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Shatner in game:



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    jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,793 Arc User
    We would love to have Shatner in our game. Hopefully some day. As a few have pointed out here, there's some...history there, and also he commands a bit of a higher price. But you never know.

    A Mudd bundle with the Universe Class, Atlas Class, and bring back the Maquis Raider and the Legendary D7 and I'd be willing to open up my wallet at the right prices.

    With the Vesta Class in-game. Maybe one day, Nicole deBoer could lend her much cheaper talents to the game.
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    nixie50nixie50 Member Posts: 1,290 Arc User
    We would love to have Shatner in our game. Hopefully some day. As a few have pointed out here, there's some...history there, and also he commands a bit of a higher price. But you never know.

    you could start a gofundme...
    We Need BERETS in the tailor
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    aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    What if they made a clone of kirk and then had him horribly disfigure to where he is not recognizable anymore. then use voiceovers.
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,580 Arc User
    They might be able to get Vic Mignogna, the Kirk from the Star Trek Continues series (if CBS allows them to that is, since it was a fanfilm series and they set up barriers to actors going between those and official Trek).
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    mirrorterranmirrorterran Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    For those who aren't aware Kirk does appear in STO....however he is face down and comatose.
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    truewarpertruewarper Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    As a fully ordained Archbishop in the Church of Shatnerology and a graduate of the Institute of Toupalogical Studies, I can make some calls to see what I can do about having his grace bless the game with his presence.

    And those of you who are speaking ill of his Holiness, you are blasphemers one and all. May Q smite you or something.

    :D ... POPE IN SPACE!!
    Departing from Sol *Earth* by Carlos A Smith,on Flickr
    SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 14th-year journey
    Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
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    jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,793 Arc User
    im amazed at all the flames towards a trek icon.
    i went to a trek convention many moons ago and some local gigs that the original series actors would attend.
    ive met scotty, william, takai (spelling), and spock. never met the others.

    given that, they all were a blast to chat with, never put forth what some people here are accusing them (him) of, and to top it off, i was able to sit with william and scotty for a time. all i did was talk to them as if they were a neighbor/friend. i didnt ogle all over them, ask for signatures, and the like. maybe, just maybe, they enjoyed the basic connection of one person to another without the glamour of the status and afforded me additional time. they were funny, had lots to talk about, and as human as i am, as well as all of you.

    now, i am not privy, nor do i care about others' feelings towards anyone, but just as we dont live in the shoes of an actor, they dont live in ours either. so personal takes are read, but i find thats all they are. personal takes. one may not care about some things they heard, etc...but if we were not there, then all we can is put it in the back of the mind and go forward. now, again, i dont follow actors/sports figures/etc as some do, so i cant say for certain about any accusations or personal takes, but for me, i never felt as such towards them. i am also older, so maybe since i dont have FB or any other form of social media, i am only garnering my take from when i met them.

    just so you know, in my younger years, i was in a place where i met many famous people, but not once did i treat them any different than if they were human.

    just had to mention this, to offer my PoV, about him, since many were bashing him. id rather bash cryptic for the actions and end result vs william.

    I have met Shatner. He will actually be at GalaxyCon in Richmond, Virginia again in 2022 as well. He's definitely an eccentric man. Whether that is good or bad, ultimately depends on you. Personally, I think he's an icon and if he decides to talk your ear off. Let him! I have also met deLancie, which just about everyone I know that has met him, said he was one of the worst to meet. The first time, he was such an exceptional man to interact with. Out of all of the Star Trek actors I have met, which includes Brent Spiner as well and a few others. deLancei on both occasions, was amazing! Brent Spiner is a very close second though for very different reasons. Spiner is very friendly, funny, and makes sure he gets to make you feel like your experience meeting him, is a good one. With the Data, Lore, and Soong characters from TNG. I think there would be a lot of value in having Brent Spiner lend his talents to STO.
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    captainperkinscaptainperkins Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    im amazed at all the flames towards a trek icon.
    i went to a trek convention many moons ago and some local gigs that the original series actors would attend.
    ive met scotty, william, takai (spelling), and spock. never met the others.

