watching now to see if they said, or identified what it was?
And yes, they revealed it is Quad Cannons for those who use Polaron. So my Jem Vanguard like to have them!
That trait will go nicely with my Adamant builds.
Quad cannons, functionally identical to dual heavies but quad cannons = more dakka.
Price? £45 by my estimates, teensy bit steep for a 5 level boost (lol worthy by itself).
The item you were asking about is probably the Quad Polaron cannon.
One time only on the BoFF AND the melee weapon?
Like all Legendaries, it will come with customization parts associated with its line up to now. That includes the classic Bugship and the T6 variant. So you can get your bug on just fine or kitbash it with all three variants to make your own bug.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
So far word is both the Kar'tarkin and Weyoun are one offs.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
That's disappointing but thank you for the very quick answer.
Many long-term players aren't likely to want to make yet another character. The T5 Rep buyouts are useless on a level 65 character that already has these Reps unlocked as well. Having an alternative T5 rep reward bundle offering dil vouchers, marks and elite marks would go some way to addressing the uselessness.
Despite my grievances with these packs, the ship is once again a thing of beauty and may be the best looking Legendary ship yet! Congratulations, and well done to the Ship Design team!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
That's disappointing, especially since the Delta Pack boffs are reclaimable account-wide, TOS and other bundle pack weapons are reclaimable account-wide. It doesn't even make sense for whale-hunting since the whales can only buy this legendary bundle once per account.
I'm glad I'm not enough of a Dominion fan to "need" this.
Having said that, i am not interested in this pack.
Charging so much for a 5 level boost is also pretty offensive.
I think the ship is gorgeous and I have several of the level boost legendary ships but this one feels like a bad deal.
The ship model itself looks good and uses the right design language for the Dominion in an unusual way, the stats, trait, and other abilities look good and it is Pilot/Intel which (to me anyway) is a plus. Even the package stuffer junk looks less useless than usual since it actually adds to the style this time instead of just seeming too kitchen-sinkish. And being legendary it is like getting several ships at once since it can use all the previous skins.
It is also good that it is not toad-locked so I could get the package with a faux-Vorta directly and not waste all of the one-shot stuff on a Jem'Hadar that I would never use just to get another ship for the Vorta characters (though of course an even better solution would be if the devs added Vorta, or best yet them and the 'Alien' tab in the character creator that every other faction has).
Question: is the T6 J'H bug ship trait and its console part of the ship individually, or only part of the bundle?
Also, the bug ship pets I'm guessing only work on a T5 or T6 J'H dread carrier?
They start at level 60 already. Getting to 65 is something that will happen before you'll even realise it.