Another one would be checkbox style filters for the power selection list for space to show/hide the boff abilities, the captain abilities, and console clickies, and especially to filter out or gray out powers that already are placed, to make it easier to populate the power bars instead of having to scroll through the entire thing trying to see if something was missed.
Please, by all that we hold holy, get rid of the incessant, annoying, idiotic fly-in "who rolled what" loot text that cannot be disabled.
It can be disabled, it's just no longer obvious. You have to enable squadron loot feedback (even though it's on by default now, the box is unchecked), then turn it back off
It broke a year or so ago when they added another option to the feedback
I don't even know where this OPTION is, thought it used to be obvious under Preferences--now I can't even see it anywhere in Preferences, under any tab there. Where is it?
I also set Auto Loot to ON, I wished that also pickup things or moved it to a round robin for the team as you fly within 10km.
Though I really wish they'd OMIT Batteries from drops, for Commodities wished they'd increase the stack to 500 up from 250 it is now.
I however really dislike lockboxes dropping, cause you can simply buy Infinity Lockbox or whatever is current in a 9,999 stack for no cost in the DIL Store. It takes forever to use one of those piles, and you can just leave them in your account-bank.
And if I want Batteries I'll likely craft only the Large Ones, also take them out of drops then people might actually craft them more often too.
And if I want Batteries I'll likely craft only the Large Ones, also take them out of drops then people might actually craft them more often too.
The problem is that crafting is overshadowed big time by lockbox gear, event gear, and even some mission reward gear.
I haven't touched batteries... ever. Then again I've always had access to the Red Matter Capacitor, which is an all-in-one reusable battery.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Not having a huge gaming budget I still tend to use a lot of crafted gear (including the large batteries) to fill out ships around whatever mission sets (if any) I have in the particular ship until the reputation system and fleet gear (which is almost always locked to at least Mk X and above) unlocks for the character. I do craft a bit less of it now though with all the event gear flooding the game.
100,000 Dilithium to have Tovan Kev killed off (removed from my crew) in a special Away Mission.
Setting Bridge Officer Uniforms and ship interior uniforms by Bridge Officer career (Tactical, Engineering, and Science).
More Ultra Rare and Epic DOff's.
Upgrade Bridge Officer rarity for Dilithium and beyond Very Rare to Ultra Rare and Epic quality.
Ability to promote one Bridge Officer to Captain on a crew, gaining a special extra skill and level ability.
Liquidating 1,000,000 Gold-Pressed Latinum into a ship hull option (skin/visual).
Combat Pets having their own slots, not just taking up space in Items.
I had another thought for this. Make those odd little blue and purple Commodities purchasable in packs through the uncommon phoenix box rewards. this is the correct thread for this.
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
Another thing they could do is put shuttles into phoenix packs. that way some of the impossible ones like the ferengi one could be gotten by roleplayers.
I possible one, might be getting an alliance ship via dil. I would say its pricey and probably should involve marks or crafting depending on which they think needs a 'usage boost.' Say craft parts for it with crafting/marks, then get a doodad from the dil store and put it all together at a shipyard.
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,971Community Moderator
I could get behind putting shuttles in the Phoenix Box. Hell... why not throw in the lockbox shuttles as well?
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
100,000 Dilithium to have Tovan Kev killed off (removed from my crew) in a special Away Mission.
Failing this could we possibly get an Agony Booth to install on our ships bridge and put Tovan Kev into? It would theme well with the current story arc. We promise no innocents will be hurt... only Tovan Kev.
I understand that it may not be possible to get to 100% (e.g. with the ablative armor from voyager) but removing ship restrictions could give way to new build options.
Not sure if anyone gave you the link to this topic.
Post edited by questerius on
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
A quick win for me would be a special gear for carriers that give your pets and possibly summons increased effectiveness. I'm unaware of how hard it is to add something like this but it would a unique way of updating 3/3 and 4/3 carriers up to the level of Flight deck carriers.
Tier 5 consoles give passives stats to make them more usable along side their tier 6 cousins.
A crazy Idea for T5 consoles I have but not sure how easy this would be, I would like a vendor in which you can turn in consoles to give you traits. So I could use some of the cool abilities in my activate traits and passive traits. Imagine using the saucer separation abilities in a space active slot( in the case of ship that can't it would just summon a saucer to support you like the Console - Universal - Sheshar Assault Craft does on other ships.)
Its really shame the amount of love for star trek that went into many of the Tier 5 consoles. That other then people who don't care about progression have no place to use these cool abilities, because to equip them you are kinda handicapping yourself to do so.
Come up with an automatic claim all Admiralty ships on an account.