    given that, they all were a blast to chat with, never put forth what some people here are accusing them (him) of, and to top it off, i was able to sit with william and scotty for a time. all i did was talk to them as if they were a neighbor/friend. i didnt ogle all over them, ask for signatures, and the like. maybe, just maybe, they enjoyed the basic connection of one person to another without the glamour of the status and afforded me additional time. they were funny, had lots to talk about, and as human as i am, as well as all of you.

    now, i am not privy, nor do i care about others' feelings towards anyone, but just as we dont live in the shoes of an actor, they dont live in ours either. so personal takes are read, but i find thats all they are. personal takes. one may not care about some things they heard, etc...but if we were not there, then all we can is put it in the back of the mind and go forward. now, again, i dont follow actors/sports figures/etc as some do, so i cant say for certain about any accusations or personal takes, but for me, i never felt as such towards them. i am also older, so maybe since i dont have FB or any other form of social media, i am only garnering my take from when i met them.

    just so you know, in my younger years, i was in a place where i met many famous people, but not once did i treat them any different than if they were human.

    just had to mention this, to offer my PoV, about him, since many were bashing him. id rather bash cryptic for the actions and end result vs william.

    You're wonderful. Well said, and not only did I meet Shatner too, but I grew up near his childhood street and I can tell you he's firey and comes from another era. In this era of "woke", he isn't blending well. This is because the current cultural zeitgeist believes we should police one another and speak the same language (very Orwellian) and Shatner is an old horse guy and original T.V. actor, and movie star. He's not prone to taking direction from internet losers who haven't made anything with their life (I'm NOT calling anyone here, nor am I suggesting Cryptic is an internet loser, so put your rage back in your pocket)
    I'm trying to give people like reyan01 a little perspective here...

    The majority of the fan base grew up with Kirk and Spock and Picard & Crew. There's almost no fans of new trek who havent grewn up on OG trek... and still, out of the MAYBE 15 thousand new trek fans who were introduced to it via Discovery/prodigy/the new series- they will inevitably return to the back catalogue of original trek's and come to love it.
    So don't tell me Kirk isn't relevant. You've got some very strange ideas reyan01, you are of course entitled to them but that doesn't make them true.
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    captainperkinscaptainperkins Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    reyan01 wrote: »
    You guys don't need to make excuses for STO....

    1- You don't know what Shatner's rates are for voice work. You just don't. And that's okay not to know something (many of you seem to have issues with that concept.)

    2- STO offended Shatner when an employee put him in a no-win scenario on Twitter. Think about it... if Shatner said yes to the offer to be in game on a twitter feed it would have caused him to lose negotiating power as a business man. If he said no (which he never did) he would be seen as a bad guy. So instead he blocked the STO rep and said to someone else that official channels are approriate. (Cryptic/STO has not approached Shatner via official channels as far as I know.)

    3- When STO launched Shatner was not the lead in star trek and hadn't been for almost a decade and a half! So Kirk wasn't the focus early on in this game and that makes sense.

    The game has gotten more popular since they began bringing screen accurate content in.
    Many players were not present during launch. I was. I recall how different STO was. It was still the most star trek we had gotten in a game in a long time so I LOVED it, but I did notice the original game designs felt generic and like knock off star trek.
    As the dev's brought in more screen accurate stuff the game's popularity and success increased. That isn't a coincidence...

    Kirk is a legendary central figure (even archetypal) to star trek and should be in this game.
    Why anyone would argue against it is bizarre....

    If Dev's want to explain to me that they've tried to reach out to Shatner and tried in good faith and he doesn't want to be a part of this game- then fine. But I'm listening to one of his books he wrote in the late 1990's and not only did he and his co-author come up with combining Borg with Romulan tech, he also revived kirk using borg technology.... VERY similar to a story line STO was playing with early on... I suspect STO originally was leaning toward bringing Shatner in game via his book's lore, but the timing wasn't right for whatever reason.

    I hope we can get Kirk and proper movie era ship interior as well as a final sendoff story for Kirk.
    Shatner is still in the news from going to space. Lets jump on this before it's too late.