On PC at least, this was added a while ago. Bringing up the Admiralty/DOFF window (or I think talking to the manage ships NPC) should add all zen store admiralty ships that character has access to. (Meaning if you don't have Cross Faction Flying unlocked, you shouldn't get KDF zen store ships on a Fed char. If you do have it unlocked, you will get them.) It may not work automatically with event ships, which could be a bug.
> @jcsww said:
> 100,000 Dilithium to have Tovan Kev killed off (removed from my crew) in a special Away Mission.
Yes, yes! 1000 times yes!
Tovan Kev is hard coded into some of the missions, being able to get rid of him would break those missions, so it's been said multiple times on Ten Forward that it won't happen.
Might have more ideas later, but off the top of my head:
1. Search filter for the accolade list. If anything needs a search filter, it's accolades. That list is huge.
2. The ability to open some items (say TFO reward packs) from the overflow inventory would be nice. (As would the ability to salvage items from overflow if it's not already available.)
3. Auto-Need/Auto-Greed/Auto-Pass/Ask Me for TFOs (as previously mentioned) would be a nice feature. For some characters I'd probably use Auto-Greed or Auto-Pass, but some I'd want to do it manually because there are some things I might want. Not a lot, but a few things.
Please, by all that we hold holy, get rid of the incessant, annoying, idiotic fly-in "who rolled what" loot text that cannot be disabled.
It can be disabled, it's just no longer obvious. You have to enable squadron loot feedback (even though it's on by default now, the box is unchecked), then turn it back off
It broke a year or so ago when they added another option to the feedback
I don't even know where this OPTION is, thought it used to be obvious under Preferences--now I can't even see it anywhere in Preferences, under any tab there. Where is it?
Just saw this, to access the chat and fly-in settings click the button on the chat box then click Notification Settings.
Come up with an automatic claim all Admiralty ships on an account.
On PC at least, this was added a while ago. Bringing up the Admiralty/DOFF window (or I think talking to the manage ships NPC) should add all zen store admiralty ships that character has access to. (Meaning if you don't have Cross Faction Flying unlocked, you shouldn't get KDF zen store ships on a Fed char. If you do have it unlocked, you will get them.) It may not work automatically with event ships, which could be a bug.
> @jcsww said:
> 100,000 Dilithium to have Tovan Kev killed off (removed from my crew) in a special Away Mission.
Yes, yes! 1000 times yes!
Tovan Kev is hard coded into some of the missions, being able to get rid of him would break those missions, so it's been said multiple times on Ten Forward that it won't happen.
Might have more ideas later, but off the top of my head:
1. Search filter for the accolade list. If anything needs a search filter, it's accolades. That list is huge.
2. The ability to open some items (say TFO reward packs) from the overflow inventory would be nice. (As would the ability to salvage items from overflow if it's not already available.)
3. Auto-Need/Auto-Greed/Auto-Pass/Ask Me for TFOs (as previously mentioned) would be a nice feature. For some characters I'd probably use Auto-Greed or Auto-Pass, but some I'd want to do it manually because there are some things I might want. Not a lot, but a few things.
You could make being able to get rid of him dependent on completing all previous missions he plays a role in. Once dismissed, those missions would not be available for replay.
Oh on emore quick and simple QOL improvement please, that I was reminded of with today's Lobi store sale. Please make the items on the Lobi Store Account Bound/Character Bind on Equip. So we can go shopping on one toon, buy what we want, then distribute it where we want to our characters via the account back. Without having to do the annoying dance of passing our Lobi stash from character to character to make purchases. It's really freaking annoying. The Ground and Space Gear in particular.
I think a Quick Win is getting rid of the Dyson Sphere Arc, I just did that Tower Control mission on one of my Alts and it litterially took me 4 hours to complete it, a mission shouldn't take that long, either move the towers closer together, or nerfing the enemies or just get rid of it ENTIRELY!, sorry I needed to blow off some steam, F the Dyson Sphere.
I think a Quick Win is getting rid of the Dyson Sphere Arc, I just did that Tower Control mission on one of my Alts and it litterially took me 4 hours to complete it, a mission shouldn't take that long, either move the towers closer together, or nerfing the enemies or just get rid of it ENTIRELY!, sorry I needed to blow off some steam, F the Dyson Sphere.
You're going to HATE me for saying this... but you don't need to complete the entire Tower Control event. You just need to take part in the fight for one tower. Basically shoot a couple of Voth and it autocompletes. It normally takes under a minute. The trickiest and most annoying part is you have to do it at a tower that is under Voth Control. So you may have to wait for a tower to go red somewhere.
Similarly for the Ground and Space Battlezones you just have to listen to that initial cutscene. As soon as the cutscene finishes the mission advances. You don't have to set foot in the actual Battlezones or kill anything.