    And YOU don't need to make excuses for Shatner.

    1: Neither do you. But I would strongly assume that someone with enough money to actually take a trip to space, and is elderly, wouldn't come cheap. And although I haven't attended a Trek convention that he was involved in since 1995, I do recall that he charged a stupid fee for his signature and even more preposterous sum for a photo with him. FAR more than any of the other actors present at said convention including Mr Nimoy, who was arguably just as (in fact some might argue MORE) "legendary" than Shatner.

    2: I posted a link to that conversation in an earlier post in this thread. Sorry, but what STO said was uber-tame, if not a little over-enthusiastic, and the ever-easily offended Shatner displayed his usual level of arrogance in response. He could have actually SAID "you need to contact my agent" there and then, but instead he let his immense ego do the talking.

    3: You've almost killed your own defense of him here. He may be "legendary" to long-time Trek fans but he isn't quite as relevant to the new generation of fans - those whose interest in Trek, and perhaps STO, was generated by watching Discovery/Lower Decks/Picard/Prodigy. He simply isn't as relevant to this new generation as he is to the more longstanding fans, and like it or not, the element of the fanbase that STO is directing it's attention toward (evidenced by the content and ships) is those introduced to the franchise by it's more recent offerings.

    And the Shatnerverse books are, in my opinion, awful - although I guess they're worth reading if you like how much Shatner loves Shatner. I. however, thought they were a Kirk-worship ego-fest with Shatner's arrogance dripping out of every page. I've read them, but they stick in my mind as some of the worst Trek books I've experienced. They wouldn't have been quite so nauseating if not for Kirk being written to be some sort of deity who can do everything faster, better and smarter than anyone else. 'The Return' in particuar read like Shatner was in denial that Kirk had been killed off and was clutching desperately on a threadbare, contrived idea to bring the captain back against all common sense. And to indulge that, other characters are either quite diminished from their on-screen development or even poorly-written caricatures (Picard in particular). Some of the scenes are simply unbelievable in terms of what the character in question would do - but again, it's all about making Kirk look better than anyone else.
    Seriously- anyone who thinks Burnham is a Mary-Sue really needs to read the Shatnerverse novels because he takes that trope to a level far above anything that's been written for Burnham thus far.
    Saying that, I gather he fell out with Pocket Books not long after he 'wrote' the last novel, hence the fact no more have been produced. Sounds a lot like him actually.

    As for that last statement - why shouldn't we argue against it? Why are you of the opinion that we should support this by default? As said in my earlier post, I'm of the opinion that it would never work anyway - our character is supposed to be the hero of the story. Judging by how Shatner refused to allow the writers to let the USS Excelsior/Captain Sulu do anything significant in STVI, it's more than fair to assume that there is no way on god's earth Shatner would tolerate a story where the universe doesn't revolve around, and isn't saved by, Kirk. And that is, frankly, both boring, rubbish, and nothing that hasn't been done too many times before.

    WOAH WOAH woah.... "Calm yourself Doctor..."

    I didn't write my original posts with any hostility. Your response is a hostile and condescending response.
    You've also revealed your cards... You seem to take the most issue with Shatner's "Lack of humility." Are you the vaunted example of humility?

    Cryptic's old community manager approached Shatner in the most unprofessional way, and STO doesn't have to take that personally. Star Trek Online is a business- and Shatner on Twitter is a business too. STO needs to contact him before it's too late and start peace talks- I believe something beautiful can come from this.

    Like the scene in Enterprise where Tripp and T'pol's baby dies and a tearful Flox looks at Archer and says "Make something good come of this Captain."
    The scene cuts to Archer giving the first speech to Unite the Federation of Planets.
    How can we have Star Trek Online be the best trek game and not have Captain Kirk in it!? (more so than the dying stabbed Kirk in the corridor during that one episode.)

    Just to address some of your points:

    *Shatner's fee isn't going to be so high that the game could fund it's staff and licenses and other contracts for years"... that's a bogus statement with no facts behind it. Shatner will charge something reasonable but on the high end of reasonable.