Oh and here's one more freebie for your next character. For every character EXCEPT a Delta Recruit, you can pretty much skip the Kobali Prime Ground Mission. You just need to talk to the General that first time. Delta's need to do all three Acts for full recruit completion. But everybody else can beam in, talk to Harry, talk to the General, and that's pretty much it.
I'm sure it's already been covered, but what I would like to see, & I think it could be easily implemented since something similar is already in game, is a cosmetic energy weapon option. Granted I have no idea exactly what it would take to implement such an option, but here's what I have in mind.
Similar & right next to the vanity shield insert have an Energy Weapon insert. Whatever energy weapon type is placed in this 1 insert would then become the master energy weapon cosmetic. This way if nothing is in that 1 insert's place then players could still mix & match as they choose for displaying with their actual weapons. Sorry nothing for kinetic weaponry. It wouldn't matter what type of energy weapon device (turret, dbb, beam array, canons, dc, dhc). It would simply matter what energy weapon type (Spiral Wave, Agony Phaser, Romulan Plasma, Tetryon, Vaadwaur Polaron, Antiproton, et cetera).
Pet Tab.
STO's pet system is rather clunky compared to other games, requiring you to have an item in your inventory rather than it unlocking a new power. I'd like to see either a pet tab added to inventory/bank, or a revamp of the pet system to make pet items usable to bestow a pet summoning ability, which in turn would need a new tab in the "spell book" dedicated to pets so it doesn't clutter up the current one with a million non combat pets.
two more suggestions.
1. transwarp to the Captains Table for those eligible.
2. on the homeworlds, give beam to academy, beam to command beam to ship and beam to sector in all places
Let us use every bridge unlocked for a captain, on every ship that captain owns.
If ship customization tables are currently using something like an index into a hard-coded table of bridge ids, 1 = (ID a), 2 = (ID b), ... then change that to storing the full (ID a). Keep all unlocked IDs in another table.
With this, any ship can have a TOS bridge if you own it, or a Discovery bridge, or a KDF, or a Romulan, or ... instead of silly rules that a Fed flying a KDF ship must have a KDF bridge, and a KDF flying a Fed ship must keep the human-centric lighting.
Let us use every bridge unlocked for a captain, on every ship that captain owns.
If ship customization tables are currently using something like an index into a hard-coded table of bridge ids, 1 = (ID a), 2 = (ID b), ... then change that to storing the full (ID a). Keep all unlocked IDs in another table.
With this, any ship can have a TOS bridge if you own it, or a Discovery bridge, or a KDF, or a Romulan, or ... instead of silly rules that a Fed flying a KDF ship must have a KDF bridge, and a KDF flying a Fed ship must keep the human-centric lighting.
I keep seeing these requests, but would it not be rather silly to fly e.g. a Defiant and when you move towards your bridge you step onto the Bridge of an odyssey.
At the very least keep bridges restricted to the class of ship. E.g. Galaxy bridge (cruiser) cannot be used on Steamrunner (escort)
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
I don't even know where this OPTION is, thought it used to be obvious under Preferences--now I can't even see it anywhere in Preferences, under any tab there. Where is it?
I also set Auto Loot to ON, I wished that also pickup things or moved it to a round robin for the team as you fly within 10km.
Though I really wish they'd OMIT Batteries from drops, for Commodities wished they'd increase the stack to 500 up from 250 it is now.
I however really dislike lockboxes dropping, cause you can simply buy Infinity Lockbox or whatever is current in a 9,999 stack for no cost in the DIL Store. It takes forever to use one of those piles, and you can just leave them in your account-bank.
And if I want Batteries I'll likely craft only the Large Ones, also take them out of drops then people might actually craft them more often too.
The problem is that crafting is overshadowed big time by lockbox gear, event gear, and even some mission reward gear.
I haven't touched batteries... ever. Then again I've always had access to the Red Matter Capacitor, which is an all-in-one reusable battery.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
100,000 Dilithium to have Tovan Kev killed off (removed from my crew) in a special Away Mission.
Setting Bridge Officer Uniforms and ship interior uniforms by Bridge Officer career (Tactical, Engineering, and Science).
More Ultra Rare and Epic DOff's.
Upgrade Bridge Officer rarity for Dilithium and beyond Very Rare to Ultra Rare and Epic quality.
Ability to promote one Bridge Officer to Captain on a crew, gaining a special extra skill and level ability.
Liquidating 1,000,000 Gold-Pressed Latinum into a ship hull option (skin/visual).
Combat Pets having their own slots, not just taking up space in Items.
I possible one, might be getting an alliance ship via dil. I would say its pricey and probably should involve marks or crafting depending on which they think needs a 'usage boost.' Say craft parts for it with crafting/marks, then get a doodad from the dil store and put it all together at a shipyard.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
> 100,000 Dilithium to have Tovan Kev killed off (removed from my crew) in a special Away Mission.