    Shatner is rude: SO what!? I don't care if he's rude. It's a personality trait called "I'm 90 F*** off son" - And he's earned it.
    Your personal opinion of Shatner has no bearing what so ever on whether he'd bring something special to STO by reviving his character.

    To your point that your character is the star of the game, we have had MANY guest characters who co-star with you. Seven of Nine, Harry Kim, Tom Paris, The Doctor, Neelix the list goes on. Kirk, Sisko, Picard, Archer, Janeway- all characters revered one another in the actual show. Take for example in Trials and Tribbleations, the famous DS9 time travel episode where the Defiant & crew joined the Enterprise. That last scene where Sisko had to pay his respects to Kirk was very impactful- I can see my character in game doing the same exact thing... And Kirk giving a special message just to you. I have goosebumps even just typing this concept up. To quote a politician "c'mon man..." get onboard with this. Kirk may not be your favorite Captain but for you to deny that Kirk would bring something special to STO is frankly disingenuous.

    Let me wrap this up with a little aside, and to show some of my vulnerability (because if you attack my vulnerability I'll know exactly what kind of a person you are...)

    So I grew up in a very abusive and neglectful family. Star Trek essentially raised me. I've somehow managed to scrape some kind of a meaningful life in spite of all Ive endured. When Leonard Nimoy died it felt like losing a favorite uncle. This sounds sad and pathetic because I never knew him- but I believe many fans have similar stories to mine. To this day I take great comfort in visiting his monument in the game and hearing his voice. It helps cheer me up when horrible things happen like my beloved pet getting cancer and then dying. I'd like to see and hear as many of my extended trek family in this game before they die...

    STO should notice it see's its best numbers when they have big stars join and when a story arch emerges. The lock boxes and novelty items like ship and equipment sustains the game in between bigger story lines.

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    captainperkinscaptainperkins Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    We would love to have Shatner in our game. Hopefully some day. As a few have pointed out here, there's some...history there, and also he commands a bit of a higher price. But you never know.

    Thank you for commenting here AmbassadorKael,
    It was fun dancing with you on Risa in the summer.

    Your post did lend some optimism and I can only hope that your team reaches out before Shatner retires (if ever.) I thought the iron is hot right now with him in news for going to space and I think he will be relevant for the next year or so. I also sense a new star trek project in the making that returns to original concepts and will try to involve Shatner within the next 2.5 years and so there's a rare window now for STO to jump on this before he's too busy or feels he's part of official trek again.

    One interesting thing to note is when CBS did a poster celebrating trek but left Kirk out, Shatner poked fun/protested.
    So I think it's clear he feels Kirk is integral to trek and has attachment to being Kirk still...

    Thanks for considering.
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    paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    BTW I'm kind of curious how they would bring in Kirk, Mirror Kirk died off screen after his return to his universe in the Mirror, Mirror episode, and there's also the fact that Prime Kirk is also dead, he died in generations, can't really see the Shatner version showing up unless time travel, cloning or being a hologram is somehow involved.
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    evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    They might be able to get Vic Mignogna, the Kirk from the Star Trek Continues series (if CBS allows them to that is, since it was a fanfilm series and they set up barriers to actors going between those and official Trek).
    Just ask Vic Mignogna


    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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    diocletian#7546 diocletian Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    I have had the hope to someday interact with Captain Kirk in STO since I started playing a few years back. The biggest draw to me starting STO was that I could make a TOS era character, have TOS uniforms, gear, ships and play some TOS themed content.