Yes, yes! 1000 times yes!
Things like'_Cruiser_Set#Console_-_Universal_-_Subspace_Snare or the consoles on the temporal ships
I understand that it may not be possible to get to 100% (e.g. with the ablative armor from voyager) but removing ship restrictions could give way to new build options.
Not sure if anyone gave you the link to this topic.
Tier 5 consoles give passives stats to make them more usable along side their tier 6 cousins.
A crazy Idea for T5 consoles I have but not sure how easy this would be, I would like a vendor in which you can turn in consoles to give you traits. So I could use some of the cool abilities in my activate traits and passive traits. Imagine using the saucer separation abilities in a space active slot( in the case of ship that can't it would just summon a saucer to support you like the Console - Universal - Sheshar Assault Craft does on other ships.)
Its really shame the amount of love for star trek that went into many of the Tier 5 consoles. That other then people who don't care about progression have no place to use these cool abilities, because to equip them you are kinda handicapping yourself to do so.
On PC at least, this was added a while ago. Bringing up the Admiralty/DOFF window (or I think talking to the manage ships NPC) should add all zen store admiralty ships that character has access to. (Meaning if you don't have Cross Faction Flying unlocked, you shouldn't get KDF zen store ships on a Fed char. If you do have it unlocked, you will get them.) It may not work automatically with event ships, which could be a bug.
Tovan Kev is hard coded into some of the missions, being able to get rid of him would break those missions, so it's been said multiple times on Ten Forward that it won't happen.
Might have more ideas later, but off the top of my head:
1. Search filter for the accolade list. If anything needs a search filter, it's accolades. That list is huge.
2. The ability to open some items (say TFO reward packs) from the overflow inventory would be nice. (As would the ability to salvage items from overflow if it's not already available.)
3. Auto-Need/Auto-Greed/Auto-Pass/Ask Me for TFOs (as previously mentioned) would be a nice feature. For some characters I'd probably use Auto-Greed or Auto-Pass, but some I'd want to do it manually because there are some things I might want. Not a lot, but a few things.
Just saw this, to access the chat and fly-in settings click the button on the chat box then click Notification Settings.
You could make being able to get rid of him dependent on completing all previous missions he plays a role in. Once dismissed, those missions would not be available for replay.
You're going to HATE me for saying this... but you don't need to complete the entire Tower Control event. You just need to take part in the fight for one tower. Basically shoot a couple of Voth and it autocompletes. It normally takes under a minute. The trickiest and most annoying part is you have to do it at a tower that is under Voth Control. So you may have to wait for a tower to go red somewhere.
Similarly for the Ground and Space Battlezones you just have to listen to that initial cutscene. As soon as the cutscene finishes the mission advances. You don't have to set foot in the actual Battlezones or kill anything.
Oh and here's one more freebie for your next character. For every character EXCEPT a Delta Recruit, you can pretty much skip the Kobali Prime Ground Mission. You just need to talk to the General that first time. Delta's need to do all three Acts for full recruit completion. But everybody else can beam in, talk to Harry, talk to the General, and that's pretty much it.
Similar & right next to the vanity shield insert have an Energy Weapon insert. Whatever energy weapon type is placed in this 1 insert would then become the master energy weapon cosmetic. This way if nothing is in that 1 insert's place then players could still mix & match as they choose for displaying with their actual weapons. Sorry nothing for kinetic weaponry. It wouldn't matter what type of energy weapon device (turret, dbb, beam array, canons, dc, dhc). It would simply matter what energy weapon type (Spiral Wave, Agony Phaser, Romulan Plasma, Tetryon, Vaadwaur Polaron, Antiproton, et cetera).
YES 100% Agree !!!!!
1. transwarp to the Captains Table for those eligible.
2. on the homeworlds, give beam to academy, beam to command beam to ship and beam to sector in all places
Let us use every bridge unlocked for a captain, on every ship that captain owns.
If ship customization tables are currently using something like an index into a hard-coded table of bridge ids, 1 = (ID a), 2 = (ID b), ... then change that to storing the full (ID a). Keep all unlocked IDs in another table.
With this, any ship can have a TOS bridge if you own it, or a Discovery bridge, or a KDF, or a Romulan, or ... instead of silly rules that a Fed flying a KDF ship must have a KDF bridge, and a KDF flying a Fed ship must keep the human-centric lighting.
I keep seeing these requests, but would it not be rather silly to fly e.g. a Defiant and when you move towards your bridge you step onto the Bridge of an odyssey.
At the very least keep bridges restricted to the class of ship. E.g. Galaxy bridge (cruiser) cannot be used on Steamrunner (escort)
It's overly punitive for no good reason whatsoever.