    Captain James T Kirk as played by William Shatner has been a hero of mine since I first saw my first Star Trek episode “What are Little Girls Made Of” back when I was a young kid in the early 1970’s. It would be the pinnacle of my STO experience if my character could interact with Captain Kirk in some mission. The staff at STO are a very creative bunch and know that could find some way to incorporate Captain Kirk into a story in some capacity. And who knows, maybe if William Shatner were approached in the right way, he might do it. I understand it may be costly. Maybe it can be worked out.
    In watching numerous interviews, it is obvious William Shatner is proud of the impact Captain Kirk has had in inspiring fans like me and may be open to playing that role again in a game environment. There are a lot of dedicated Star Trek fans spanning many age groups playing STO. This would a chance for Captain Kirk once again through his heroism and leadership to inspire fans.
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    Honestly, I do not care to see Shatner nor Stewart in STO. they would cost far too much money that could be used in more productive ways. I do not KNOW the numbers but if they pulled the rabbit out of the hat, I'd wager the money spent would be the salary of a Developer.
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    When is the last time you saw any ad for the game? maybe in a gamer magazine
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,543 Arc User
    When is the last time you saw any ad for the game? maybe in a gamer magazine

    I see ads for the game on Reddit and certain websites. Never have seen an ad for Star Trek Online on TV. Have not read gamer magazines in a very long time, I think my older brother had Nintendo magazines.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    sthe91 wrote: »
    When is the last time you saw any ad for the game? maybe in a gamer magazine

    I see ads for the game on Reddit and certain websites. Never have seen an ad for Star Trek Online on TV. Have not read gamer magazines in a very long time, I think my older brother had Nintendo magazines.

    that's my point. wth isn't PWE asking CBS/paramount for ad space during Disco, LD, Star Wars- prodegy and picard airings?
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,375 Arc User
    sthe91 wrote: »
    When is the last time you saw any ad for the game? maybe in a gamer magazine

    I see ads for the game on Reddit and certain websites. Never have seen an ad for Star Trek Online on TV. Have not read gamer magazines in a very long time, I think my older brother had Nintendo magazines.

    that's my point. wth isn't PWE asking CBS/paramount for ad space during Disco, LD, Star Wars- prodegy and picard airings?

    this...this would so make sense.

    I can't imagine that being cheap. Not to mention there are several ST games on atm.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    captainperkinscaptainperkins Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    I have had the hope to someday interact with Captain Kirk in STO since I started playing a few years back. The biggest draw to me starting STO was that I could make a TOS era character, have TOS uniforms, gear, ships and play some TOS themed content.

    Captain James T Kirk as played by William Shatner has been a hero of mine since I first saw my first Star Trek episode “What are Little Girls Made Of” back when I was a young kid in the early 1970’s. It would be the pinnacle of my STO experience if my character could interact with Captain Kirk in some mission. The staff at STO are a very creative bunch and know that could find some way to incorporate Captain Kirk into a story in some capacity. And who knows, maybe if William Shatner were approached in the right way, he might do it. I understand it may be costly. Maybe it can be worked out.
    In watching numerous interviews, it is obvious William Shatner is proud of the impact Captain Kirk has had in inspiring fans like me and may be open to playing that role again in a game environment. There are a lot of dedicated Star Trek fans spanning many age groups playing STO. This would a chance for Captain Kirk once again through his heroism and leadership to inspire fans.

    Thats a really lovely post and sentiments diocetian!
    I too have my main toon as TOS era, I could give you some cool stuff if we meet up in game. Private message me to exchange deets. We can brain storm ideas for a Kirk appearance in game to offer to Cryptic. :) They have taken almost ALL of my suggestions and put them in game. I'm fairly sure you can thank me for the Undiscovered lock box (since thats even the name I proposed) but just don't thank me as much as you thank our team at Cryptic who work so hard and show so much love to us.

    I really love this game too. Thanks Dev's~
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,540 Arc User
    Too much is made of voiceovers ingame. Both here and other games as well. All that fan service talent comes with a hefty price tag attached. Which could be better spent somewhere else. And the quality of the ingame voiceovers appears to not be worth the money spent. Michael Dorn could have been reading the ingredients off a cereal box. Denise Crosby needed the money. So she put a little more effort into her voicing of a character a lot of people would just as soon see dead.

    If Cryptic waved a big enough payday at Shatner, he would do it. But William Shatner is most definitely not James T. Kirk. There are far too many stories around about him being a TRIBBLE to people. I wouldn't get my hopes up about Shatner voicing Kirk ingame. Too many obstacles.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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